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I just..want to know why you guys want DLC so bad...?

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Smash Apprentice
Jan 23, 2008
Well honestly, with more characters comes balance, then comes creating the models, thinking up move sets for them, bug testing, final smashes, their place and use in the game it's self, the size, the weight, the strength, the skinning, colouring, voice acting, animations, then importing it some how to make it fit on the roster.
That takes alot...of well time. Also hiring people to do this, casting people for the voices, they would need an entire team to do this...honestly I don't think they would just make a team just for fan service like this..
Also...since the "Unlocked all characters" has been shown...I really don't see the point :/

The game is done, they want you to be able to enjoy it for what it has, not what it doesnt have.
That has nothing to do with anything. If there are DLC, they will obviously have a team devoted to doing all of those things. The fact that Sakurai and co. will have to work hard to make DLC good isn't a reason for not wanting DLC. And if another of your reasons is you already saw a message about unlocking everything, then I don't know what to tell you. I don't even understand how that means anything.

My favorite character, Wolf, did make it into the game. I still want DLC. The worse outcome of DLC is that I may pay 10$ for characters that I don't like and never use. The best outcome is that the DLC will add new characters that I genuinely use a lot and adds a lot of value to the game for me.

You aren't losing anything by having the option to get more. People are going to find something to complain about no matter what. (That also is not a good reason.)


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2005
Well honestly, with more characters comes balance, then comes creating the models, thinking up move sets for them, bug testing, final smashes, their place and use in the game it's self, the size, the weight, the strength, the skinning, colouring, voice acting, animations, then importing it some how to make it fit on the roster.
That takes alot...of well time. Also hiring people to do this, casting people for the voices, they would need an entire team to do this...honestly I don't think they would just make a team just for fan service like this..
If Nintendo actually got it's act together and came up with a good online system, this could have easily worked. They could follow the Halo 2/3 model, where content will come out at a price. Players who don't purchase the content have their own "With Anyone 'playlist'", so they aren't affected, players who do purchase the new content will have their own 'playlist'. For "With Friends," DLC will be locked when playing between a person with DLC and a person without. After a while, the content would be free to anyone. Since there is profit to be made, making the new content isn't a charity effort.

The game is done, they want you to be able to enjoy it for what it has, not what it doesnt have.
If Brawl is anything like Melee, we all got 6 years of fun out of it, but I'm certain that most of us would be willing to drop $20 for a bunch of new stages, characters, events, etc somewhere down the line.


Smash Lord
Feb 17, 2008
Switch FC
If Nintendo actually got it's act together and came up with a good online system, this could have easily worked. They could follow the Halo 2/3 model, where content will come out at a price. Players who don't purchase the content have their own "With Anyone 'playlist'", so they aren't affected, players who do purchase the new content will have their own 'playlist'. For "With Friends," DLC will be locked when playing between a person with DLC and a person without. After a while, the content would be free to anyone. Since there is profit to be made, making the new content isn't a charity effort.

If Brawl is anything like Melee, we all got 6 years of fun out of it, but I'm certain that most of us would be willing to drop $20 for a bunch of new stages, characters, events, etc somewhere down the line.
Well I can't really place anymore ..well arguements on this matter, so..it was a nice discussion and all. But good luck with any characters..that you hope to get in.
I can't win an argument of opinions XD and not trying to win anything really..
So yeah, i'm putting my gloves down here :p it was a nice discussion though..


Smash Journeyman
Aug 7, 2007
If Nintendo actually got it's act together and came up with a good online system, this could have easily worked. They could follow the Halo 2/3 model, where content will come out at a price. Players who don't purchase the content have their own "With Anyone 'playlist'", so they aren't affected, players who do purchase the new content will have their own 'playlist'. For "With Friends," DLC will be locked when playing between a person with DLC and a person without. After a while, the content would be free to anyone. Since there is profit to be made, making the new content isn't a charity effort.

If Brawl is anything like Melee, we all got 6 years of fun out of it, but I'm certain that most of us would be willing to drop $20 for a bunch of new stages, characters, events, etc somewhere down the line.
exactly who wouldnt pay 5 bucks to get a mario galaxy stage or an additional $10 to have geno as a playable character


Smash Apprentice
Jan 23, 2008
It is definately an argument of opinions, but it goes both ways. I hope you meant us to infer that.


Smash Lord
Feb 17, 2008
Switch FC
It is definately an argument of opinions, but it goes both ways. I hope you meant us to infer that.
Aye, it's an arguement of opinions, can't really be won XD as there are two sides to it and all. I Can't realy say anything else though :p
People have the right to their own opinions, as do I haha..
I Might not make much sense to most people though...but I try to as best I can :ohwell:


Smash Apprentice
Nov 8, 2007
I agree with the TC, I think DLC would be senseless and would throw the game out of whack. The game is complete as it is and doesn't need additions via DLC.


