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ike combos/stratagies


Smash Rookie
Jul 11, 2008
hello ike community, im a kirby main looking for an alternate and decided on ike. i chose him because he seems like a good counter to marth and lighter characters. and he is just overall fun to play with imo.

so im trying to take my ike to the next level now, what combos/stratagies are effective. and not trying to learn anything way advanced, just some simple combos and yatta yatta

help appreciated


Smash Master
Apr 26, 2008
he's not really a counter to marth...
Spacing ftw...

And isn't this question EXACTLY why we have 2394101 Ike guides. I mean you couldn't have asked a more general and aimless question. What are strategies with Ike? For God's sake it's as if you were trying to define what a guide is only in question form.

If guides don't do anything for you then play people with Ike and watch videos with him. Basic strategies with Ike are to space and use his aerials and other moves effectively. This is a valid statement for any character, I know, but it's particularly important to be careful with Ike, but simultaneously aggressive. Watch your opponent. Know when to double jump fair, ff nair, tilt (Ike's tilts are powerful and just generally awesome), AAA (really, really effective), Aether (**learn the spike with it**), and QD (i.e. don't use it unless your pursuing someone you just beat the sh*t out of, or getting away).

Ike is a character of few combos though, and the fact that you asked for examples makes me think that you are either very hopeful, or haven't played much with Ike. This is why he's a very prediction oriented character. He's a strong, single strike fighter.

Anyway, understand all of the above to some agree (someone correct me if I have no idea what I'm talking about) and then read a guide, maybe watch some matches from some reputable Ike users, but above all go play with him. :laugh:


Smash Master
Oct 28, 2007
New York
Look at the d@mn guides we have.

Excuse my anger if you can detect it but we have one of these topics every single week. Looking at the guides will make us happier.


Smash Master
Feb 15, 2008
Talking **** in Cali
You're freaking nuts for picking Ike to counter Marth. There so many better options, lol. Honestly, it's better to use Kirby as a counterpick, and someone like DDD as the main.

I'm l337 and use Kirby, DDD, and MK.
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