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i need some advice/tips/pointers

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Smash Apprentice
Jun 6, 2009
north carolina, hating on sonikupo (<3)
hey all, first off, i would like to ask if this is in the wrong place?
anyway, i entered a tourney for my clan and i am supposed to be fighting an olimar/PT/wario main, and heard he has a nasty ollimar. i will be using diddy and lucas. any advice? thanks in advance


Smash Lord
Jan 5, 2009
Montreal, QC
Yeah the Q&A or matchup sticky would have been a better place :ohwell:

To be brief, just dont approach until you get the trip. Use instant throwing on a banana bouncing off of his pikmin to hit him.
Throw him a lot to keep him off balance. Edgeguard and gimp his recovery.

And try not to get grabbed yourself.


Smash Lord
Jan 5, 2009
Montreal, QC
Wario is annoying.
He can leave his bike onstage to block bananas and hes in the air a lot. Just be smart about your banana placement and youll get a trip eventually.

If you actually get the double banana lock on him, grab him so hes offstage. You can then air release to spike/Fair him.

Also, dont shield when hes above you too much. If you do, youll just eat a bunch of falling bites.

Sorry I dont really know much about PT except that Squirtle has a good edgeguard game and Ivysaur sucks. Moves to watch out for

squirtle; shellshifted smashes, Fair, Bair
ivysaur; Usmash, Uair, Nair>Fsmash, bullet seed
charzard; rock smash, fair/nair offstage, smashes
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