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In severe need of help, in any way possible


Smash Ace
Aug 11, 2015
As the name implies, my Fox is in severe need of help. 4th day of straight losses on For Fun, 4th DC in a row during a match. I would have posted this in the NNID thread, but the situation is urgent enough it warranted its own thread. At this point, any source of help is appreciated that will increase my game ten-fold.

I am in urgent need of help. I won once today, but that was because I used Fox's Landmaster effectively.

Any replies will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.


Editing Staff
Writing Team
Aug 3, 2014
New Jersey
Switch FC
Post a video of your Fox on the Fox Video/Critique thread. The people there should give a good yet not too hard critique on your Fox's playstyle.


Editing Staff
Writing Team
Aug 3, 2014
New Jersey
Switch FC
And how do i get a replay from the game to this website? I'm not the most tech literate.
1. Upload the replay to Youtube via the in-game upload feature
2. Post the link to the Youtube video on the critique thread


Peace and love and all that jazzmatazz~! <3
Aug 28, 2014
Here, there, who knows?
First thing to note is that For Fun isn't the best depiction of raw skill. Not to say it isn't a valid mode or you don't have to be good to win, but there is a random element to it that requires a different skillset to perform well in. Bear in mind that, in some cases, it might be the stage or the items getting in your way, instead of you not being a good player.

I think you need to work on your fundamentals before you do anything else. Know what each move does, when it is and isn't safe to use them, how to use them effectively and how to mix them up; work on moving in different ways instead of just rolling, because rolling is a useful technique in certain contexts and not in others; fight different characters so you can get used to the matchup; practice shielding, dodging, teching and getup options. Just practice these small things whenever you can and it will help you perform better.


Smash Ace
Aug 11, 2015
First thing to note is that For Fun isn't the best depiction of raw skill. Not to say it isn't a valid mode or you don't have to be good to win, but there is a random element to it that requires a different skillset to perform well in. Bear in mind that, in some cases, it might be the stage or the items getting in your way, instead of you not being a good player.

I think you need to work on your fundamentals before you do anything else. Know what each move does, when it is and isn't safe to use them, how to use them effectively and how to mix them up; work on moving in different ways instead of just rolling, because rolling is a useful technique in certain contexts and not in others; fight different characters so you can get used to the matchup; practice shielding, dodging, teching and getup options. Just practice these small things whenever you can and it will help you perform better.
I'm thinking I'm just going to do 2 vs 2 from now on, still stay out of FG, but its obvious at the moment, I can't win a match for the life of me. I consider only myself to blame, though I do agree some courses are just not designed for such intensity, just as the Gamer course, or Skyworld. A important key factor here is, for the most part, I had lost my head. Not just that, but that I am practically blind when it comes to conditioning or "reading" opponents.

I really need people to practice with, not complete strangers over the web who get the impression I'm a complete scrub, but people in my friend network. Since I am not blessed with knowing anyone who plays Smash personally (and this performance is exactly the reason I won't go to tourneys), here is probably my only option.I can read the guides here or watch videos on YouTube til I get an eyesore, but if I can't do it myself while the information is fresh, it will only be time wasted.


Smash Ace
Jun 26, 2015
For one, about 99.9% of people on For Fun don't know how to mix-up or read the opponent. I'd wager a majority don't even know what that is.

Second, you're upset at all your losing. That's why you keep losing. The more you lose, the more upset you get, causing you to lose more, and get more upset. Stop playing for a week. If that's too long, a few days. Doesn't matter. Just do something else, even another videogame. Once you feel enough time has elapsed, go right back in it.

Also use running U-smash for kills as Fox, and charge it if you have a huge opening like a missed Bowser bomb. Uair is a great kill move too.
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