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Is Ike good?


Smash Rookie
Jun 6, 2008
Missouri City, Tx
Well I firmly believe that Ike is good in the right hands. If your really good at spacing an Ike can quite efficiently beat a Marth. Ike can also force people to give him room to get back up on stage with aether. Not to mention that you can aether spike any person who tries to come out and gimp you i.e. MK, ROB and so on. You can force them to respect your range and let you get back to land lest they risk losing a life. Please note that is just one move. Quick Draw is also another very useful move (as you all know) you can use it to dash across the stage rather fast to attack. The ability to cancel it out makes it even better. You can charge it up enough so you will fly over to you opponent and deliver a nice fast AAA combo or a quick blast of eruption. BTW eruption only seems to be good to prevent people from juggling your Ike IMO. Ike at the edge can also be a force to reckon with you can back throw your opponent off the edge and 90% of the time they'll try to jump back on which in that instant will put them in perfect position to be spiked. If at any time an Ike is up I firmly believe that an Ike can win any match especially against non projectile users since they will be forced to come and try to assault you from close range. Really all it takes to make Ike a true beast is proper spacing.

BTW Olimar can be gimped much easier than Ike knock him far enough off the stage and he's toast that shouldn't be a problem since he's light anyways. Co nsidering that you already know Olimars are almost always gonna try to grab you and in that instant when you're confident on what your opponent is plotting Short hop and whack them with Ike's f air I'm pretty sure if you whack them about 4 times like that they'll learn to respect you and the fact that you don't want to be grabbed.

doom dragon 105

Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2006
most people on this board dont kow what their talkng about

ike is ok he is noob friendly but to play well you have to think. he doesn't require much practice jist you have to think with ike a little more than you do if you play with any other characters.


Smash Journeyman
May 14, 2008
A LOT more.

I think the reason I do well with Ike is because he plays so differently. You don't want to be right there all the time. You want to plot and predict, keep your space. I get ***** with my other characters because no matter how hard I try, I can't outprioritize/clash/out range people whenever I want. Ike lets me do that reliably and at my own pace. With proper sdi and di Ike can punish much more than any other character, too. Well, not MORE...but certainly harder. WHAMMY.
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