Smash Ace
Oct 17, 2007
Southeast US, 0516-6936-7436
The argument of balance is pretty shallow, as it appears Yoshi is still inferior to almost every other character, in spite of my hopes to the contrary.

The fact is, if they could, they should. It would net them more money from microtransactions, it could patch the game or maybe even add to the character balance over time.

As far as character additions, there's no reason why they shouldn't. People will whine about the roster if it's left alone (WHY NO MEWTWO) and people will whine if it's added to (MEWTWO!? LUCARIO REPLACED HIM! BOO!). The result of the latter bit of whining is that Nintendo makes more money. I'd certianly go with that option.


Smash Lord
Oct 1, 2007
Because people want more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more.
he really says it best, on top of that DLC is making once wonderful games limitless, to the point of rocketing their popularity up through the roof to the point of defining a genre all it's own
[[can you look me in the eye, and say Guitar Hero doesn't mean something big in America]]

Granted we all felt shame when we found out the real roster, looking back on out expectations, some of which were considered shoe-ins aka Ridley (AND META RIDLEY SHOULDA BEEN THE BOSS]] and Krystal [especially after Wolf's successful Luigification
we thought of it as more of a fighting game, like die-hard street fighters think of the game. But in the back of our heads we held the "oh yeah and single player, which has taken a hit over the years due to the games having strongly supported multiplayer, the single player seems lacking, which is an unfair assumption [[Halo Haters and FPS fans prove this point so strongly, it's not even funny]]

personally, as much as i love street fighter, i love the story that goes along with it, whereas Smash already had so much of that in the form of those other games, we didn't care
Nintendo, knowing this is as big a gold mine as halo, probably also feels like tapping even further into the fanservice that is smash, by satidfying so many wants... rant


Smash Apprentice
Jan 29, 2008
Well, if Brawl truly is the last Smash game as has been rumored, then new additions to the game would be logical, especially since even a downloadable patch would be quite a boon to the game. I mean, if Smashers find some gamebreaking glitch that makes many characters obsolete/unviable in tournaments again, Nintendo could patch the game so that it adapts the obsolete characters to the new metagame.Well, Nintendo would most likely just patch the exploit...but it'd be smarter to rebalance the character?Maybe?Anyways...

Melee was out for 7 years. Can you honestly say that after 7 years of Melee you aren't ready for new content?The only reason you're saying Brawl is complete/enough is probably because you haven't played it to death already.As time wears on, you'll wonder how the game would have been had Roy or Mewtwo or K.Rool or whomever was in it..and thanks to DLC, you could live it. Hell, PC games have been getting expansions and user made content for years now and no one complained about that, I think.

..Oh, and one last thing.To anyone who thinks that DLC would prevent people from playing each other...the Halo system of DLC sucks, especially since at LAN parties or whatever, people who don't own the maps can't even play on them if the host owns them or whatever. A better system to use would be the Crackdown system, where people who played co-op with others who owned the DLC were able to use/see the DLC as long as they were playing with someone who was, and if they didn't buy the DLC, then they'd still have it in their offline game although it'd be locked until you bought the pack. So you could go online and play as Roy or something in Brawl, and if you played someone who didn't download Roy, they'd still be able to see Roy and play against you if you used Roy...they just couldn't USE him.

Sorry for the long post, kinda bored waiting for SSBB XD


Smash Apprentice
Jan 11, 2008
Huh? Why would we not want it? I don't understand what you mean...

Yeah, the game is amazing as it is. I won't be dissapointed even without DLC. But I still want it to be in. How could anyone not?
Nicely put.

Personaly, since I only care about Pokemon chars, this is a dream game. Just look @ all the juicy Poke-Content! 3 Stages! (Although I wouldve liked PokeFloats over PKMN Stadium 1) a whole item categlory, excellent music, new trophies with D/P Pokemon, 4(If the Roy & Mewtwo thing is right), 5 PCs! Hell, maybe six if Plusle & Minun are DLC! Lemme tell ya'll, I am one happy Poke-Fan!

@ Thread Maker: Do yourself a favor, Save some Wii Memory. Dont download. But if DLC with Playable PKMN chars comes out, I'm gonna jump at it!

Mikau et al

Smash Journeyman
Jan 18, 2008
shhh...it's a secret
There are already too many threads for this, so I really think this should be closed...
Since I'm already posting: My problem is that there are only thirty-five characters with five clones, only three original secret characters, crappy series representation, and poor choices for about a third of the newcomers--yet there is a ****load of other crap in the game that no one wanted, a lot of it also substandard. A replayable SSB is about the roster, the levels, and the items--everything else should come second. DLC can only improve what Sakurai screwed up, even if it is just ****ing Toon Zelda and Dixie.
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