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ike vs snake


Smash Apprentice
Aug 8, 2006
Freehold, NJ (central)
I'm having trouble with this match up and am very close to just using another character against him. The main problem comes when I try to approach snake. QD is nearly worthless due to grenades/homing missile. Approaching with Fair or Nair normally gets me shield grabbed. And finally when I play defensively and try to lure him into a mistake, you got the infamous snake dash nonsense which is next to impossible to shield grab or even predict for that matter.

Im sure all of you have encountered nasty snakes, any thoughts/suggestions?


Smash Rookie
Mar 10, 2008
Fullerton, CA
In my opinion, this is one of the harder match ups for Ike. Both Ike and Snake are relatively close in running speed, but snake has the upper edge in attacking speed via AAA / Ftilt. I'm not completely positive on this, but when u get in close, try to use counter against snake's attacks. Well, if Ike's counter works the same as Marth's, you'll hit him back decently far since Snake has insane FTilts. You could also try to play more air game against Snake, since Snake lacks in that area. Like perhaps, if you manage to get in close, either UTilt or DTilt to get Snake in the air, and try juggling him for a bit. Also, you'll have to play a lot of of mind games against Snake to make your moves less predictable, since all of Ike's moves have some pre/post lag, either or, aside from his Bair.


Smash Champion
Jun 8, 2007
Port Chester, New York
wow this guys a noob. seriously and honestly, if you face a nasty snake, just switch. metaknight is a good switch. pressure game works best against snake. a really good snake will take out ikes like nothing. try playing abit_rusty. he has by far the best snake. well that ive played.


Smash Cadet
Apr 9, 2008
New York
Theres always a way to over come other moves. My friend, who plays as snake, constantly dashes a split second before I do and I get pushed towards a mine and BOOM! Just try and be unpredictable. Ike's AAA move can be spammed and if the person jumps behind you immediately do the Up A or Utilt. Thats the only thing I can think of for snake.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 2, 2007
New York
you got the infamous snake dash nonsense
Hahaha XD Thats what I'm calling it from now on. Imfamous snake dash nonsense.

Okay, tips. The most important one is: get Snake in the air. If you're both in the air, don't hover above or behind him, but he's totally open if he's in the air facing you, because his fair takes a day and a half to come out, and you outrange his nair.

Don't ever go above Snake.

Ike and Snake can gay each other's recoveries pretty well. If he cyphers close to the stage, dtilt spike him. Use aether to recovery more than QD.

Space your fair. Jump, hit fair, and as soon as the animation starts, slam back and DI away. He shouldn't be able to shieldgrab your fair.

You have to get Snake off the stage. His front aerial game blows. If he cyphers near the stage, spike him with dtilt or dair, if he cyphers far away from the stage, use the aetherspike. You can't aetherspike Snake if he just started cyphering though, he has super armor frames during the beginning, but if he was so far away he had to use cypher sooner, you can aetherspike him near the end of it.

Hopefully this advice gave you some new ideas, but don't give up on Ike. Its constantly an uphill battle using him, but it makes victory that much more significant.

Also, add my friend code, and I'll send you some fights I won against a Snake if you'd like.

RoK the Reaper

Smash Lord
Jan 14, 2007
I've played with one of the most insane Snakes (Cort) and I've nearly beaten him; and I've also beaten my host of good Snakes. This is what I have to say.

Most Snakes rely mainly on his f-tilt (which is like a **** F-smash) and his mortar Slide (The Dash thing you're talking about). Snake's Cypher makes it hard for him to be edgeguarded and heavy weight makes him hard to K.O. So many projectile keeps you on end especially when he's made a little "barrier" around himself and keeps throwing grenades. Here's my solution.

#1 - Early on in the game you need to put FEAR into them. This goes with anyone. Get close, use jab to grab comes. Down throw to Aether, down throw to uair and things like that. Show them you aren't afraid to go toe to toe, and try to stay on them so they don't play defensively on you. As they don't have the time.

#2 - When they use their F-smash, COUNTER. Trust me, it will save you from a laughable death and inflict major damage to your opponent. Remember, counter is your FRIEND.

#3 - If he's trying to hit you with that Nikita homing missle; simply try to jump over it and quick draw to land infront of him; and attempt either a f-tilt or down smash (which ever one you have time for) on him before he can finish getting back up.

#4 - If he throws grenades at you; don't be afraid to grab them and throw them back. They're less likely to throw grenades if they know it's a chance it might hit them as well. =], though, don't do this too often or they'll start taking a major advantage of it.

#5 - Don't attempt to edgeguard Snake if he's high in the air, rather jump up in the direction he's falling and start charging eruption. You want to release when he's almost to the ground. That way if he still air dodges the moment he hits the ground he'll get hit and BOOM! Death. =]

#6 - Snakes Jab and F-tilt are pretty fast. You want to mainly rely on your grabs, D-Smash, F-tilt and U-tilt for this battle. Counter works wonder and eruption on some moves.
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