Title says it all. If any character, existing or possible and yet-to-join, had their own gimmick, what do you think they would be? I hope this thread is fine. I have three ideas for three existing characters. I already posted one in the rightful sub-forum. Here they are as examples.
Sonic: Boost Mode
Not the same boost mode from Sonic Advance 2, mind you. Basically, how this works is simple. There is a bar in Sonic's icon at the bottom of the screen during the fight, much like Joker's and Cloud's. Fighting, shielding, attacking, getting hit will fill the bar. Once the bar is full, Sonic gains a blue aura around him and becomes slightly faster (slightly to avoid running off the stage) and stronger. He can still be damaged, but can damage enemies by running into them, much like in the 3D boost games, causing some knockback, though it won't be strong enough to KO foes at under 120 percent. His attacks also become faster and stronger as if they got enhanced by boost energy. This is based on the boost move from games such as Sonic Rush and Sonic Unleashed, except fighting fills the gauge instead of rings and White Wisps. The bar drains as you make Sonic use movements and attacks such as running and punching.
Mario: Fire Mario
After taking damage, attacking, shielding, and especially using fire attacks like the B move, Fireball, Mario turns into Fire Mario, with his white and red plumbers outfit. All of Mario's attacks and B specials, except the FLUDD, deal enhanced, fire based damage. His fireballs are bigger, and he can do a Fire Jump Punch, though not as deadly as Luigi's. The bar drains slowly over time.
Megaman: Rush Adapter
After attacking, defending, taking enough damage and especially using B special moves, Megaman puts on the Rush Adapter, and all of his attacks are enhanced. Particualrly his Mega Buster A move shoots missiles instead of plasma shots, and his Up-B move has him flying upward instead of using Rush Coil. The bar does drain slowly over time.
In this thread, you can post any gimmick for any character you can imagine, or even replace existing gimmicks with new ones for characters that already have gimmicks such as Cloud and Little Mac. They may not have to be like any of the above three, but more along the lines of something like Olimar and his Pikmin. Anyway,s if this thread is okay, go ahead and share your ideas!
Sonic: Boost Mode
Not the same boost mode from Sonic Advance 2, mind you. Basically, how this works is simple. There is a bar in Sonic's icon at the bottom of the screen during the fight, much like Joker's and Cloud's. Fighting, shielding, attacking, getting hit will fill the bar. Once the bar is full, Sonic gains a blue aura around him and becomes slightly faster (slightly to avoid running off the stage) and stronger. He can still be damaged, but can damage enemies by running into them, much like in the 3D boost games, causing some knockback, though it won't be strong enough to KO foes at under 120 percent. His attacks also become faster and stronger as if they got enhanced by boost energy. This is based on the boost move from games such as Sonic Rush and Sonic Unleashed, except fighting fills the gauge instead of rings and White Wisps. The bar drains as you make Sonic use movements and attacks such as running and punching.
Mario: Fire Mario
After taking damage, attacking, shielding, and especially using fire attacks like the B move, Fireball, Mario turns into Fire Mario, with his white and red plumbers outfit. All of Mario's attacks and B specials, except the FLUDD, deal enhanced, fire based damage. His fireballs are bigger, and he can do a Fire Jump Punch, though not as deadly as Luigi's. The bar drains slowly over time.
Megaman: Rush Adapter
After attacking, defending, taking enough damage and especially using B special moves, Megaman puts on the Rush Adapter, and all of his attacks are enhanced. Particualrly his Mega Buster A move shoots missiles instead of plasma shots, and his Up-B move has him flying upward instead of using Rush Coil. The bar does drain slowly over time.
In this thread, you can post any gimmick for any character you can imagine, or even replace existing gimmicks with new ones for characters that already have gimmicks such as Cloud and Little Mac. They may not have to be like any of the above three, but more along the lines of something like Olimar and his Pikmin. Anyway,s if this thread is okay, go ahead and share your ideas!
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