Popularity has nothing to do with a war. I was referring to the probably Iranian War with the way McCain speaks.
You watch too much news. Keep in mind that basically everything you see or hear in the media has a strong liberal bias. McCain has no intention of going to war with Iran unless they do something to warrant it. As a matter of fact, Hilary is the one who outright threatened to destroy Iran.
4,000 human lives that died needlessly IS a high number. The fact of the matter is the people never asked for us to go there and help them. We decided to do so because we want to be the World Police. We are not the World Police, and we cannot afford to keep spending money on a war that we shouldn't be in. If a country somehow attacked us, we would be in a horrible way because of all our troops everywhere else in the world.
Well now you are just whining. 4,000 lives in exchange for the liberation of 50 million, the removal of a sadistic, genocidal, and insane dictator, greatly reduced threat from terrorists, and securing yet another democracy on the planet. Not exactly needless if you look at it.
And they never ask for our help because they don't know that they can, or they have no way of doing so. Most of the time, these evil dictator types use the media in their country to make the people believe America is a huge evil empire and that the soldiers will come in and eat their babies and **** the women. Even in Japan in WW2 some of the poor villagers would commit suicide, or sons would beat their mothers to death with rocks and farm tools because they were told the American troops would torture and **** them. One news station in Iran was told by the Iranian government to create a kids show with a guy in a costume that sort of looked like Mickey Mouse. The show ran for a while and the Iranian kids loved it. The station set up a live performance and sold tickets to thousands of people and then canceled the show at the last minute because "The Americans killed 'Mickey Mouse."
And sorry, but we kind of are the world police. As the most powerful country on earth, we have a responsibility to protect those who can not protect themselves, and we have a responsibility to protect ourselves even if it means stopping a threat before it attacks us.
If you don't agree with that, you can make a big cardboard sign and sit outside of the white house, or you can move your whinny *** to Canada. You have the right to do either one.
And if you really think the US couldn't defend itself from attack right now, you are just naive. There are over 1.5 million soldiers in the different branches of the military and another 1 million in reserves. Currently 200,000 US troops are overseas in over 100 countries and another 150,000 are in Iraq alone. So 86% of our military is still at home. That is more than enough to defend this country from direct attack from any other country on the planet. Besides, it doesn't take 50,000 soldiers to fly a single F-22 and take out 20 enemy fighters. It doesn't take 2,000 troops to fire a few missiles and sink a bunch of enemy ships. The US does not fight a war with troops, it fights with technology. Why do you think the US has had so few casualties compared to the enemy in Iraq?
And what country is going to attack the US anyway? That is just begging for an *** kicking.
Seriously, stop listening to the media hype.