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I got the clap from DK


Smash Journeyman
May 24, 2007
Atlanta, Ga
I want to dedicate this thread to everyones most hated/loved simian, DK. IMO DK players use the cheapest tactics possible with him. I will only play DK in dittos b/c a good DK is too aggravating to play as any other character, and I also just try to play as cheap as possible (b/c my opponent usually does the same). I feel that on Kaillera, good players will play DK to the FULLEST of his cheapness, and i think the main reason is because its humorous, and second is because, well, it works. You know what im talkin about, spam grabs, fgrab-jump-throw-fair/dair, throw then jump out and up-b to knock them too far away from edge, use death tent in any number of different ways. I guess the only tactic thats really "cheap" is the up+b to knock fox or falcon out of range of edge b/c this can be done at very low damages, due to the knockback of DKs upb. They are all legitimate moves, but I guess b/c no other character is played this way it can be viewed as cheap.

So im wondering, what are other people's opinions on DK? Obviously the above is my opinion, and Im not really hating on DK (although I will go ahead and hate on DKs in ffa, that do NOTHING but grab and DK punch), i enjoy DK dittos b/c the cheapness of each kill is usually humorous. And also, sometime i see people trying to legitimately use DK's dair, nair, utilt, but usually they end up reverting back to the earlier mentioned tactics sooner or later. Give them the Clap ftw

Doc Chronic

Smash Ace
Oct 16, 2006
Richmond, VA
my buddy is an avid DK user, and i totally concur with the level of cheapness, i feel like i am being thrown every 3 seconds. His FAir is completely brutal and devastating, and occasionally if he has 2 stock and i am on my last he will try to do the ol' suicide by carrying me off the edge to mine and his death. f uck DK!


Smash Hero
May 26, 2006
It's not really cheap when DK is just one really big hitbox with hilarious hitstun from just about everyone's attacks.


Smash Lord
Jun 3, 2005
London, England
Heavy characters have less hit-stun from attacks which have variable hit-stun.

For example, base Hit-stun of Kirby's F-smash:

DK- 34
Kirby- 39

That's 5 frames less hit stun for DK.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 9, 2005
Heavy characters have less hit-stun from attacks which have variable hit-stun.

For example, base Hit-stun of Kirby's F-smash:

DK- 34
Kirby- 39

That's 5 frames less hit stun for DK.
Yeah DK's hit stun is not bad. He's just so big and heavy that it makes it so easy to combo him. Antd might me wrong but I always feel thats its hard to recover from hits with yoshi.


Smash Journeyman
May 24, 2007
Atlanta, Ga
Wenbobular i suppose you are right, but for lack of better word i used cheap. Like I said earlier, the form of play with DK is completely different than any other character in the game, and i suppose that this different form is sometimes labeled as cheap.


Smash Hero
May 26, 2006
Hmm. I thought heavies had more...
Whatever, he's still a giant hitbox...


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2005
My DK isn't like that.

Then again, maybe that's why it sucks. Oh well.


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
lol in a DK vs CF fight id much rather be the CF.

You seem to like the word ''cheap'' now I'm not pointing fingers, but the word cheap is a scrub term in smash. DK's strategies are effective, not cheap. And a lot harder to do than they look since they required oh I dunno GETTING THE GRAB as the biggest target possible?

As soon as CF hits dk with one throw, stomp, fair, usmash, bair, utilt, ftlit, dtilt, anything when DK is at a low percentage, the DK is dead. Even if the captain falcon isn't that great, ANYONE can combo dk to death with captain falcon its ridiculously easy.

Like wise in DK vs other characters. DK is really easy to kill so it justifies his ''cheap'' playstyle.

I think the word for the playstyle is ''gay'' not ''cheap'' Cheap is a scrub term that IMO should never, ever appear on the smashboards.


Smash Journeyman
May 24, 2007
Atlanta, Ga
Yeah, i feel like a legitimate DK just could not compete against a cheap one.

**Note: I realize that "cheap" and "legitimate" arent the best terms, but i already explained what I meant earlier, so see above.

Edit: Ok, i posted this right after Dylan, so I will change my terms now. I dont mean cheap as in im being a whiney b**** about it, but I dont really want to encourage or reward such play by calling it "effective", even though granted it is.
I will start calling it gay from now on, my bad.


