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I REALLY need help!!!!! D: (in spanish)


Smash Rookie
Dec 3, 2015
Y si... Por decirlo de una manera te denuncian por ser demasiado bueno y por darles un buen rage quit. Y de golpe no dejarte ni entrar en torneos, no encontrarse a NADIE en cualquier modo que no sea 1 contra 1 (para empezar ya me cuesta encontrar gente en 1 contra 1), ademas esa gente que encuentro son todos o muuuuy pros, o muuuuuuy guarros.

Que leches es esta broma?? Me han metido en el servidor de los baneados? El servidor de la escoria de smash?
Porfavor necesito ayuda muuy urgentemente, que puedo hacer? Yo siempre he jugado muy "legal" sin spamear ataques ni nada que pueda llevar al rage quit profundo.

Gracias de antemano :(

And if.... They report me for being to good and give them a good rage quit.
And suddenly I can't enter the tournaments mode, and not found anyone in any way that is not 1 on 1.
Besides the people I meet are all veeeery pros or veeeeeery campers.

WHY Nintendo put me into this bull*****(sorry for this word:/, but I needed to said) server of bad people???:((
I have always played fair, and this is veeeeeeery UNFAIR D:<, and I have never spammed.
Also is veery difficult found people to play in online...

THANKS for advance:/
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Smash Rookie
Dec 3, 2015
....I know how to type in english, but I was busy in the moment srry:/.
Now i'm going to edit the post.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 10, 2014
....I know how to type in english, but I was busy in the moment srry:/.
Now i'm going to edit the post.
Wow. That first response was a dochebag post.
I'm sorry about that.

Forgive me, my Spanish isn't too top notch.
United States citizen born from Mexican parents.

Todo lo que puedes hacer es esperar una semana.
No jueges.
Si te reportan cuando estas en este servidor especial, dura mas tiempo el castigo.
A mi ya me han metido alli dos veces y siempre salgo en una semana.

Si quieres, habla por telefono a Nintendo, pero mas que nada para criticar este sistema tonta.
No pueden hacer nada para sacarte del servidor y no saben que hisiste para justificar el castigo (mas evidencia que no revisan los reportes).

Lo siento.
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Smash Champion
May 10, 2008
Glad someone gave you a real response, sadly I don't speak Spanish so I can't help much, but I think pollo might have helped. As for the troll response, ignore list him.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2013
Glad someone gave you a real response, sadly I don't speak Spanish so I can't help much, but I think pollo might have helped. As for the troll response, ignore list him.
At least my posts are readable and besides that I was helpful too because I helped him to communicate with the community.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 10, 2014
At least my posts are readable and besides that I was helpful too because I helped him to communicate with the community.
Except you did it in a snarky, douchebag way.
It was an English lesson on greetings. Could you be anymore patronizing?

And second, his post was readable. I read it just fine in Spanish and English.

Believe it or not, Spanish is a widely spoken language and many of us in the community come from Spanish speaking homes. Southern California has a thriving Smash scene. Many of us are Spanish speakers.

I think it's safe to say Marteworld doesn't need your help communicating with a community that has many members who could have read and responded with him just fine in Spanish.


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2013
Except you did it in a snarky, douchebag way.
It was an English lesson on greetings. Could you be anymore patronizing?
I just inserted a joke in it and did not even know what the lesson was about. It was one of the first things I could fnd. I did not expect it to be taken this seriously.
And second, his post was readable. I read it just fine in Spanish and English.
No it was not, when I posted he had not yet posted the English text. He edited the English text in after my comment.
Believe it or not, Spanish is a widely spoken language and many of us in the community come from Spanish speaking homes. Southern California has a thriving Smash scene. Many of us are Spanish speakers.
Everyone here speaks English. Hpw many speak Spanish? I do not know but it would surprise me if it was more than 50%.
I think it's safe to say Marteworld doesn't need your help communicating with a community that has many members who could have read and responded with him just fine in Spanish.
Indeed but he did not post at that community he posted in Smashboards.
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Smash Journeyman
Nov 10, 2014
I just inserted a joke in it and did not even know what the lesson was about. It was one of the first things I could fnd. I did not expect it to be taken this seriously.

No it was not, when I posted he had not yet posted the English text. He edited the English text in after my comment.

Everyone here speaks English. Hpw many speak Spanish? I do not know but it would surprise me if it was more than 50%.

Indeed but he did not post at that community he posted in Smashboards.
Even in Spanish it was readable. Maybe not by you, but that's only because you don't know how to read Spanish

Considering it's the second most spoken language in the world, it's bound to be a handful.

Yeah, Smashboards, a community with plenty of Spanish speakers. Why would it surprise you that there could possibly be more than 50%? What makes so Smashboards so overwhelmingly English dominated? It's one of the most popular forums for one of the most popular games in the world.
Of course there's plenty of Spanish speakers here. Engish may be the most common language spoken in the forum, but it doesn't mean it vastly out numbers bilingual speakers.

Just....stop. You're living up to that ignorant American stereotype. The kind that just assumes English is the only way and acts surprised when they realize "hey, no its not".
No where in the rules does it say you can't post in your native tongue.
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Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2013
Even in Spanish it was readable. Maybe not by you most people on Smashboards, but that's only because you most people on Smashboards don't know how to read Spanish
Fixed. I like to point out that they do know how to speak English. So speaking English solves this problem.

Considering it's the second most spoken language in the world, it's bound to be a handful.

Yeah, Smashboards, a community with plenty of Spanish speakers. Why would it surprise you that there could possibly be more than 50%? What makes so Smashboards so overwhelmingly English dominated? It's one of the most popular forums for one of the most popular games in the world.
Of course there's plenty of Spanish speakers here. Engish may be the most common language spoken in the forum, but it doesn't mean it vastly out numbers bilingual speakers.
Smashboards is overwhelmingly English dominated because it is an English site with an English community. I already knew that Spanish is one of the most spoken languages of the world but that is irrelevant since Smashboards is not representative of the world. And aside from that in the EU only about 15% of people speak Spanish as first or second language. So why asume Smashboards has 50% or more people that speak Spanish?
Even in this thread, the only Spanish answer he got was from 1 person and even he admitted to sucking in Spanish. Where are all those Spanish speakers? Even in this thread most people prefer English over Spanish.
Just....stop. You're living up to that ignorant American stereotype. The kind that just assumes English is the only way and acts surprised when they realize "hey, no its not".
Seeing how English is not my native language it is obvious that this is a complete strawman. How can I think English is the only way if everyone around me speaks in a different language that I learned before I learned English?

But in an English community English is the best way to go just like in a Spanish community Spanish is the best way to go and where I live my native language is the best way to go.

No where in the rules does it say you can't post in your native tongue.
I am not talking about the rules, so again this is a strawman. I never said that he is not allowed to speak Spanish. He can speak Klingon for all I care. But that does not change the fact that speaking English will most likely get him more and faster answers and thus is the optimal language to use here.
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Smash Apprentice
Apr 19, 2015
South NJ
I am not talking about the rules, so again this is a strawman. I never said that he is not allowed to speak Spanish. He can speak Klingon for all I care. But that does not change the fact that speaking English will most likely get him more and faster answers and thus is the optimal language to use here.
But what happens if someone isn't really good in English? Surely someone would help in their native tongue. :/
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