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Ichikazu's guide on Falco matchups


Smash Rookie
Feb 24, 2008
In this document I will attempt to explain possible tactics and what to watch out for when dealing with the potential threats that each character can give while playing as Falco.

Some simple yet effective tips that can possibly change the entire outcome of a battle will be presented in fashion from my p.o.v. At this point in time as I’m writing this it is sort of stand-alone. I will update this once I get more opinions and thoughts which I will leave to you to help contribute.

If you would like to discuss anything of concern or regards to this document I can be contacted on AIM at dagoldenclip2.

Any and all criticism and thoughts will be appreciated. Just post constructive criticism. This is mainly my thoughts when battling these characters in battle.

Let’s begin.

Ah, I forgot. In my opinion I would like to discuss some points about Falco I noticed.

Stage of choice: Battlefield, besides the nice music that accompanies it, this is pretty much Falco’s or any of the space animal’s playground. The platforms are easily used as tools for mindgames and his air game shines best here in my opinion.


The first one on the roster of course. Well I fought a number of them ranging from horrible to decent and the main concern I noticed was the cape. When fighting Mario I feel that a more aggressive approach can be taken. The cape can sometimes mess up combos and the fireballs aren’t really annoying because of the reflector. Reflector>Cape in the situation. The lasers are able to get Mario regardless of the cape. At least the second-third laser. Falco seems to have an advantage in ground game when facing Mario, and seems to have a slightly better air game. Mario shouldn’t pose much of a problem to Falco.

Donkey Kong:

For the more aggressive Falco player DK shouldn’t pose much of a problem. You can’t be as reckless because DK can easily hit you once and get damage racked up quickly if you make a mistake. I would just advise quick judgment and to watch for his range when doing attacks. Also I wouldn’t advise trying to dair when returning for the DK up tilt or up smash unless you can get a fast falling dair which would still be risky imo.


An interesting character to fight when battling as Falco. As usual prediction would be the key in returning the boomerang/arrow combo. Which I noticed about 90% of the time would catch them off guard- opened for a Falco combo. Watch to make sure you don’t get predictable with dash attack because sometimes Link’s will utilize upB in a protection case. His 3 hit combo seems to have nice knockback but not enough to pose a problem since Link can’t normally follow up with that. While in the air I would suggests slightly jumping from an angle, because dair is to be expected. Or the easier thing would be to sidestep and down smash Link. And it will work majority of the time if timed right. Another thing I notice would be predicting Link’s recoveries. A lot of the time Link won’t hit the edge while performing up b. Or even out of reflex performing up b which could lead to massive Falco punishment. Always be aware of Link’s dair and up B.


Now, I hardly run into these, so my knowledge is a tad limited on them. I would rather fight human Samus instead of computers to judge on so Ill leave it empty for the moment. Your usual Falco gameplay should suffice when fighting Samus. Just watch out for the missile/beam combo.

Zero Suit Samus:

A different story from Samus. As underlooked as ZSS is she is potentially dangerous when fighting. A more defensive Falco should be played here. The laser/whip is defiantly going to be spammed; however timed DI air dodges can lead to effective combos from Falco. Watch the down A which I believe is the Stun move. ZSS is fast and can quickly combo you. I would recommend forcing her to do dair since it is somewhat easy to keep her in the air. Defiantly play for defensive and more calculating when dealing with the Whip.


This is one of Falco’s worst nightmares. Kirby is small, agile and a lot of Falco’s move can and will miss. The laser is pretty much useless in this situation. Kirby has about an even air game with Falco since I think both of them have equal priority with their moves. However with Kirby’s 5 puffs he can completely toy with your mind by spamming bair. Watch for Kirby’s throws as they lead into damaging combos along with his Smash A. When fighting aggressive Kirby’s your basic down A and DSmash works wonders here. Take advantage of whenever he attempts brick because it’s pretty much a free throw. At best chaingrab can get about 2 throws in before Kirby DI out. I would not advise attempting to edge guard Kirby. He will eat you alive (no pun intended). With the many things he is able to do outside the arena Falco wouldn’t stand a chance so stay on guard and await Kirby’s return. Defiantly watch the hammer. Nearly all of the Kirby’s I played will come in with the hammer. Its knockback is ridiculous and can nearly kill Falco even at low percentages. Falco has a better ground game so stay on the ground at all times. Analysis what type of Kirby you are playing. A defensive Kirby is trouble and would require a slower Falco be played unless you mess up and get grabbed, etc. A more aggressive Kirby is easier to beat because Falco has the better ground game.


