In melee, Samus players all had a certain style to their play. Almost every single samus player was unique, and that made them scary to play against in tournament because it is hard to know what you are up against. The 3 top samus players in the early competitive melee scene were Wes, Oro, and Hugs. They all played REALLY differently, and it was fun watching how different their styles were, while each one being effective.
I feel like brawl samus is the same way. Rohins and I are generally around the same skill level with samus IMO (Better then everyone else XD) yet our styles are pretty much polar opposites. That makes me feel better about samus in a way.
Not too much of a point to this topic, just felt like saying this.
I feel like brawl samus is the same way. Rohins and I are generally around the same skill level with samus IMO (Better then everyone else XD) yet our styles are pretty much polar opposites. That makes me feel better about samus in a way.
Not too much of a point to this topic, just felt like saying this.