Epic! Looks very close to the dream. Last night, I had two non-lucids that were really ghoulish. I'll post the dream when I get home.
Edit: I really liked Neon's interpretation of my dream theater. The theater is dead-on to my dream, and since in my dream there was a woman with blue eyes, it fits perfectly that the theater would show her eyes.
Short entry in my journal, but:
Dream 1 was strange. I can remember a colony of people, all with distorted faces who were super natural in some regard. A man in an area where they lived was a criminal, and they were trying hard to destroy him. Strange.
The second dream had people I know looking for a musician, but the people looking were shapeshifters.
On the first, I remember more was their eyes. It was like when you paused a VHS movie. Their mouths were like the old gameshark ads (see below). The man wasn't touched by the people. He as terrified. I was a viewer, but they didn't like me. They were killing him with their mind.
The second was strange because my view was 3rd person. I watched a man hunting for a musician I like (Dax Riggs), and he hunted in a Werebear type form. This was a very colorful world. Similar to Pandora from Avatar.