First let me preface this by saying "piss off and die" to the jealous trolls who will inevitably try to tell me what to do with my money. Second, I have bought a Japanese Wii on eBay and a copy of Brawl from PlayAsia in the event that the game is delayed. Merely to dissuade said trolls from throwing in their worthless voices: I did this because of the rumors of delay, and I have arranged my schedule to put some serious time into this game, sacrificing the last quarter I have to take it easy of my college career. In the event that it is delayed, it is unlikely I will ever be able to commit any serious time to the game with a full load of units and graduate school coming up. In the event it is not delayed, I resell the game and Wii. So, let me reiterate: piss off and die.
Anyway, wanted to know if anybody here has preordered games from PlayAsia before and, if so, how long the turnaround time was. I ordered the 1 day shipping by UPS, and I wanted to know if, like Amazon and other online retailers, they get and ship the game early to make up for transit time? I know games I've bought from Amazon have generally shipped 2-5 days before the street date and occasionally I get them early. Is it similar with Play Asia? Can't wait to play.
Anyway, wanted to know if anybody here has preordered games from PlayAsia before and, if so, how long the turnaround time was. I ordered the 1 day shipping by UPS, and I wanted to know if, like Amazon and other online retailers, they get and ship the game early to make up for transit time? I know games I've bought from Amazon have generally shipped 2-5 days before the street date and occasionally I get them early. Is it similar with Play Asia? Can't wait to play.