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I just Realized....


Smash Cadet
May 14, 2006
...Falco is the best "Situational" character in the game,

Even though it is opinion based, I think I did all the simulations there are and came up with this but even if I have someone disagree with me,I will say this I have swithced from a hardcore Fox player to a now a more relaxed Falco player.

Falco has everything he needs to stop every single other character in the game whether it is during a mirror match or against other characters. He is the best character in any situation....

Back to back----SHINE then combo
Far Away----Stationary SHL
Approach----Aprroaching SHL then land behind and JC SHINE
Retreating----Reversal SHL
In The Fray----SHINE
Defensive----SHINE or SHL
Edge Gaurding----SHL or Dair spike(perfect since it's not a meteor smash)
Air Combat----Nair or Fair(Fair equals multiple hits keeps opponents of balance)
TTT or Time To Think----SHINE(countless times I've not jumped out of the SHINE and still hit my opponent Fox on the other hand you have to pre-meditate your next move)
Mindgames----Empty Shorthops and Empty Approaching Reversal SHL
Sheildgrabbers----Approach then land behind
2vs2----Same as above with but with more distraction as you are an amazing Falco player
FFA----Can keep all opponenents at bay with SHL and focus on slaughtering your main objective that is within range of you SHINE(also the perfect edgehog against everyone getting on the stage):cool:
Handicap Matches-2vs1 or 3vs 1----Check out free for all(with the execption of your opponents accidentally hitting each other while you soar through the air)
Stages----SHL can keep characters from ever arising above the moving part of
Mute City:chuckle:
Against Cheap Characters----Stops Jigglypuff from getting to close(that is if you are a smart Falco player)

......if there are any more,I could have thought of them but I would like to see more added by others and even though I may seem like a traitor or switchout or whatever you want to call me,say what you want I just realized the true and all of the aspects of Falco and Falco is one of the few characters that can keep the so-call top player known as Fox in check.

Now this information is probably known by all Falco players.Noobs,Amateurs,and Pro alike but this was simply a note on what I realized yesterday as my first time ever even highlighting Falco as player so from here on I'm gonna use the lower tier list form of all characters just to see what I can learn and no I didn't use Fox cause he is at the top, my very first was Ganondorf and still will always remaim my first but I kicked major *** with Sheik and her chaingrabbing but then again I didn't fight any Pro Falco players.

So if this little note of information changes a person mind or makes them thinks twice about Falco as an opponent or as a teammate then well this has been a delightful entry on my part (espescially for noobs)but if this has been a waste of my time then oh well.Beacause also as project in college I have to put ideas in writing,so thanks fo reading and enjoy.
(The main reason of me posting this is that I made 20 people main Jigglypuff just so they can have a slight chance with me when I use Falco):chuckle: :chuckle: :chuckle:


Smash Journeyman
Aug 7, 2006
falco has the strongest offense in the game, but when he falls of the stage HES DEAD. You screw up once, your dead. With fox, you have move of a chance of surviving when knocked off stage, because hes recovery is a lot better and more versatile. This is where, in my opinion, Fox > Falco. Both space animals dont even hold a candle to the great pichu thou.

With pichu you can always make it back on the stage, he has awesome recovery that is hard to predict. In my opinion, Pichu is the best charactor in the game. Why? You cannot grab him because he is tiny. You cannot hit him because he is small. You cannot combo him because he is light. He pisses his opponents off because he has two taunts. He has sunglasses for an alternate costume (hes a pimp). Hes got everything you - need speed, maneuvarability, power.

My point - pichu will taunt and piss his opponent off, his opponent will charge in - but what can he do ? He can barely hit pichu because he is tiny and fast. Pichu is soooo good he gets bored when fights, which is why he falls asleep when he crouches. There is no way to beat Pichu - just accept your unevitable loss to a 2 pound mouse whose head is bigger than his body. Pichu is so *broken* they had to cut him out of Brawl. He is just that good. Oh ya !

