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Ice Climbers Uber broken


Smash Apprentice
Oct 4, 2007
Salt Lake City, UT
So the Ice Climber are so broken. They can chain grab almost everyone to atlest some % and they have a 44 damage down smash if you place it right. You can get your second climber to auto footstool hop others combing back. They still have desync thats pretty easy just use z to do a reverse grab and it desync's them. STOP complaning about them getting nerfed they werent they are better.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 15, 2007
You are so right, with all of there chain grabs not requiring nana any more solo popo is just as good as any character, but there is 2 of them. With all of the characters lacking in approaches they have uber broken desync approches like the ice block chase or short hop blizzard. Even there synced approach is really good, have you seen there new forward B!! Most characters can't combo out of there throws now, but the d-throw is perfect for combos like up-air to up-air. If all of this doesn't convince you then you just haven't landed enough of your 44dmg down smashes, thats right, If your character models are crossing and you down smash they will be hit on both sides, dealing the 22 dmg twice. l33t ownage!!!!!

w!ld ch!ld

Smash Cadet
Mar 16, 2008
are we seriously the only people posting here it's so true you literally have twice as many charactors as the enemy the better you can desync the better you are with your second charactor and the solo climbers over b is just as good as dk's up b so it's not like solo climber isn't good on it's own it's always chain grab to the edge and spike or chain grab to the super grab finising with a smash (if you can't get an edge in time) and that 44 dmg down smash has got to go wake up people!!!!!!


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Boston, MA
IC for Mid-tier again? lol
hahaa. I dunno, it will be interesting to see how the tiers will fall. one thing is for sure, the ic in the right hands will be devastating. Once people see the ic in action, many will argue that they are worthy of top tier... that's my opinion anyway.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 18, 2006
Orlando, FL
They're great, but the greatness is highly conditional. The main IC game is finding a good way to approach into the grabs, so it's a bit limiting. They're good, just not broken.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 5, 2004
I'm not that great with the Ice Climbers (I'm finally starting to get better at de-syncing, though!) but I see a lot of potential in them. Even when Nana dies, Popo can still KO pretty easily. When they're both alive, your combo and KO potential is off the charts. You can cover two different ranges (close/long) at the same time, batter an opponent with a flurry of weak and strong attacks, or fight off two opponents are the same time (if you're really good). That's just scary.

w!ld ch!ld

Smash Cadet
Mar 16, 2008
yeah i don't know where they'll be on the teirs list but i'd say they definatly have the most potential and it's not like ness's perma invincibility in melee that just won't get pulled off it's stuff that you can actually use but the teirs are based on who wins tournaments so because the ice climbers are rather unpopular then i think that they'll place about that same as the very end of melee


The Corrupted
Feb 22, 2008
Sandy, Utah
That chain grab to spike is the **** you just walk them over to the edge of the stage then spike them off the edge none can surive that it eats your jumps you cant up b tell its to late even pit can't make it back! its just as bad as walking them off on walk off edges ( i know that sounds retarted but i don't know how else to say it) up you can do it on any stage now!


Smash Champion
Feb 26, 2008
Orlando (UCF)
They are pretty powerful, but I've never had a problem separating them and destorying nana while popo can't do anything do to his speed and horrible air maneuverability. So I wouldn't say they're broken, if you're playing a character that has better speed and jumping capabilities (yoshi comes to mind) nana will be uberly destroyed then all you have to do is get popo off the edge and he's a gone do to bad recovery without nana.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 25, 2006
mississauaga, Ontario
IC's are definitely better than they were in melee, but its really easy to separate them, i find NaNa's shielding lags much more than it did in melee, and well POpO really isn't that good by himself, once he's off the ledge, he's easy as hell to edge guard against, and he doesn't have many aerial return options, ^B is pretty worthless, and side B has to land on the stage but gets no vertical movement, making your return pretty predictable, and since closing for the chain grab with just Popo is going to be harder than with the two of them, i think you going to find him getting gimped extremely easily by any chars with a disjointed hit box, or crazy projectile spam.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 18, 2008
I'd have to agree that they have been seriously buffed (much like Zelda), and that they have a ton of potential. Squall Hammer has some crazy approaching ability and is very easily used to send opponents into the air. The grab combos they have are finished very easily now, and all that's holding them back are their hammer ranges and perhaps a little less effectilve blizzard.

