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Ignore Lists

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Smash Rookie
Feb 22, 2011
Player Haters Academy
Link to original post: [drupal=4929]Ignore Lists[/drupal]

I believe the way the ignore lists work should be reworked. When we add somebody to the ignore list, it means we don't want a damn thing to do with them.

Perhaps it would help if they knew we were sick of them. For example, instead of letting them still leave any comments they want and giving us the OPTION to read them, I think they shouldn't be allowed to view anything made by us or send us any messages of any type.

Giving the option to read those comments can be very tempting to some people. And when they read them, they become infuriated and end up replying to some **** somebody's trying to start. Nobody likes internet beef and alternating the ignore lists is a great way to decrease it. It would also be greatly appreciated by people like me who have trouble holding their peace.

You see, I have depression, insomnia, and major anger problems. It's a medical fact that the less sleep you get, the more violent your thoughts become, explaining why not a single day goes by that I don't have a homocidal thought. This is probably why anger management is a waste of time and I'm no stranger to therapists giving up on me. On top of that, I have a rich parent who refuses to buy me so much as some ****ing medication for any of my problems. And I've seen people MUCH worse off than me. So we'd be glad if you'd stop ****ing us, even if it's unintentional (we know it is). There are people in the world who are literaly incapable of controlling what they say, they shouldn't get punished for it.


Smash Lord
May 24, 2011
Actually, this was almost relevant. I agree it needs revamping.

However, your mental problems have absolutely no pertinence to why it ought to be changed.

Jim Morrison

Smash Authority
Aug 28, 2008
The Netherlands
Giving the option to read those comments can be very tempting to some people. And when they read them, they become infuriated and end up replying to some **** somebody's trying to start. Nobody likes internet beef and alternating the ignore lists is a great way to decrease it. It would also be greatly appreciated by people like me who have trouble holding their peace.
Yeah this pisses me off as well.


Feb 6, 2009
There's a way to turn off the message to show the ignored post in the CP.


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
So we'd be glad if you'd stop ****ing us, even if it's unintentional (we know it is). There are people in the world who are literaly incapable of controlling what they say, they shouldn't get punished for it.
This is something I can agree on but, even if that's true, It's still punishable since it's against swf rules. :/
So it's pretty much better to leave them alone as they are. They can be called idiots at any time once you know that they make something insulting of you or anyone.
And, we don't only use report buttons to prevent spam, you know. And it's pretty darn useful when you know more of it.


cactus in the valley that's about to crumble down.
Nov 21, 2010
Oro Valley
I believe the way the ignore lists work should be reworked. When we add somebody to the ignore list, it means we don't want a damn thing to do with them.
As long as you have your "Show Ignored Users Posts" checked as "No", then you won't see them.

IronSquid said:
Perhaps it would help if they knew we were sick of them.
No. Letting people know they get under your skin can and probably will only persuade them to continue.

IronSquid said:
For example, instead of letting them still leave any comments they want and giving us the OPTION to read them
Turn their posts off

IronSquid said:
I think they shouldn't be allowed to view anything made by us or send us any messages of any type.
Why? If they reply to something you said, and you have it set to not show their posts, then there's no problem. If they flame you in response, let a moderator handle it, and spare you a possible infraction from responding.

IronSquid said:
Giving the option to read those comments can be very tempting to some people. And when they read them, they become infuriated and end up replying to some **** somebody's trying to start. Nobody likes internet beef and alternating the ignore lists is a great way to decrease it. It would also be greatly appreciated by people like me who have trouble holding their peace.
Turn their posts off

IronSquid said:
There are people in the world who are literaly incapable of controlling what they say, they shouldn't get punished for it.
To be fair, they should.


Zef Side
Jun 8, 2009
I would like to see there be an option to make YOUR posts not be seen by them, and vice versa. I had a guy who I blocked and he would STILL comment on my stuff, which in turn, would be quoted by others responding to what he said, so it's not like ANYTHING was solved. He was still commenting on all my crap, and I was still able to see what he was saying about me. Just, I made it harder for the convo to continue because I had ignored him. All ignoring does is blind yourself to that person, KIND OF. It doesn't make THEM not able to see you. I would know, I get ignored A LOT. (And infracted.. >.>)
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