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I've been blacklisted, apparently.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 9, 2014
Chicago, Illinois
Up until two days after Update 1.1.0 hit, my connections were fine. I join rooms and I find other people. For about the past two weeks I've spent about 80% of my time in 1v1 with either Palutena or Mewtwo. These two are zoning characters.

About four days ago, I noticed a huge change: all the rooms are empty, both in FG and FF. In 1v1, I've been forced to fight the same handful of asses: either hardcore campers, spammers, taunters, t-baggers or all in one. I leave one room and the same person is waiting for me when I enter a new one. My connections are great, this much is clear, so WTF is going on?!

Another guy on Gamefaqs had this problem. We both tried calling Nintendo for answers. According to the reps, who weren't too sure themselves, I've apparently been blacklisted, i.e. been reported by a bunch of players, and that's why my rooms are empty.


Apparently, that report option actually works, and you don't even need a reason to submit one; just press the button and select 'Yes.' The consensus among the reps (the guy asked his friends, because he didn't think the function was actually supported) was that I've been beating up a lot of people, and they didn't like that too much. Their salty response was to report me, and apparently they've added up enough to warrant a ban. These reports affect your matchmaking. The reps say it's temporary but they have no idea for how long, and my only option is to wait it out. In the meantime, I get to fight with the other asses who have no doubt also been reported, though in their cases the reason why is obvious.

Long story short, I've been temp banned from general population for doing nothing other than playing the game, and with Palutena and Mewtwo. PALUTENA AND MEWTWO. I'm sure we all know how rare good Mewtwo players are, and Palutena in general. GG, FG.

FG really has me in a bad place...
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Smash Apprentice
Feb 26, 2014
Impel Down
Oh man, best of luck. I have a bad feeling that this might happen to me.
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Smash Ace
Feb 23, 2015
Creepy Steeple
What?! I didn't think the report feature even worked, let alone affect your matchmaking! If that's the case, I must have been reported quite a lot, because I haven't gotten anyone better than a Ness spamming PK Fire and a wimpy Link shooting arrows at the edge of the stage. That's actually really interesting (and sad) to hear. Let's pray that someday we receive an update that places us in FG with players similar to our skill level, measured by our win rate rather than the amount of "reports" we've gotten for simply beating our opponents.

Hopefully this all works out for you, and anyone else who's experiencing the same thing. Oh, and kudos to you for using Mewtwo and Palutena!


Smash Apprentice
Dec 9, 2014
Chicago, Illinois

As of August 14, 6pm, I've been released from Report Hell, aka Smash Jail; I was detained for 11 days. Can confirm, this is a thing; according to Reddit, the more you get blacklisted, the longer the ban. Someone reported being out for up to a month. It's ridiculous.

Don't get me wrong, most of the people I came across ABSOLUTELY deserved to be banned; I found so many racist and anti-Semitic tags, and even uglier personal signatures. I found a ton of lag switchers as well, and that's not including the playstyles of some of these guys/girls. Quite a few people were actually really good though; most were jerks, but I could tell a handful of them were just reported out of spite. I saw a common trend among most of the better players was that they used zoning characters, myself included.

Honestly, blocking another player should be simple; if you're going to report someone, however, you should need to have to provide a written explanation as to WHY you are writing the report, or WHY you feel that person should receive a report. You'll be messing with someone's matchmaking after all. Match replays ought to be sent automatically whenever you send the report. As it is, the system is highly abusable. We can only hope for better, I guess.

On the upside, freedom is sweet!!! I'd say I'd learned my lesson: don't win matches with zoners, lol.
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Smash Rookie
Aug 2, 2015
Somewhere over the Rainbow
I didn't know Palutena was a zoning character... >.>

Other than that, I've been Blacklisted as well. I find it kinda odd that everyone is getting Blacklisted around this certain time this month. I wonder what's up with that? Perhaps it's some type of bug, like the one they had early on in the game's release.
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The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Well that's just dumb.

I'm worried about suffering from this myself now, lol

Hopefully I won't be having to deal with that. If I do, I'll just have to live with it, until they (hopefully) update the system....
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Smash Champion
May 10, 2008
my "ban" just ended, so now i'm back to the normal server.

most of my reports I'm pretty confident where strictly out of players being salty because I beat em so badly. Most of my matches tend to be either close and I win or lose, or I flat out slaughter my opponent 2 stocking them hard, rarely do i end up being humiliated in a match, the times I am, i'm usually a character that i'm unfamilar with.