Since I’m a space animal user I can give minor input on what to expect when fighting a Fox. I only fought a handful and only one was really good since he loves fox. Falco has the advantage in this situation. You can play more aggressive against Fox w/o fear of death. Fox can get damage up quick though so don’t slip up. Fox is easier to kill than him killing you.


Pikachu is more annoying than deadly. Well I slightly take that back. When I was a novice with Falco I would easily fall into the down A traps. Pikachu just seems to be a trapper. Down a, Neutral B, and thunder is all I normally see. Anticipate the down A and punish. He will attempt to bait you with thundershocks but counter with the gun. Falco can camp better than Pikachu. Watch the usual Down A-thunder combo which can lead to early KO’s if you mess up. It’s just mainly being one step ahead when fighting pikachu. His Dsmash is easily rolled into, which is exactly what the Pika wants so bait with the gun and go from there.


Marth is somewhat challenging, just watch the fair and his dancing blade. Force Marth to do counter while returning from the air with just a shorthop. As most of out of reflex use counter in order to stop what they think is going to be a uair, and punish. Make sure you stay away from being predictable. A main clue to tell if your getting sloppy will be an increase in Marth using counter. Change it up and punish his counter.

Mr. Game and Watch:

A very hard character to fight. The main problem I notice is that aggressive Falco will get hurt and quickly. All of his moves have a nice period of time in which they still have an effect and even if you may sidestep you’ll still get hurt. His key isn’t like Link’s dair. It has a pushing effect which can mess up your counter and throw you off guard. Play it safe and take it easy against Mr. G. I believe Mr. G is a Falco counter.


Hmm, I would watch the tornado when he is returning from getting knocked around the air. It will stop you in your tracks. Other than that Luigi doesn’t pose much of a threat. Just watch his combo potential which can be devastating. Take care and watch his lightness. Any Luigi pro uses that to an advantage so be a step ahead.

Diddy Kong:

Diddy is pretty much played similar to Falco in a sense. He has fast and quick Aerials and a nice ground game. I would fight Diddy similar to how I would fight a Falco. Diddy does seem faster in the air and the ground so be aware. Take advantage of his Jet


During Zelda’s phase watch the usual neutral B, as she will use it to bait any Falco campers in and use side B which is easily avoided in the opinion. I would suggest you be careful when approaching Zelda from the air because she has nice range that can outrange you and do nice damage/knockback. If however you get her off the edge she is easily edge guarded. Take advantage of the time between changes because you can get a nice KO with a smash waiting for Sheik to appear. Speaking on Sheik, Sheik is agile and can combo you easily, prediction is key here. Sheik’s tilts can wreck over Falco pretty easily so the gun is useful against Sheik, bait her in and combo from there. I think Sheik has a better ground game than Falco so play more defensive against Sheik.


-_- A great Pit player can get a lot of combos on you. Pit is a difficult character to fight as Falco and I believe is yet another Falco counter. The gun is cancelled by his shield and he has arrows that can move very quickly and are under his control. If you are a faster aggressive Falco take advantage of that quickly in battle in order to mess with your opponents mind. You will be able to get nice combos on Pit. If however you play defensive it will be tough because Pit will have the advantage. Just play aggressive and get control of the battle early.


Falco’s other knightmare (no pun intended) because his fair and bair, while pretty much the same thing are quick and hurtful. You cannot defeat Meta outside the arena. Just focus on getting back alive. Watch out for the usual SH dair, Dsmash combo which is very fast and chainable. Fight him more aggressively/defensively at the same time because he is a more ranged Kirby.


If you by chance run into another Falco you should be able to play exactly how you like. Since I know most Falco players should know what to expect from a Falco. Watch for his nair which is a nice offensive/defensive move. SH lasers shouldn’t pose much of a problem. Watch reflector spammers. You should be able to predict and punish any Falco trying to do Phantasm from a distance. Predict Falco’s recovery as well. Out of reflex most people will side B back in. Prediction is the main key against another Falco player. It just goes down to who has better control over Falco.

Pokemon Trainer:

Well since he stands in the background you can’t obviously hurt him so moving on...


Rock smash stops any attempt at a dashing attack and stuns. Charizard is slow and predictable so take advantage of your speed while you can. For some reason Charizard is massively predictable in the air so you have the air advantage during this fight.


