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I have a Main, New Secondaries, and New Outlooks...

Jul 30, 2004
Woodstock, GA
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Okay... Needless to say it has been quite a whiles. I've been relatively active in the smash seen, not as much as I'd like thanks to work but I'm getting a little bit of a name out there in the central FL area which is neat espeacially as a sheik main. But I digress.<!--break-->

A main
YES, you heard right I have a main now, I;ve pretty much dropped all my other characters mentioned previously completely simply because I don't see my self wining with them. For those few actually following the journey...
Falcon, though manly as hell is so hard to play down here on the same level as say... a good snake or D3. his lack of range and solid approach options are what get me, not so much his lack of priority, that I can get around easily now-a-days.
Peach has such a hard time killing because fair is so easy to read, a lot of people get caught off guard by the moves range but I don't see that happening as much at big tourneys where people are going to have peach experience.
Luigi's recovery is good and bad... green missle is so easy to punish even from very high and his tornado isn't difficult to gimp either. Luigi is probablly my favorite, he kills really low can deal out major damage fast, but he lacks the mobility for characters like marth and meta IMO who will destroy you in the air with there superior range and priority.
And Bowser who I picked up out of no where and actually did pretty well with. I wanted to use him as a sort of anti-meta secondary... yeah... bad idea. The bowser boards have that match up as pretty even. Playing against Radix's meta I was completely destroyed by tornado, once I was in the air I was just meta's play thing since I had no attacks that could easily hit through tornado when he was below me... I'm hoping I'm just missing something, but that experience pretty much made me quit bowser for competitive play.

Sheik however remained, as mentioned before. She has a perfect balance of... well... nothing really. She is fast, has an amazing projectile and can rack up big damage quickly With her dacus she can punish just as hard as falcon from just as far which is amazing. Bair and needle pressure set up for east shield pokes and junk like that. And I also have access to a sudo counter, Zelda who excels in a lot of match ups that are very difficult for shiek, ICs... Kirby... think thats it. Which leads us to...

New Secondaries
Oh my ****ing goodness Zelda sucks, I hate her she is a character that has just low enough range and long enough cooldown and start up times to basically be complete guess work against the higher teired characters. In fact let me ask you this. Have you ever seen a top ten zelda since 2009? NOPE! well maybe but she sucks. all of her moves are easily punished by well timed grabs he fastest moves have the longest cool downs, and her move with low cool down have crazy start up times. a ten fram jab? bowsers down tilt is ten frames... Well any way bashing aside zelda is a charatcer I've been putting a lot of effort into learning every big loss for me has been because of zelda giving up a stock, a whole stock at an important part of the match. verus monk at gigabits in the last qualifier for brackets my zelda was torn apart my an 80% mario not able to get off an effective kill against well excecuted fire ball spam.
In friendlies with HRnut's lucario third round zelda was combed to oblivion after taking of a second stock.
A strong zelda who can hold her own at least long enough to transfor against faster characters or those who can out spam her is something I've been working hard at obtaining.

And I also picked up Wolf. After losing to Link64e's wolf once a while back I was kind of taken aback by his (wolf's) deceptive range speed and power. not to mention very forgiving weight and recovery. Oh... and the lazer.
Wolf kind of just plays himself for you, and in my mind is a better choice against meta than sheik due to lazers and shine for shutting down a lot of BnB meta approaches. Something sheik can't do as easily.

New Outlooks

I finally got a day off for a tourney again, it's been what... 2 months since I was able to participate. I plan on placing well at this gigs with sheik and wolf. I'm hoping for more meta practice before the tourney; thats my worst match up right now (and well the unapproachable d3) but since none of my crew even sub meta thats going to be hard to come by.
And I'm also aiming to bring my wolf to a new level as well. Maybe start getting more into the wolf community in the near future. I've already learned a lot just by peaking in on some vids. So I want to give back if at all possible.
And last but not least VIDS! I will be putting forth more effort to get vids up of competent play... I do have these...
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