I don't have any lag issues(course my 3DS game when I use it at my jobs crappy wifi..yeah that has major lag issues, but at home, none, oddly enough, haven't been blacklisted at all on 3DS despite me likely putting people in more rage then usual from my lag at work), and I rarely say something hateful or spiteful to my opponent, usually the only times I do are when they said something first, and seeing as we both tend to leave at the character select screen in these situations, neither of us can get reported anyhow as you can only report someone at the results screen.

so...it has to be primarily from salty players who lose against me.


the true enemy of humanity is anime
Feb 8, 2014
Oh, that is a thing? I think I was blacklisted once because finding full room matches took longer than it should (I play mostly For Fun). It is all fine now, though, so the soft ban must have ended. Anyways, that is really pretty stupid. For a report system to work, there needs to be people checking the reports. Banning people for being good players is laughable sad, but at the same time, it's not really surprisingly that a Nintendo game would have such a primitive report system.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2013
I almost exclusively see people who were probably banned for being too good.

I am in banland too. Although I think it is for no good reason, I think that I know why I am in banland. I often 2-stocked people with my defensive R.O.B. and celebrated using taunts and uptilts.
And who does not like being 2-stocked like a scrub by a defensive R.O.B. that keeps celebrating victories and kills?

Some of you may say that I deserve being banned for taunting. But image if in soccer we banned winners for celebrating their victory. Would that not be ridiculous? Do you really want to force winners of competitive games to act as if it does not phase them when they win? I thought that games were for fun. Celebrating over a win is fun and I can take it if my opponent does that. Getting mad over a loss and trying to ruin the game for my opponent as an act of revenge does not seem fun to me though. And if you think that is fun then you are probably just a nasty person.

And yes I do camp or spam often. Do I deserve a ban for that? I dislike getting combo'd. Do I need to report people who combo me because they play in a way that I dislike (and is easy to pull off I might add, since I main R.O.B.)?
In a good competitive game you do not need to sandbag in order to have fun. If Smash is any good competitively then it should be easy to beat any boring playstyle. And it is. The only people that I beat with predictable spam are people that are vulnerable to it thanks to a lack of skill and thus they should welcome the practice instead of demanding that I sandbag them because they lack skill.

Ryuki of Spiral Rhapsody

Smash Apprentice
Apr 27, 2015
What's sad is that most of my wins are against people who taunt way too early, as if they're sure they have the upper-hand in the match or something, and then I destroy them right after. I was playing the video game.

When I go straight to the character select screen and I see they're still on the Results screen, it's pretty clear they're reporting me... especially since I'm complimented with "UCANTPLAY" or any sort of anti-Asian slur (side note, I love how they use anti-Chinese and anti-Japanese stuff against a Southeast Asian... lmao)

Yeah, I think I've been booked into For Hell mode, because I've been seeing an increasing amount of lunatics online. Again, it's really sad, because I've literally been put here just because I play the video game. I'm not here to disrespect. The people who reported me were however, and I guess Mr. "SAVAGE" and "SMASH_GOD" weren't happy about their losses.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 9, 2014
Chicago, Illinois
So... what indicates that you're blacklisted anyways?
The first things I noticed was that it took far longer than usual to get into both ffa and team rooms, and when I finally did get in, I was the only one. The same happened for 1v1, and I thought maybe a lot of people were offline for some reason. I fought a person a few times, left to find another opponent, and ran into the same guy four times within ten minutes. This pretty much never happens.

If you find yourself encountering the same handful of four or five people over a period of time (like an hour or two), you've likely been blacklisted. The game doesn't explicitly tell you when or why, either. It also doesn't tell you when you're free; I joined a ffa match and quickly found three people I hadn't seen over the past week. I left, joined a different room, and found three more people I didn't recognize. Went to teams, same thing. You're left completely in the dark over this stuff.


Smash Cadet
Jun 12, 2014
Apparently I have too. For over two hours tonight I faced only the same five or six people no matter how many times I left and re-joined; I'm one of the freaking nicest Smash players too, I never taunt, I play fairly, don't spam, and have only used tags that say "LOL GG" at the most offensive.

I'm pretty annoyed, because I think it was a Lucina or a Fox I played earlier who got a little upset when my Charizard actually wasn't crap.

Oh well.


Smash Rookie
Mar 23, 2015
What's sad is that most of my wins are against people who taunt way too early, as if they're sure they have the upper-hand in the match or something, and then I destroy them right after. I was playing the video game.
By taunting too early, are you by chance referring to the opponent taunting at the beginning of the match?
If so, I think that might possibly be a misinterpretation (in my opinion at least). For me, I and a bunch of other friends and players I perform such an action to represent a greet or something of that effect.

I almost exclusively see people who were probably banned for being too good.

I am in banland too. Although I think it is for no good reason, I think that I know why I am in banland. I often 2-stocked people with my defensive R.O.B. and celebrated using taunts and uptilts.
And who does not like being 2-stocked like a scrub by a defensive R.O.B. that keeps celebrating victories and kills?

