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I had a really bizarre theory regarding Yoshi's win poses...


Smash Master
Apr 4, 2005
I know this might sound odd, but looking at all three of his win poses, they almost seem like an homage to Ken, Ryu, and Akuma from the Street Fighter franchise. When you stop to think about it...

In one pose, he throws a kick, then immediately turns his back to the camera in a stoic pose. This looks very similar to Akuma's Shun Goku Satsu win pose (minus the kanji, of course).

In another one of his win poses, he spins around and throws the two-fingered "victory" sign, the definitive victory pose of Ken.

The last one might be a little bit off since it doesn't END with a shoto-style post, but it begins with him raising one fist - and then the other - in the air (before twirling around with his arms open), which could reference Ken and Ryu's shared victory pose.

I know that sounds kind of bizarre, but I think it would be very interesting if they were subtly giving a nod to the series that arguably put fighting games on the map. At any rate, it's kind of fun to think about.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 2, 2008
There are a ton of moves and poses that seem to be a homage to many of the other major fighting games.

Yoshi's Akuma-like pose was obivous. However I didn't notice the other two. That ryu observation is a little bit of a stretch, but I do see it in there a little.

The two Super Smash bros. fighters that definetely have Street fighter reference is Mario and Luigi. They are so close to ryu and Ken, it's eerie. Mario and Luigi's Fireball, similar to the standard Hadouken. But Mario's upb is basicly the Shoryuken. And Luigi's Upb is the Shoryuken, but when the fire kicks in, the Shinryuken. Not exactly, but I do see it in there.
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