I put this up in another thread but thought it would fit this one well:
I saw that one of your parts was about a demo and I sent Nintendo this message:
With Super Smash Bros. Brawls being delayed purely for financial
reasons I would like to request a demo of Brawl that can be played by all who
own a Wii to make up for Reggie failing with his promise that all big
3 games would be coming out this year. This demo could stop many angry
people sending hate mail and picketing outside Nintendo.
I empathize with your frustration at having to wait a little longer to
play Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Like you, many of us here were counting
down the days until the December release.
Having said that, we know that the development team has been working to
make this edition of Super Smash Bros. the best ever, and wouldn't
push back a firm release date unless there was a good reason to do so.
It's worth noting that there are still many things about this game that
haven't yet been revealed. On behalf of Nintendo I ask for your
patience as we prepare for the February 10th launch date.
Some of you have asked if we're planning to release a demo of the game.
Nothing has been announced, but typically game demos are released to
familiarize players with a game they hadn't heard of and encourage them
to buy it. I think you'll agree that's really not the case with Super
Smash Bros. Brawl!
By the way, for the latest news and information on this upcoming title,
please stay tuned to Nintendo's official Super Smash Bros. Brawl
website. I've included a direct link to it below:
Nintendo of America Inc.
Odessa Smith