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Ike 2v2 Team Battle matchup


Smash Cadet
Apr 18, 2008
I'm playing at a two hour tournament in school, and here's my semifinal matchup.

Ike(me) + Pikachu vs Lucas + Yoshi/Snake
Good matchup? Bad matchup?

From what I've seen, this Lucas goes in headfirst with aerials. Not a problem. Well, at least, not a problem excluding PK fires.

From what I've heard, this Yoshi/Snake is pretty much the best player around for miles. He also loves to spike, camp, and spam grabs.

Is there a general strategy my team should follow? We've decided that we're going to stick together and try to outprioritize the other team's attacks with mind games, but in the case that we can't do that, which opponent should I tackle?


Smash Lord
Apr 25, 2008
San Diego
A good stratagy is to be calm, because snake is probably one of ike`s worst enemies(along with pikachu, but hes on your side, so thats good.)

For fighting lucas, wait, be patient(youll have to play this whole match calm unless they are worse than so say, then just murder them) try to stay close enough so hes in your range, be careful of his pk fire and thunder, when he uses them, dodge then punish him because they lag after he uses them.

Snake will be tough. You should probably focus on lucas while your partner takes out snake(if hes getting beaten up badly, go help him out i guess.) Be careful of his mines, and when approaching him try to be unpredictable because hes likely to throw nades and shoot that rocket at you, if you get too close he`ll stick you with some c-4. so try to be in the right range

unfortunantly, i dont have any tips against yoshi, I know hes a good character and all but hes not too hard to predict what hes going to do. His most annoying move to me is either his dair or down -b, but his down b has some lag so you can punish him if your close enough. To avoid spikes....try not to get knocked off xD

hope this helps.

PS: Quick Draw might be a bit unneffective against lucas and snake, but if your fighting yoshi just make it unpredictable to dodge and it may work.
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