Fast but like Charizard predictable. It seems I haven’t run across a PT who actually is well rounded in all the pokemon, mainly just one. But Squirtle is more annoying than a threat. Time some nice Dsmashes and just stay on him.


Somewhat annoying because of his nair and dair. His basic combo is a tad annoying and will normally chain into smash attacks. Watch razor leaf and watch the titled razor leaf. I wouldn’t advise approaching from the air. Just dodge and dodge the smash attack they normally do and attack from there. Once you get in close proximity of Ivysaur he isn’t a threat. Also watch his forward A which is used after a basic combo.

A notable tip is to take advantage of switching pokemon. You can get a smash attack and possible KO in during this phase.


Ike is a slow character. Ike is also a prediction character. Ike is easily punishable if he misses a smash or any attack. Watch for the basic combo which is damaging and at decent percentages can even KO you. Ike has nice edgeguarding with fair and even eruption. Majority of his moves are slow and predictable so you shouldn’t have much trouble with any Ike. Most Ike play somewhat defensive so take advantage of that with the laser.


All I can really say is stay on him, yet don’t stay on him. Stop any attempts at him controlling the stage period. Once he gets control it’s pretty much difficult for you to engage Snake in a normal manner. Play aggressive.


Watch the side B which I notice a lot of Peaches spam. Other than that I never seen a Peach do anything besides Side b and Smash A and turnip throwing.


Yoshi is a good character to fight. Watch out for SH bair and his basic combo which is the more aggravating part. I noticed a lot of Yoshi will attempt dash A and up tilt. Yoshi is powerful and can KO you pretty easily. Be careful when in the air. Like Kirby stay on the ground when dealing with Yoshi. Watch his down B when returning from the air. The stars are like D3 and will stop your advance.


Honestly I have yet to run into any Ganondorf. I play him occasionally so I can only off how I would play him so Ill leave this empty for now. Just watch that you don’t roll into any smash attacks. Otherwise run circles around him. His recovery is easily predictable so you have the advantage when outside the arena.

Ice Climbers:

Hm. Professional Ice Climbers are the main threat. Take caution when dealing with Ice Climbers and watch the chain grab and watch that you don’t forget Nana is there. Laser is your friend here and do your best to separate them and try to take out Nana. Ice Climber is somewhat easily gimped though so take advantage of that.

Dedede (D3)

The Chain grab is annoying so watch you don’t get caught. His camping ability outshines Falco’s so you have to play up-close. Take advantage of his slowness and use Falco’s agility to mess with your opponent. His basic combo is pretty quick to roll around it and do your thing. One thing I noticed is that D3 is so big Falco can really be seen when rolling behind him so you are at liberty to do whatever move you want. Even if he sidesteps Falco will be at regular position fast enough to do another move. I don’t really attempt to edgeguard D3. I let him do his up b and air dodge and quickly come down with a bair or dair. It works 100% of the time.


I’ve yet to fight any good Wolf so I’m going off of what I know of him since he is my 2nd main. Wolf can chain moves quickly so predict and counter. Falco has a better air game from what I noticed and can mess over Wolf pretty good. Watch the laser and his reflector. Careful when dealing with his up B because even when sidestep you can still get caught since it is multihit. It’s mainly just watching the quickness of his chain moves. His Side Smash is pretty fast so beware of that and counter.


I normally have a little trouble dealing with Lucario. Mainly because he gets better as his damage goes up and Falco has a small difficulty killing people. Play a more aggressive/evasive Falco. Most Lucario seem to spam Side smash A, dair when recovering from the air, and Dsmash. Shadow ball is predicted and easily reflected. Other than that Lucario isn’t much of a problem.

Honestly, I don’t find Ness intimidating at all. Easily combo’d and predicted when recovering. Play as usual.


Hmm, it’s just taking advantage of your opponent’s predictability and lack of reflex since Sonic is fast. I’ve seen some great Sonics sand mostly what I could say is just play defensive. Sonic can’t really kill but he moves extremely quickly so watch your opponent and then play according to how they play sonic.


A decent character. He is easily run around by Falco and really poses no threat. Watch his down B when he is recovering from the Air. His basic combo is difficult to approach normally so lasers are fun to use here to build up damage if you want to play it safe. The flames are annoying and just stay away from them and spam the laser. His Dsmash is easily rolled into so chill on the rolling if you like to roll around a lot. Other than that you can take bowser on pretty aggressive if you like.


I haven’t fought a single one yet. Just play normally from what I can tell. I’m going off of the times I played as Wario.

