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i have an australian wii so can only connect to auzzies in SSBB wi fi, is it possible change that?


Smash Cadet
Nov 3, 2013
i have an wii that apparently is some kind of system that only connects to aussie people and European people or something like that but the problem is that i NEVER find anyone online! well i do but it takes ages and people are not always on, whereas i heard that in America people are always on and they is even always a team brawl going on (i have never been in a team brawl online because nobody ever comes on) so i want to change it so i can verse Americans, is that possible? if so, how?


Smash Champion
May 10, 2008
only by modding the wii iirc.

You can still trade FC's with people from the US iirc, which honestly would be your best bet anyhow.

Besides basic brawl is like Russian roulette, and most of the time you lose (by "lose" i mean getting stuck with nothing but taunt parties, horrid lag, which would be magnified because you're from australia not the us, triple teaming etc.)

honestly its really just more or less a stress test now to see how much BS you can handle. I'd stick to playing folks on your friend list.


Smash Cadet
Nov 3, 2013
haha taunt parties in Australia is a big thing, all i want is a good match you know? and thanks heaps! that makes loads of sense! as much as i love versing people on my friends list, its hard to find a dedicated Australian player, so i only have american friends and they're mostly all asleep unless some oof them stay up really late, but yeah i guess its just tough luck, i guess im lucky i have a bro to verse :p thanks man!
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