Hey everyone , I got this game when i was very young , I believe like 4-6 and I remember loving it , my mom even bought me the n64 one when it first came out (:
Well I've always been a gamer , I got into league of legends competitively reached gold 5 got bored and quit , I now play cs go competitively and i am silver 4 , so I have a competitive nature I don't like losing and love a new challenge , seeing this game is popular again and nostalgia wise I love it I want to try and be competitive with ti just for fun.
I am also trying to get into such a warm community because all people do my age now a days is smoke weed and it makes me sad , I used to be a part of that group and now I see how stupid it is lol , seriously weed is stupid don't do it.
Anyways my question is is it growing? How long will it grow for?
My 2 characters I love is Captain Falcon and Dr. Mario , I like dr mario because he is rated so low but he just was fun to play and is interesting to me. Thoughts on either of my characters?
Thanks everyone!
Well I've always been a gamer , I got into league of legends competitively reached gold 5 got bored and quit , I now play cs go competitively and i am silver 4 , so I have a competitive nature I don't like losing and love a new challenge , seeing this game is popular again and nostalgia wise I love it I want to try and be competitive with ti just for fun.
I am also trying to get into such a warm community because all people do my age now a days is smoke weed and it makes me sad , I used to be a part of that group and now I see how stupid it is lol , seriously weed is stupid don't do it.
Anyways my question is is it growing? How long will it grow for?
My 2 characters I love is Captain Falcon and Dr. Mario , I like dr mario because he is rated so low but he just was fun to play and is interesting to me. Thoughts on either of my characters?
Thanks everyone!