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I've never won a For Glory Match ever.


Smash Rookie
Oct 10, 2015
I think I'm just really bad at the game, I'm pretty much playing smash for the first time since Melee and I'm like not used to all the new features what-so-ever. So I'm currently maining Fox, Roy (who I'm glad made it back), and for the hell of it, Fem-Robin and Z-Suit Samus cause she's fast. I have a 0% win ratio, lost all 12 battles so far. Everyone seems to be on another stratosphere in level compared to me.

My tendancies are to use Smash attacks rather than specials, I find some specials to be unreliable and gimmicky, especially Robin's specials. Since Link seems like he's wearing Megaton Boots all the time, (I used to main him in Melee and I don't ever remember him being so sluggish in combat) Fox has really been my MVP, but I feel like he's been nerfed? Not sure why but he's really squishy now. Unless he was always squishy.

I do edge guard, and let people recover when they're falling (not to immediately like hit them as their falling even more so to speak). I like to feel like I smashed them off stage. I love to roll, but rolling in this game feels really sluggish now too, also grabbing is REALLY unreliable now too.

I guess that's all the reasons why I suck so bad.


Smash Champion
May 10, 2008
Watch others play never rely too much on smashes, most are extremely punishable when u miss, and when you use em all the time, you become predictable. Use aerials, grabs, jabs, and tilts more, think about using moves more that are quick and don't leave you totally open, also pay attention to your opponents and try to predict them, instead of rushing in madly. Sometimes all you have to do is turn around and grab em if they try to roll behind you. On my phone so that's all for now but others have more advice


Smash Champion
May 31, 2015
.....maybe wait until you've actually played a significant number of matches and gotten used to the game (only a dozen is really not a good measure of anything and it takes much longer to get used to things than that) before coming to the conclusion you suck? When I first started playing Smash 4 I had a hard enough time handling a level 6 CPU since I wasn't really used to Robin, the general feel/physics changes, using the 3DS as a controller (and then had to get used to using a different controller again when I got the Wii U version) and was rusty as hell in Smash in general since I hadn't really touched Brawl or Melee in like a year+.

My tendancies are to use Smash attacks, I find some specials to be unreliable and gimmicky, especially Robin's specials.
Please tell me you use your jabs, aerials, and tilts too, most smash attacks are pretty laggy and spamming those is just gonna get you hurt. ZSS's smashes aren't terribly good either. And while you shouldn't overuse your specials and some are indeed bad or situational, you usually don't want to underuse (some of) them either. Like, the Thunder spells and Arcfire are a major part of Robin's gameplan, and Nosferatu and Elwind have their uses but you don't use them as much as Thunder/Arcfire.

Fox has really been my MVP, but I feel like he's been nerfed? Not sure why but he's really squishy now. Unless he was always squishy.
If by squishy you mean lightweight and highly comboable, he's always been that way. I suppose I can't blame ya for feeling like he's nerfed since, unlike in Melee, Fox is not #1/the king in Smash 4, though he IS still very good.

@ the bit about sluggishness: that's an engine change between Melee and Smash 4 that you're just kinda gonna have to get used to over time. Melee is essentially the overall "fastest" game in the series, so anything else by comparison is gonna feel a little slow.

One other thing is that it may best to stick with :4fox::4feroy: mostly for your more serious play and not really use :4robinf::4zss: seriously until you're more used to the game and get better in general. Fox and Roy are a lot easier to pick up and learn for the most part than Robin and Sammy are.

Also fighting people on here and getting feedback/critiques/advice after they've seen you fight firsthand is usually helpful too.

Rinku リンク

Hero of "Likes"
Feb 12, 2009
Understanding the game mechanically is the best advice I can give you as a newcomer to Smash 4.

It's important to know the physics and the ins and outs of the game before you can really start to learn.

Once you understand mechanics (ex. perfect shielding, trumping, teching) you can begin to progress in the game.

From there, I'd start looking up guides to your character of choice to understand how they work and the most effective ways to play them.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 23, 2014
Seattle, Washington
Spend lots more time in training mode. Way back when I was still learning the game mechanically I'd just fight low level CPU's. Set it to the lowest level that you can't beat. Keep fighting it over and over until you win, then set the level up one and repeat until you're going steady against 8's or 9's. CPU's aren't a good idea for mental practice against real opponents, but they're fine for just getting comfortable with the game, which it sound like you need to do.
Also, I noticed I have the exact same mains (:4fox::4feroy:) as you do and would be willing to spar and give you some advice. NNID is on my profile so let me know if you feel up for it :).
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