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Is it bad to never desycnh besides during grabs?!?!?


Smash Cadet
Mar 25, 2008
I have been using the IC's since the beginning of brawl now, and i love using them. But the only times i every desynch are for grabs, grab smashes, and if lag permits a CG here and there, but other than that i do not desynch. I win most of my matches, and alot of them are close calls, but some of them are outright wins. My strat revolves around the grab smash, SH Blizzard, and Squalls.....

My question is, how much more could i do if i truly desynched and did alternating attacks and more aerials/tilts?!?! I feel like i am gimping my own fighters when i use them this way, but it seems to work well enough.

Any Advice? Thank you in advance!


Smash Apprentice
Mar 26, 2007
Ann Arbor, MI
My expereince has been that you will run into trouble against anyone who's set to out camp you. Without desyncing, you have very limited approach options, and though ICs hit boxes are technically disjointed, they still have pretty poor range when it comes to spacing.

Desyncing allows you to pressure them just out of range, while keeping one climber open to punish any advance of theirs, since you can appear to leave openings, and cover with the other climber.

It takes some micro management, and you have to keep moving if you want a steady desync, but it will definitely make your ICs better. Catching an apporach with a short hopped Blizz into a desynced USmash is wonderful.

Sadly, Brawl lacks the quick easy desyncs that melee had, at least that I've seen, so it takes more practice to get going as seamlessly as possible. You can desync off of almost any move, though, it just takes more practice.

Desyncing also makes matches exciting to play imo, since you get to camp up in their face, instead of far away, spamming ice blocks. Just watch out for super armor, I can't tell you how often I've gotten overexcited and tried to interrupt a laggy approach only to still take it in the face. >_>

Hope I helped, gotta rep the ICs! And don't be discouraged by the number of "bad" matchups we've got. Just means you look sexier when stomping them 0-death.


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
My expereince has been that you will run into trouble against anyone who's set to out camp you. Without desyncing, you have very limited approach options, and though ICs hit boxes are technically disjointed, they still have pretty poor range when it comes to spacing.

Desyncing allows you to pressure them just out of range, while keeping one climber open to punish any advance of theirs, since you can appear to leave openings, and cover with the other climber.

It takes some micro management, and you have to keep moving if you want a steady desync, but it will definitely make your ICs better. Catching an apporach with a short hopped Blizz into a desynced USmash is wonderful.

Sadly, Brawl lacks the quick easy desyncs that melee had, at least that I've seen, so it takes more practice to get going as seamlessly as possible. You can desync off of almost any move, though, it just takes more practice.

Desyncing also makes matches exciting to play imo, since you get to camp up in their face, instead of far away, spamming ice blocks. Just watch out for super armor, I can't tell you how often I've gotten overexcited and tried to interrupt a laggy approach only to still take it in the face. >_>

Hope I helped, gotta rep the ICs! And don't be discouraged by the number of "bad" matchups we've got. Just means you look sexier when stomping them 0-death.
I agree here. I camp with the ICs and it would be bad for you if you didn't desynch.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 25, 2008
Orange County, CA
My expereince has been that you will run into trouble against anyone who's set to out camp you. Without desyncing, you have very limited approach options, and though ICs hit boxes are technically disjointed, they still have pretty poor range when it comes to spacing.

Desyncing allows you to pressure them just out of range, while keeping one climber open to punish any advance of theirs, since you can appear to leave openings, and cover with the other climber.

It takes some micro management, and you have to keep moving if you want a steady desync, but it will definitely make your ICs better. Catching an apporach with a short hopped Blizz into a desynced USmash is wonderful.

Sadly, Brawl lacks the quick easy desyncs that melee had, at least that I've seen, so it takes more practice to get going as seamlessly as possible. You can desync off of almost any move, though, it just takes more practice.

Desyncing also makes matches exciting to play imo, since you get to camp up in their face, instead of far away, spamming ice blocks. Just watch out for super armor, I can't tell you how often I've gotten overexcited and tried to interrupt a laggy approach only to still take it in the face. >_>

Hope I helped, gotta rep the ICs! And don't be discouraged by the number of "bad" matchups we've got. Just means you look sexier when stomping them 0-death.
Agreed. By the way does anyone here use desynced arial aattacks?


Smash Master
Jul 19, 2006
Portland, Oregon
I don't desynch except during grabs, I find it works pretty well, I like to use sh blizzards and such.