Smash Lord
Sep 7, 2005
Olympia, WA
Yeah, i feel like a legitimate DK just could not compete against a cheap one.

**Note: I realize that "cheap" and "legitimate" arent the best terms, but i already explained what I meant earlier, so see above.

Edit: Ok, i posted this right after Dylan, so I will change my terms now. I dont mean cheap as in im being a whiney b**** about it, but I dont really want to encourage or reward such play by calling it "effective", even though granted it is.
I will start calling it gay from now on, my bad.
Watch malva's DK sometime. As long as you aren't on hyrule a skilled DK that uses all the moves will do better then someone that just spams grabs. If your opponent picks DK and then you decide to pick hyrule and you get comboed in the **** tent that is your own **** fault for knowing nothing about the stages.


Smash Journeyman
May 24, 2007
Atlanta, Ga
Yeah, i know that about the stage..i called it the death tent for a reason...And i think that using malva as an example is slightly unfair. Obviously he is gonna have a skilled DK, not just a grab *****. I mean honestly, hes the exception to every rule, with every character. Im sure that there are good DK's out there, but a lot of good DKs use the tactics that I mentioned earlier, it doesnt mean they arent good. And after reading my statement:

"Yeah, i feel like a legitimate DK just could not compete against a cheap one"

I retract it, it wasnt exactly what I meant. I was just stating that most DKs play the "effective" way, which typical is based around spam grabs, and if you try and play DK differently, incorporating more aerials and tilts, then unless you are malva, you probably wont do very good against a skilled "effective" player.


Smash Journeyman
May 24, 2007
Atlanta, Ga
In that sense I meant it as to use it more in your game. If you do then thats fine, well done, im sure that some people do, I was referring to the majority.


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
Meh, I can get away from superboom's DK at times what with ledge di and teching and refusing to let him walk with me once he grabs me by spamming every button on my controller (Im really good at it)

Like I said before, I play captain falcon exclusivly so when my oponnent picks DK its the least of my worries. Fox is my bane. But im slowwwwly getting to the point where I can stand a chance vs a real fox.


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
Don't call it "Gay", unless DK is a homosexual.
Gay is a widely accepted video game term. It used to mean being happy, then it meant homo, and now it just means ''lame'' in video game language.

Example :

player one misses his recovery with ness*

Player one : gay

And Dylan: Since when was DK dead if CF lands an Utilt?
Utilt = grab = dead. Dk should avoid getting hit by CF at all costs.

Then again DI does some wacky things so you can sometimes get out of those death combos. But I find its just unfair how well CF can combo DK without even trying


Feb 10, 2005
Salisbury, England
Utilt to grab? VERY unlikely he'll get caught in that.

And it's meaning has NOT changed, that's what I'm trying to say. Instead of saying "Gay", say "Lame", as apparently they mean the same thing.


Smash Journeyman
May 24, 2007
Atlanta, Ga
I suppose that CF can be pretty cheap, but i think its because of the ease in which nearly any skill level falcon (unless they are terrible) can rack up atleast 70-80 damage by just using his fthrow, upsmash, and uair combo. And from now on, im calling it lame, good call Meowkitty. So, what i meant about DK being lame is the fact that DK play is different than any other character b/c there is really no combo potential (unless you consider his "chain grab" in the death tent a combo), so instead other tactics such as fgrab->drop->fgrab->drop etc. must be used (I love how so many people try it after seeing malva do it b/c it looks SO easy when he does it). And although CF has a fairly easy 0-death combo (depending on opponent), atleast it is a combo, and you still rack up a lot of damage, where as a DK could bthrow a falcon, then jump out and up+b him, and knock him out of range of edge with relative ease, and at low damage.

Now i realize that of course this carries the danger of getting up+b by falcon, but against a character like fox, if DK can get the upb in while firefox is charging, then fox is most likely screwed. Obviously you should plan your recovery better if you are running into this, but a good DK can come out a long way b/c of his horizontal recovery. Ahh, i just thought of a better term than lame, DIRTY...DK definetly fights dirty...How does that sound?