I guess this why the programmers made some of pichu's attacks self damaging. He would be unbeatable without it. PICHU FOR THE WIN. PICHU FOR TOP TIER. PICHU IS THE NEW FACE OF TERROR ! PICHU WILL RULE THE WORLD !! I LOVE USING CAPS FOR EMPHASIS IN MY SENTENCES !!

Just my 2 cents.


Smash Lord
Dec 18, 2006
land of the free
I say Falco played at his best is slightly better than Fox at his best; however, Fox has so much more room for error than Falco. Seeing as none of us our robots, except for maybe DaShizWiz, I have to give a slight edge to Fox.


Dec 18, 2005
Palo Alto, California
Falco and Fox are both great characters no doubt. I think there is one way to determine who is better - by looking at their matchups.

Fox vs Falco - even IMO but slightly in falco's favor if anything

Fox vs Marth - even
Falco vs Marth - slightly favors marth

Fox vs Shiek - favors fox
Falco vs Shiek - slightly favors falco

Fox vs Peach - even (stage dependent)
Falco vs Peach - said to slightly favor peach but I think it's even

Fox vs IC's - favors fox
Falco vs IC's - slightly favors IC's

Fox vs CF - favors fox
Falco vs CF - even, if not favors falco

Anyways, the above is what I believe to be true. You may disagree on a few matchups, but overall, I think we can say that fox has a better chance against a lot of the higher tier characters than falco.

Yes, I am only considering higher tiered characters because that is, for the most part, all you see in tourneys.


Smash Cadet
May 14, 2006
My Fox is great I don't always DrillShine I Drillgrab ,the lag of the drill(so long as if you L-Cancel) is enough for Fox's amazing air combo game(Uair mostly then drill again down to the ground grab again then repeat in any order when necessary specially against Peach(one Drillgrab>Uthrow>Uair>Drill>Land Grab>Uthrow>Uair is enough to give Peach quite a bit of damage.It's just Falco's SHL is annoying when you don't have a descent speedy character to stay on top of Faclo.

And I apologize for my first sentence in the POST Fox is still better as long as you stay on Falco like white on rice then he can't SHL you then again I SHL close up anyway just to piss off my opponents and stop then in their tracks :):


Smash Cadet
May 14, 2006
Oh and as for Pichu yeah he is small but and fast but when hit flies far sure you can DI but humans don't DI perfect like CPU Captain Falcon,Ganondorf,Bowser,even Mr.Game & Watch destroys Pichu he has to come in for an attack some time.

You can't when if you don't attack and besides I usually kill all pichu players upwards anyway.


Smash Champion
Nov 8, 2005
I honestly think this is the match up for Falco vs Fox. It can be slightly better than the other or equal. I honestly think they are exactly equal.

Marth has advantage over Falco, if you fight a marth that knows what he's doing. He can own Falco so hard.


Dec 18, 2005
Palo Alto, California
I honestly think this is the match up for Falco vs Fox. It can be slightly better than the other or equal. I honestly think they are exactly equal.

Marth has advantage over Falco, if you fight a marth that knows what he's doing. He can own Falco so hard.
Yeah, I agree that the matchup between fox and falco is even. Like, I have people who tell me "Oh, falco owns fox so hard" and most noobs of this site say falco owns fox and I'm like no, play a good fox and let me know after that. Fox has so many gay things on falco it's not even funny.

I also agree marth has an advantage over falco although it is stage dependent IMO. I honestly think falco vs marth on Dreamland and FD is even and doesn't favor one or the other.


Smash Ace
Sep 13, 2005
the only thing I disagree with is the captain falcon matchup, I would say it favors falco not slightly or even.

EDIT: WTF @ me I was checking out old threads and I didn't realize I wasn't on the first page anymore and that this was posted back in Feb. Sorry for digging this back up for no reason guys.
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