I've been using them more than my main recently.


Smash Master
Jul 19, 2006
Portland, Oregon
I dunno, it really depends now, they still approach awful but its balanced by the fact that everyone else approaches awful as well, the good thing is, is that once again they have the best grabs, but also they no longer seem to depend on them like before, also no one can edgeguard anyone anymore so they have an amazing recovery (much better than melee) and they are one of the few characters that aren't bothered by the fact THEY cant gimp anymore, because they couldn't before either.

They improved a good deal in some areas I still want to see how they fair vs characters that have good projectiles that stun like pit and toon link. If they can consistently pressure those two characters I think they could be top tier this time around simply because they can legitimately combo with chain grabs and they have both ground and aerial kill moves, forming a trifecta that most characters fail to achieve this time around.


Smash Lord
Dec 3, 2007
Tallahassee, FL
Actually I would argue that they can gimp now with their new sweetspotting belay, however, it's also pretty easy to gimp them. Edgehogged belay means a possibly dead nana, and SoPo is ridiculously easy to gimp, assuming he even has the chance to recover with the awful solo squall. I'm not so sure ice blocks are that great a projectile, and blizzard can now be reflected. Grabs are still amazing, but they don't lead to 0-death combos anymore unless you're fighting someone who can't meteor cancel. Squall is an awesome approach, but predictable and stopped easily by projectiles. All of their smashes are really slow. Ice CLimbers still have the potential to be good, but buffed in brawl? I would trade for melee ice climbers in a second. I predict much lower on the tier list than they were in melee.

P.S. What's this I hear about SoPo chaingrabbing?


Smash Ace
Apr 17, 2007
Fayetteville, NC
I dunno, it really depends now, they still approach awful but its balanced by the fact that everyone else approaches awful as well, the good thing is, is that once again they have the best grabs, but also they no longer seem to depend on them like before, also no one can edgeguard anyone anymore so they have an amazing recovery (much better than melee) and they are one of the few characters that aren't bothered by the fact THEY cant gimp anymore, because they couldn't before either.

They improved a good deal in some areas I still want to see how they fair vs characters that have good projectiles that stun like pit and toon link. If they can consistently pressure those two characters I think they could be top tier this time around simply because they can legitimately combo with chain grabs and they have both ground and aerial kill moves, forming a trifecta that most characters fail to achieve this time around.
Their approach may not be as good as Melee without WD'ing, but it's still better than the majority of the casts. You can shoot an ice block and chase after it, or alternate shots while moving forward each time. Squall hammer moves fast and covers a lot of distance, and has really good priority that will either trade or beat out other attacks. Alternating SH blizzards is also a good approach. But why bother approaching when you can camp much more easily. Desynched ice blocks basically force everyone without a projectile to approach you, and negates all other types of projectile spam. Against TL you'll constantly interrupt him when he tries to go for a projectile, and against Pit you'll force him into a stale mate. And the IC's can gimp if you do their Dthrow into Fair chaingrab next to the ledge.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 15, 2007
I think much of the people that look at wether the ice climbers have been buffed or nerffed are making the mistake of comparing them to their Melee counter parts. That is the wrong way to go about is, you should compare them to the rest of the cast, as they are now. They may have lost alot of approaches, but who didn't? They may have lost alot of 0-death combos/chain-grabs, but who didn't? I think that it is quiet clear that their new buffs out weigh the their nerfs in comparison to the rest of the cast.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Boston, MA
I think much of the people that look at wether the ice climbers have been buffed or nerffed are making the mistake of comparing them to their Melee counter parts. That is the wrong way to go about is, you should compare them to the rest of the cast, as they are now. They may have lost alot of approaches, but who didn't? They may have lost alot of 0-death combos/chain-grabs, but who didn't? I think that it is quiet clear that their new buffs out weigh the their nerfs in comparison to the rest of the cast.
I agree. They have immense potential in Brawl (not that they didn't in Melee). They have amazing grabs, that get better with practice and experience. They have great gimping potential, namely thanks to dthrow to Nana fair. P.S. I love using this gimp technique against Pit, because if he does somehow survive the attack, and attempts using his up B, ICE blocks can sent off the side of the stage and hit him in midst of his recovery, at which point his recovery is rendered useless. Pretty funny to see how helpless Pit can be despite his otherwise rediculous recovery.