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
as a CF main I must say CF is much cheaper than DK.

as a CF main I agree. Despite how easy falcon is to combo and edgeguard due to his huge manly weight from being so awesome and terrible recovery which also serves as one of the best combo finishers in the game..

he's still wicked gay. (I'm not saying lame darnit, gay is widely acceptable amongst gamers!) and even someone whos only like slightly good like myself can kill you out of a fthrow. ESPECIALLY if you're DK omg. Like, easiest possible combos.


Smash Hero
May 26, 2006
At low percents, Falcon is much harder to edgeguard while standing if they player has good ledge DI. It's not too rare that you get caught up in the up-b. Characters like Kirby and Pikachu don't really have that problem with gigantic feet, but I get caught in up-b's all the time with Fox. ...Maybe I just suck at edgeguarding :p


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
At low percents, Falcon is much harder to edgeguard while standing if they player has good ledge DI. It's not too rare that you get caught up in the up-b. Characters like Kirby and Pikachu don't really have that problem with gigantic feet, but I get caught in up-b's all the time with Fox. ...Maybe I just suck at edgeguarding :p

Ya Ive noticed that vs players of lesser skill (no offence Wen since I put myself in that category aswell) Ledge Di plus falcons recovery will save you plenty of times.

Vs Boom, metroid, Jaime, etc it's a completly different story.

Dunno much about fox but I always see boom/jaime using the bair to edgeguard falcon, just stand in place and time the shorthop with falcons jump then bair him and repeat and mix it up with ftilt or a fair off the edge when you can.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 31, 2006
Silver Spring, MD
...if DK can get the upb in while firefox is charging
but what if i use opera? or heaven forbid... I N T E R N E T E X P L O R E R (GAHHHH).

I think a skilled player uses DK's up-B to the max. It can prove to be very useful, not only in edgeguard situations. Its probably because it knocks the opponent fairly horizontally and therefore it gives you enough time to recover from it. If its not used as an edgeguard its probably best used as a get me outta here, tactic and it lets you regain your bearings.


Smash Master
Apr 7, 2006
Mountain View, CA
in b4 "whats cheap?" argument.
DK's UpB has an insane priority and his z-cancelled uairs on dreamland are annoying


Feb 10, 2005
Salisbury, England
"Gay" isn't a widely accepted term by videogamers, just idiots =]

To be honest, I find it annoying that you think "Gay" means "Lame", it's just disrespectful.

I find that the hardest thing with DK against better players is landing a killing move. While he has some good ones, it gets hard to land a throw or a Dair to Usmash at times.


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2007
Montreal Canada
"Gay" isn't a widely accepted term by videogamers, just idiots =]

To be honest, I find it annoying that you think "Gay" means "Lame", it's just disrespectful.
Ive never really debated this before, but Ive spoken to hundreds of gamers both online and oflfine, the term ''gay'' is used so often in videogaming that I think it has an entirely different meaning.

Intresting to find one gamer who's actually against it.


Smash Hero
May 26, 2006
I don't think it's THAT hard to find people offended at the use/misuse of the word gay.
And Uair --> Usmash on a platform works a lot with DK's giant arms...:laugh:


Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2003
Storrs, Connecticut
Ive never really debated this before, but Ive spoken to hundreds of gamers both online and oflfine, the term ''gay'' is used so often in videogaming that I think it has an entirely different meaning.

Intresting to find one gamer who's actually against it.
Being that meowkitty is actually gay, does it really surprise you that it offends him that his sexuality is used as a degrading insult everywhere?

Btw, I used to say "gay" a bit, but now I just use "lame". Not "cheap", not "gay", not "broken", just "lame".

Seriously, that's the ONLY word you should be allowed to use when complaining about this game.


Smash Ace
Feb 1, 2007
Being that I go to a school with a significant gay population, I find that over time my previous high school habit (it really becomes a habit) of using the word to describe something has faded. Nowadays I always think about how inconsiderate I was to have habitually used that word.

Anyway, I think DK's a fairly good character in terms of movesets, especially his B attacks. He's just too big a target.


Smash Rookie
Jun 28, 2007
I ****ing hate DK too. I no somebody who is a beast wit DK and he kicked my *** 3 time striaight. He beat me so bad i almost gave up on the average Mario...how do you beat dK wit Mario???
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