Smash Journeyman
May 21, 2007
Agreed. By the way does anyone here use desynced arial aattacks?
I do, not back 2 back tho. I mean, I wont Fair wit Popo > Fair wit Nana.
Id Fair wit Popo > Blizz wit nana > Squall wit Popo > Fair wit Nana.

That sorta thing, Jus 2 mix it up.

Anyway, I dont think desynching is overated. Mayb UNDERrated, rofl, Im not even joking. Its so dern usefull, U can desynch from almost ANYTHING at almost ANYTIME.

Im not saying u should b desynched the entire match or anything but seriously.. use it.. abuse it.

Blizzard > Grab iz 2 nice. Thats a reason 2 desynch in itself.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 25, 2008
Coventry, Connecticut/ Melb
Agreed. By the way does anyone here use desynced arial aattacks?
It depends on the situation but some times I will such as: doing a short hop blizzard and a Bair, or short hop ice block and Fair. There was one time (which was an accident) I Fair'ed with nana and Bair'ed with popo, so I basicly spiked them into a bair; it looked cool though. However for me its very situational, and usually revolves around luck.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 25, 2008
Orange County, CA
It depends on the situation but some times I will such as: doing a short hop blizzard and a Bair, or short hop ice block and Fair. There was one time (which was an accident) I Fair'ed with nana and Bair'ed with popo, so I basicly spiked them into a bair; it looked cool though. However for me its very situational, and usually revolves around luck.
After spamming desynced IB's the opponent will usually try to jump over you and hit you with his/her Dair. What I do when the opponent gets close: Have Nana jump>her Fair> Popo jump ( this will make Nana float)>Popo Dair>Nana Blizzard>( At low Percent)Popo grab ( At high percent) Popo hyphen smash OR Nana jump >Nana Fair>Popo SH>Popo Uair>Belay. The first one is kinda hard to pull off but it is definitely worth it!


Smash Cadet
Apr 26, 2008
riverside, ca
My expereince has been that you will run into trouble against anyone who's set to out camp you. Without desyncing, you have very limited approach options, and though ICs hit boxes are technically disjointed, they still have pretty poor range when it comes to spacing.

Desyncing allows you to pressure them just out of range, while keeping one climber open to punish any advance of theirs, since you can appear to leave openings, and cover with the other climber.

It takes some micro management, and you have to keep moving if you want a steady desync, but it will definitely make your ICs better. Catching an apporach with a short hopped Blizz into a desynced USmash is wonderful.

Sadly, Brawl lacks the quick easy desyncs that melee had, at least that I've seen, so it takes more practice to get going as seamlessly as possible. You can desync off of almost any move, though, it just takes more practice.

Desyncing also makes matches exciting to play imo, since you get to camp up in their face, instead of far away, spamming ice blocks. Just watch out for super armor, I can't tell you how often I've gotten overexcited and tried to interrupt a laggy approach only to still take it in the face. >_>

Hope I helped, gotta rep the ICs! And don't be discouraged by the number of "bad" matchups we've got. Just means you look sexier when stomping them 0-death.
i agree desyncing gives you more power and more options. If you dont desyncing your only one character not two.

Agreed. By the way does anyone here use desynced arial aattacks?
yeah i actually like using desynced f- airs while approaching... or desynced u-airs when attacking someone above


Smash Cadet
Apr 26, 2008
riverside, ca
If only desyncs were easier and more intuitive. What happened to holding down a b-move while rolling?
yeah there's not much if any good dysyncs.... you can either wait for your opponents attack to desync you or you could do a dance dash and push b or do a smash


Smash Journeyman
May 21, 2007
Theirs still a good amount of desynchs, mayb a liiiiiil tougher than melee, but their good.

Like I personally, luv desynchin from Tipped tilts, and land cancelled ariels. Its like, the most non-noticable desynchs in the game. And their so flexible, u dont even have 2 tilt the oppenent, u can Ftilt the Waddle dee. Or u can land cancel an ariel on a Gyro (U have 2 space it right tho) These r the ICs 2 bes desynchs I think, because it allows u to play aggresive and desynch at the same time. Instead of Rolling backwards > shooting IB.
Or something of that sort.

I honestly dont see an IC beating some of the tougher match ups without Desynching (As previously stated in this thread). And honestly, why not desynch.. seriously, theirs like 100 pros and 0 cons if u kno wut yur doing. (Mayb slight over exageration).

Jus meh opinion :D
Ya dig?


Smash Cadet
Mar 25, 2008
thanks alot guys, im diggin all this feed back and am currently reading the de sycnch threads and practice in training mode
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