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i use my wolflector like imma fox...am i crazy?


Smash Cadet
Apr 29, 2008
as in i jump off the stage(pursueing a knocked off opponent) shine them then attempt to make it back to te stage. it works for the most part and i -usually- never SD myself while doing it.

however my friends and i are a bunch of StarWolf...er starfox( >=P ) nuts so i screw up their fox/falco fires every chance i get.. but i faced another guy from one of my other 'clicks' and hes a crappin falcon user and when ever i shine he immediatly retaliates with another recovery~ i was very shocked and lost the match..

..so basically it doesnt work on all enemies

i decided to bring this up since it kinda seems like its unheard of in the wolf boards...where basically Bair and Spikin is key to wolf edge guarding..

but please...let me know if this is just some kinda silly habit post melee fox mainers suffer when switching to wolf...=/


Smash Journeyman
Aug 20, 2008
First of all, try to use better spelling next time.

Oh, and Wolf's reflector is better for enemies up close. It's a good move if somebody moving up close but you're afraid of being countered.

Fox's reflector is better against projectiles. Other than that it's not necessary to use.


Smash Cadet
Apr 29, 2008
First of all, try to use better spelling next time.

Oh, and Wolf's reflector is better for enemies up close. It's a good move if somebody moving up close but you're afraid of being countered.

Fox's reflector is better against projectiles. Other than that it's not necessary to use.
okay so i guess i missed the spell check button...?

anyway please dont insult me with old as dirt information. i already know this and it doesnt have too much to do with what was asked in the topic...

swing and miss

-fox's reflector has pretty much the same properties as wolf's minus the range~ however he has a nice 'hover' ability to keep him from falling like us wolves...but this isnt the fox boards~

colored blind

Smash Journeyman
Mar 7, 2008
Purdue/West Lafayette
Wolf's fall speed makes this difficult to pull of at all without SD'ing. If you use the reflector to shine them downwards and still safely recover, then so can they. If a Captain Falcon recovered from it, that should be a dead ringer that pretty much anyone can. Just my opinion, though,


Smash Rookie
Jun 13, 2008
since fox and falco's upB takes a while for them to actually go anywhere, I guess it'd be a much better option to dair spike them.
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