There are so many combos available to the Ice Climbers it's not even funny, namely grab combos. Certain grab combos guarantee a kill anywhere above 80%, independent of where the grab is executed on the map.

Also, de-syncing opens up a world of opportunity. I'm new to the Ice Climbers, as I was never too fond of them in Melee. This is probably the hardest technique to grasp based on the fact that I don't know when to implement de-syncing. So far, dy-synced Ice Blocks are very effective all around as they force the enemy to attack. Aside from that, I'm still working on de-synced approaches, utilizing squall hammers, blizzards, and of course ending in a grab. There's lot's to learn with any character, with that said, I have tons to learn with the Ice Climbers.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 23, 2008
The Ice Climbers have been buffed since Melee. They may be worse than they were back in Melee, but they are better when compared to the rest of the cast. They still have chain grabs, desynchs, and they did not lose all of their combos like most other characters.

Their approaches may stink, but they are better than a lot of other characters in the cast. Plus, they are super campy if you desynch ice blocks and blizzards.

They can still gimp other characters. Their forward and down throws are inescapable and can get you to the edge. Then, Popo's forward throw to Nana's Fair works on all characters at all percents. The timing on it is a bit different than the dthrow to fair combo, but it works all the way up to 999%.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 23, 2008
Almost all approaches suck right now. The Ice Climbers approach just happens to suck on a lower level. ;)

My only problem with their approach is that my friends just jump over me when I short hop blizzard and I don't have time to do an up air. Any suggestions?


Smash Ace
Apr 17, 2007
Fayetteville, NC
Almost all approaches suck right now. The Ice Climbers approach just happens to suck on a lower level. ;)

My only problem with their approach is that my friends just jump over me when I short hop blizzard and I don't have time to do an up air. Any suggestions?
NeutralB, SideB, and DownB can all be used to approach, and once they're desycnched they become even better. Their approach also negates all kinds of projectile camping/spamming, so compared to the rest of the characters, their approach is one of the best in the game.

As far as SH DownB into Uair, just get better reaction skills. If someone SH's my blizzard I just make the other IC jump for the attack, and a lot of times I use Nair instead of Uair because it's easier to hit, unless directly above.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 24, 2008
hahaa. I dunno, it will be interesting to see how the tiers will fall. one thing is for sure, the ic in the right hands will be devastating. Once people see the ic in action, many will argue that they are worthy of top tier... that's my opinion anyway.
yes yes
I'm guessing mid-high tier at first, but if some truly talented IC's show up and discover some new IC techs... then high tier...


The Corrupted
Feb 22, 2008
Sandy, Utah
They have it all but yes i can see mid-high (more high) tier at first, but them when more people try him out or see how high they are up in the tiers they'll get up to high-top tier.


Smash Lord
Aug 17, 2007
come on sucker lick my battery
i honestly think that hardly any of you in here has ever played a godly iceclibers. their chian grabe is so freakin devistating. unless your charzards, for what ever reason he can get out really easy. but a fourty damage down smash. super grabs. and they are masters of feed damage. and who ever says they suck at aproaching you are a lier. i dont know if you have ever seen de-synced IC's poping out icicles and forward airs. its scary.