Toon Link:

I can’t really say “Look at Link” because TL is completely different and seems to pose more of a threat. His pogo stick is easily predicted so take advantage of that. Similar to Link predict the boomerang/Arrow/bomb combo and reflect. Watch his forward smash because it can catch you off guard if you play aggressive. In this situation play it aggressive/evasive. His Up B seems to get more airtime so if you catch him in the air with that do your aerial thing and punish.


Small, fast, and annoying Olimar is pretty annoying and deadly. His pikmin can build up damage quickly and he can even get damage up fast. Stay on Olimar and keep him from gaining the upper hand on the ground. Falco still has the advantage because his moves can hit Olimar. Also I noticed why can Olimar pluck purple and white pikmin from out of the ground? You can’t do that in Pikmin 2. Er, you have to get the flowers to spit them out and whatnot. Ok getting off topic.

Captain Falcon:

Yes “Show me ya moves” “Falcon Pawnch” All of that get it out of your system. Falcon is pretty fast and powerful. You can play Falco normally against him whether you play aggressive or defensive. Watch his uair and fair when dealing with him in the air. Falcon can get some nice combos so be ready to dodge. I think the knee has lower range this time around so you have a range advantage in the air.


Well Jiggly never really was a threat to me but watch the rollout. Other than that just play normally.


-_- Annoying and can combo pretty good, Lucas is mainly aggravating because of the nice range and speed his moves have. Falco should defiantly play evasive/defensive in this battle. However Falco has the better ground game so you can effectively mess Lucas over if he comes rushing at you. Just watch the multi-hit PK thunder and his PK fire which is pretty fast. I’m still trying to find a way to aggressively take on Lucas so Ill update this later.


This character…well this character can take on the form on any of the other characters from the roster. Read my tips on them to take them out effectively.

This document is filled with opinions on what I think Falco is like taking on certain characters from Brawl. Now my tips are from the experiences I went through so I know it can be helpful. However if anyone feels that they can contribute any ideas AIM or contact me via PM. I will update this later on during the course of Falco brawling and it will be much appreciated if I got some other Falco’s to help contribute.

I appreciate you even taking the time to read this and to post your thoughts, concerns, challenges, etc. This guide is hopefully going to help Falco players everywhere.



Smash Cadet
Mar 19, 2008
Awesome Compilation!!!!

About Yoshi, I'll quote myself from a post a made before, I hope you (and everyone) find it useful:
Originally Posted by mrbr0wn1e View Post
I have had consistent problems with Pro Yoshi's. Their recovery is really good. The Juggernaut grabs, tongue and Yoshi Bomb. The second jump invulnerability while you can still rack up damage, cancels the spiking. In air, Yoshi's attacks always overpower Falco's. Yoshi has a really good balance between weight and speed, he's approximately 2% heavier than Wolf, but almost as fast. And sometimes it's hard to Chaingrab them, it may be me, but when I was using my Dpad (Wii Mochuk) they DI'ed really easily, later I started using A+B grabbing and problem solved.

I find that the Shine (counters firstly the Bomb, the eggs and it stops the rolling egg), FoxTrot to FSmash, and surprise SHDAs work really good. Spaming Phantasm is always good, as also is a Surprise shortstop Phantasm (dunno how are they officially called). SHDLing works really well at destroying the eggs and hitting him at the same time.

Other annoying little worms are (as mentioned before) MK, Pit (he spams stuff, I counterspam Shine ), G&W (he's too powerful ) and Wolf (he's one tough camping little son of her doggy mom).


Smash Rookie
Feb 24, 2008
I agree with that 100%. However I think his 2nd jump is cancelled out by a bair or a fair or even nair. I attempted to chaingrab Yoshi a few times (Thanks to Nocher for the Yoshi battles) and he is too light to get an effective chain grab, however the down throw-dash dair combo still works well. I find it easiest to use down throw- dash SH nair works faster and will push Yoshi back then follow up with lasers to force a Yoshi bair and counter from there. Lasers stop nearly all of Yoshi's approaches such as the egg and dash attack.

Agaisnt Yoshi stopping his advance with a SH forward laser can lead into a dash attack which is quite effective if you follow it up with bair.

So like forward SH lasers- dash attack-uptilt/ dash attack-uptilt dlx move- bair.

For G&W I notice he hates reflectors and phantasm. They can lead into KO combos which can save you from death.

I will update the topic later today after I do some more analysis battles.
Metaknight also has a hatred of the reflector since most Metaknight are aggresive and love to SH.
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