Some of you may say that I deserve being banned for taunting. But image if in soccer we banned winners for celebrating their victory. Would that not be ridiculous? Do you really want to force winners of competitive games to act as if it does not phase them when they win? I thought that games were for fun. Celebrating over a win is fun and I can take it if my opponent does that. Getting mad over a loss and trying to ruin the game for my opponent as an act of revenge does not seem fun to me though. And if you think that is fun then you are probably just a nasty person.

And yes I do camp or spam often. Do I deserve a ban for that? I dislike getting combo'd. Do I need to report people who combo me because they play in a way that I dislike (and is easy to pull off I might add, since I main R.O.B.)?
In a good competitive game you do not need to sandbag in order to have fun. If Smash is any good competitively then it should be easy to beat any boring playstyle. And it is. The only people that I beat with predictable spam are people that are vulnerable to it thanks to a lack of skill and thus they should welcome the practice instead of demanding that I sandbag them because they lack skill.
Honestly for me, I do get angry when losing to players who are comparatively much more defensive than me. Though that's only in certain cases since there's also the chance that you're a good defensive player...
Uh... that aside
I don't know if I should butt in with your case but I think up tilting a lot would be a recommended choice of celebration if you choose to. A taunt by far is well... a taunt... Which with your logic would be what you're doing whilst patting yourself on the back.
Take what I say lightly though since I don't mean to change your habits completely.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 7, 2014
They just shouldn't allow reporting on for glory probably. by its nature it's going to be more serious than for fun. its 1v1, so the whole "gang up on a player" would never apply. play "cheap" is rather subjective, and although annoying, playing to win is just what you should expect. If you can possibly find some way to detect when there are large area's of packet loss, you could conceivably report for system tampering (lag switching), but that would be the only things.

I just got out of some for fun stuff, just killing time until i heard back from some friends who might've been hopping on to play, and i ran into 2 groups who would just sit around doing nothing, and then start to gang up one person (me because i was the aggressor), you better believe i reported all of them. But even though i run into people on for glory who are just hyper aggressive, i wouldn't report them for that, unless they were being outright disrespectful (using name tags to sling mud).


Smash Journeyman
Aug 7, 2015
Some of you may say that I deserve being banned for taunting. But image if in soccer we banned winners for celebrating their victory. Would that not be ridiculous? Do you really want to force winners of competitive games to act as if it does not phase them when they win? I thought that games were for fun. Celebrating over a win is fun and I can take it if my opponent does that. Getting mad over a loss and trying to ruin the game for my opponent as an act of revenge does not seem fun to me though. And if you think that is fun then you are probably just a nasty person.
I don't know about FIFA but in AYSO you can be carded for excessive celebration during the game.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2013
I don't know about FIFA but in AYSO you can be carded for excessive celebration during the game.
That is different though.
In AYSO you can insult the opponent or waste time with celebrating. In Smash 3DS insulting the opponent is impossible and wasting time with celebrating during the match is impossible as well because unlike in AYSO celebrating does not stop the opponent from proceeding.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 7, 2015
No I've been insulted in Smash 3DS. I've seen some nasty taglines on peoples' profiles. I'll give you the wasting time during a match though.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 8, 2015
>Allow taunting in online play
>Get banned for taunting in online play
>please understand

Ryuki of Spiral Rhapsody

Smash Apprentice
Apr 27, 2015
By taunting too early, are you by chance referring to the opponent taunting at the beginning of the match?
If so, I think that might possibly be a misinterpretation (in my opinion at least). For me, I and a bunch of other friends and players I perform such an action to represent a greet or something of that effect.
Oh, no, I'm okay with that.
I'm talking about

Little Mac's Side Smash sends me off the stage a respectable distance

Up Taunt twice

perfect pivots for no reason in the middle of the stage when i'm recovering

like, only 15 seconds passed.... dude


Smash Rookie
Mar 23, 2015
Ew... That's still a thing? I only see Falcon's or high-tiered characters do that kind of icky behavior...

So that's whatcha mean. Well then that's more than reasonable. : P


Smash Apprentice
Dec 28, 2014
Ontario, Canada
Wait, this can seriously happen? How can Nintendo make a report button like that and just expect salty For Glory players to not abuse it?

I usually don't run into many unpleasant people on For Glory, but I did today. Hopefully I don't get blacklisted


Smash Journeyman
Jun 17, 2015
I think this just happened to me now. I was just having fun when I beat a Kirby on For Glory who took a little while to get out of the Results screen then left. My guess is he reported me a bunch of times, and now I can't seem to get away from the spamming Links and those people who insult you through the name system.
I guess you can get blacklisted for being too good at the game...


