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If you are having trouble against olimar, come here.


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
You shouldn't use counter--only situational, or side B because you will just end up hitting those **** b*tchmin.

So how I mess with olimar is I just short hop over the pikmin being thrown, and fast fall during an fair. It cuts the landing lag and if you hit him, the second time after 0% olimar is defenseless against another fair while floating down (with or without the fast fall). The only thing olimar can do is air dodge, or use his side b--but if the oli player does use his side b you will hit both him and his pikmin.

Oh and you cant really use this on wifi because fast falling with a short hop ariel is pretty hard with lag.


Smash Cadet
Mar 10, 2008
Sherman, Tx
I think instead of using the quickdraw you're betting off using a shield dash and coming out of it with the AAA combo. Obviously the quickdraw is going to have horrible recovery if you hit one of the pikmin leaving you open. The AAA shouldn't do that. If you want just do the first two hits of it and shield cancel out or just don't use the 3rd hit. Won't inflict a lot of damage, but should wear it down. With Ike you're always waiting to just set up a big hit anyways, so a little damage here and there helps out.
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