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Ike glitch


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2008
I think I'm going to test links gale bommerang out today and see the results.
Tested it last night it's wierd.

Condtions of the Gale

1. The boomerang has to be on the return to link. If it's still heading towards you it will just hit you and stop QD.

2. It won't send you clear off the stage but will send you pretty far

So the timing is pretty precise, mostly it's just the thing that you have to make sure that the boomerang is going the direction you are for it to work.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2008
Note: Just found this out

The same thing occurs on Green Greens if the tree is blowing in the direction Ike is headed. So yeah, I'm not really certain what to make of it anymore. It seems anything that would add momentum in the direction you QD will cause this to occur.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 1, 2006
Its not a glitch, its the Physics of the game.
I just did some testing on this. It's definitely some sort of bug, or. For one thing, Ike goes into the "I'm so ****ed and can't do anything state" the moment he goes off the edge from this maneuver, as if he had hit Kirby with the QD in the air. That part definitely seems like buggy behavior to me. There's a reason they made the QD stop at the edge of a platform if you're on the ground.

(As an extra note, this gimping seems to happen with any knockback causing attack that doesn't cause flinching, like Mario's Down-B. Seems to be a general flaw in the recovery state of QD itself. Also, Mario's Down-B doesn't affect Ike at all while he is moving. While doing this in slow-mo training, the water simply passed through Ike during charge. it seems to only push him after he stops and is in the recovery state)

Also, the distance you travel past Kirby on solid ground is proportional to how powerful the QD charge was.
-Fully charged QD with Kirby sucking very close to you (while obviously not being close enough to suck you in before you move) will launch you about the same distance as an obstacle free fully charged QD (a little more than half the length of FD).
-No charge QD with Kirby sucking very close to you will launch you about the same distance as an obstacle free no charge QD (about a quarter FD)

If the only thing carrying Ike was the momentum of Kirby's inhale (which should be the case, if anything, because the QD momentum should be stopped when he hits Kirby), I should be going the same distance away from Kirby every time.

(Also, if you're interested, a fully charged QD with Kirby sucking a bit less than halfway across FD will send Ike about 3/4 of the way across the stage. So full QD distance =/= fullQD distance + Kirby inhale.)

And yeah, in case it wasn't made clear already, if this does happen to you in a match, you will not be able to recover from off the edge. You're completely gimped. I know this isn't a huge meta-game changing concern anyways, but I just wanted to make that clear.

God **** this was a long post. Now I need to take a nap.


Smash Rookie
Mar 30, 2008
New Jersey Boi
O.O Wow.....that's bad for me......yet, for some reason, I find it pretty fun. Probably because I always screw around with my friends rather than play seriously with them.


Smash Cadet
Mar 10, 2008
Sherman, Tx
I dunno about that actually. Since the suction attacks pull you forward you might not be able to stop right in front of them.
I think the problem is when you actually make contact. If you stop right in front of them you should just get sucked in, instead of going through them.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 25, 2008
It makes me wonder what happens if you try to recover using Quick Draw and they are sitting by the edge.
You mean by the ledge or hanging by the ledge. If they are just sitting by the ledge then i guess nothing bad really happens. (you get back on the stage?)


Smash Apprentice
Mar 30, 2008
Coeur d' Alene, ID
You mean by the ledge or hanging by the ledge. If they are just sitting by the ledge then i guess nothing bad really happens. (you get back on the stage?)
Oh I was referring to Kirby jumping a short distance off the edge and using his B move to try to get you to miss the edge. Because of the general physics you might be able to deflect Ike down if you aim it right.
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