Rawr~ ♪
Mar 15, 2012
Charific Valley
  1. 1.
    a remark made in order to anger, wound, or provoke someone.
So Nintendo willingly put something like this in their game, and decided to ban users for using it? Okay.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2013
I don't know if I should butt in with your case but I think up tilting a lot would be a recommended choice of celebration if you choose to. A taunt by far is well... a taunt... Which with your logic would be what you're doing whilst patting yourself on the back.
Take what I say lightly though since I don't mean to change your habits completely.
Feel free to butt in but I do not know what you mean. I love patting myself on the back though.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2013
I think that I have been unbanned or at least moved to a lower tier because I found multpile people in a pretty short time. I also think that because they were all way too bad to get that far in banland by skill alone.

However I owned them all big them and I even JV 3-stocked a nooby Ganondorf so I guess I will be back in banaland soon.

Edit: OK I need to look to the last poster before I post because I accidentally double posted. Sorry!
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Smash Cadet
Jul 26, 2015
They should force a reason to report so that butthurt infants who can't take a loss will stop putting people in these kind of bull**** situations.


Smash Rookie
Jul 31, 2015
Hey guys im a link player you might know me if you play for glory on the 3ds I don't like to consider myself a spammer especially since I am able to beat most foxes without almost any items just using tilt smashes jumps Exedra I guess sometimes I do spam with characters that allow me but when im put against most toon links and links projectiles i just do my best to get around them and I beat most Links and toon links its something you have to learn to get over or around. I can juggle with my items projectiles is that considered spaming? But i have allso been black listed thanks nintendo if youve played againt me do u consider me a spamer?


Smash Ace
Mar 28, 2015
Hey guys im a link player you might know me if you play for glory on the 3ds I don't like to consider myself a spammer especially since I am able to beat most foxes without almost any items just using tilt smashes jumps Exedra I guess sometimes I do spam with characters that allow me but when im put against most toon links and links projectiles i just do my best to get around them and I beat most Links and toon links its something you have to learn to get over or around. I can juggle with my items projectiles is that considered spaming? But i have allso been black listed thanks nintendo if youve played againt me do u consider me a spamer?
People who use the same moves over and over again mindlessly are spammers, I'd think.
People who use projectiles/etc. with a purpose aren't spammers.

Either way, though, it gets annoying for lots of people whether you're actually a spammer or not.

Welcome to Smashboards, btw :)


Smash Journeyman
Oct 31, 2014
I had no idea there was a blacklist, I think I may have been blacklisted. Recently, I've been getting a lot of spammy Links and other terrible players...


Smash Rookie
Aug 22, 2015
LOL THIS MUST BE WHAT'S HAPPENING TO ME! I have a godly internet connection yet almost every For Glory match I get is full of stupid kids on FREAKING LAGGY internet connections. The lag has gotten so bad I am about to give up online play xD


Smash Journeyman
Nov 10, 2014
@ ShionKaito438 ShionKaito438 @ Zeepington Zeepington @ Smashifer Smashifer @ _Railgun _Railgun @ Jeronado Jeronado
Call Nintendo and let them know what's up.
1 (800) 255-3700

If this is affecting you or has affected you, tell them about your experience and how the lack of transparency (no notifcation of ban, no amount of time needed, no reason for ban) is unprofessional. Basicall just send feedback.

Basically, both those who've been banned or not, let Nintendo know that the Report system can and is being abused. People who leave the blacklisted list have found themselves back in the jail in less than 24 hours upon leaving despite their behavior being squeaky clean to avoid another ban.

The system is broken and Nintendo needs to be aware. This can't possibily be the intended results.
So please, please, please, call Nintendo.
1 (800) 255-3700

I plan on calling again tomorrow (3rd time) and I'm going to let them know that I'm going to keep calling until either they tell me what I did wrong or they fix the game.
Do the same. Be stubborn and spread the word and number.
The guy even told me, I've never heard of this issue, but we usually look into them if enough people mention it. Spread the number. Post of sites, comment sections, and forums. Help end this stupid Report system that runs on the flawed honor system.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 31, 2014
Does anyone know what can get you into the blacklist in the first place? Aside from reports.

Sometimes I Bowsercide to win a match if a player's made me salty, could that potentially have blacklisted me?
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Smash Journeyman
Nov 10, 2014
Does anyone know what can get you into the blacklist in the first place? Aside from reports.

Sometimes I Bowsercide to win a match if a player's made me salty, could that potentially have blacklisted me?
It seems to be reports.

Unless if they made it so certain actions trigger bans?
Like maybe they become aware of T-bagging and now if the game detects that you are rapidly tapping down, you get a red flag?
I don't know. I know that sounds stupid, but then again this whole system is stupid. How can you be banned and notified? That's pretty weak and unprofessional. I'm really hoping whatever maintenance they do to the online this Monday addresses this issue.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 30, 2015
I think I'm into this since yesterday, I ran into a Tea-bagging Zelda player multiple times and a Jpuff player that only used uncharged rollout. I also entered a FFA room only to be met with my first ever taunt party... wasn't having it.
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