sorry, keep forgetting to post updates here so i have tons of stuff today. Due to how much stuff i'm posting i can't/won't go into detail about the specific about each mod. But things that have been done are new recolors, material/shader edits, model tweaks, and some other fixes. If your interested the image leads to the download.
I've updated her but the Smash Wii U/3DS Samus might not be worth redownloading with the Ultimate import just around the corner. Up to you. The Ultimate import is superior in many ways, model, materials/shaders, rig, etc!
On the subject of Ultimate imports Samus isn't the only one i'm working on.
And there's more on the way
Important Note, these imports won't be like my previous imports. I didn't want to bake the textures and re-texturing from scratch is outta the question. So i've been working on some custom shaders/materials to use with Ultimate imports. These shaders/materials make use of all of Ultimate texture maps: Diffuse, Emissions, Normals, & PRM. I also added the rim effect for a nicer look. All mods in the picture are using these shaders/materials(believe they are slightly outdated, have a better look now). Here's whats left for each:
- Samus: Rig touch ups, recolors, model changer replacement.
- ZSS: Rig touch ups, recolors, model changer replacement, optimizing, textures adjustments.
- Zelda: Rig touch ups, recolors, optimizing, fixing normals, texture adjustments.
- Link: Rig touch ups, recolors, optimizing, expressions, fixing normals, texture adjustments.