Smash Ace
Apr 17, 2007
Fayetteville, NC
i honestly think that hardly any of you in here has ever played a godly iceclibers. their chian grabe is so freakin devistating. unless your charzards, for what ever reason he can get out really easy. but a fourty damage down smash. super grabs. and they are masters of feed damage. and who ever says they suck at aproaching you are a lier. i dont know if you have ever seen de-synced IC's poping out icicles and forward airs. its scary.
You sir must think we're all morons. Half the posters on this board have IC's as their main, have an IC sig, or an IC AV, so what makes you think we don't know anything about the IC's? Also Charizard is easy to chaingrab.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 25, 2005
Charizard is also one of the characters that can be chained by solo Popo to rather high percentage, somewhere around 50%+, although 0 to 50 with Popo only will not work because you will run out of ground.

I don't know why people say their approach suck. Lots of characters without projectile simply can't do anything if you just spam shorthopped / fulljumped desynced blizzards and iceblocks stop any annoying projectiles that limit your approach. Also, the rest of the cast can get shieldgrabbed when they try to approach, but IC will just punish you with the free climber if you shield grab.


The Corrupted
Feb 22, 2008
Sandy, Utah
They are still way to good as soon as the AI grabs the stages you cant be hit it makes me cry when I play my friends


Smash Champion
Jun 20, 2006
Sacramento / Berkeley
Neutral B cannot be used to approach at all. They get reflected by 90% of the attacks in this game. What kind of approach loses to a F-smash everytime? Only one - ICs neutral B. Even if you don't run into the smash, the ice blocks will miss (with you still closing in), and their jump is not angled well to go over a lot of attacks. On top of that it jumps so high and falls so slow that any aerial besides Dair will not work because your opponent can shield. Sure you can roll in, but by the time you finish rolling your enemy can roll away.

Desynching is pretty bad for approaches, but it can be used to pressure very well. Desynchs are not very mobile in Brawl so their best use is to pressure a mistake or force your opp into a bad position. And obviously there are some very good desynch combos too.

Another thing... someone mentioned ICs can't gimp in either game...that is completely wrong. F-throw Fair works in both, and now that they have a ledge game they can gimp quite well by edgehogging and intercepting with Bairs.

Finally, ICs range really sucks now, making it really hard to fight anyone at mid range. You either have to camp with Blizzards/Ice Blocks/Bairs or approach predictably. It is quite hard to get in close to an opponent who knows how to space well.

FYI: Just because it works on your friends doesn't mean it does well. Stop saying "ICs will win tournaments" and start winning tournaments with ICs. Then I'll believe what you all are saying about ICs being broken.

I am probably never checking this thread again so don't bother to refute me. I don't care what has to be said about all of this. If any of you know who I am you will probably have confidence in what I have said. Good day.


Smash Cadet
Feb 10, 2008
Why is the chaingrab into spiek such a big deal? Falco has one as well, and I'm pretty sure there are other characters who have something similar.


Smash Champion
Dec 5, 2005
San Antonio TX
game should be renamed super smash ice climbers.
I want to see some IC v IC action in tournaments. most akward thing ever.

Kyu Puff

Smash Champion
Feb 22, 2007
Delphiki, I know you said you weren't going to check back on this thread, but I'm going to argue anyways. Desynching is most certainly not bad for approaching: I desynch a lot, and this is basically my primary use of them. All you talked about was Ice Blocks as an approach, and of course that sucks. Most projectiles are not fit for approaching in this game. However, SH Blizzard to SH Blizzard is one of the best approaches that I know of. It covers you completely, allows for plenty of mobility, and has a huge range and duration. If a Blizzard hits, you automatically get a free grab or another hit. That is all.

Edit - come to think of it, I don't know wtf this thread is about. The only thing broken in Brawl is the fan.

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