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I apologize for making this thread-inaccurate info


Smash Cadet
Apr 9, 2008
Does anyone know any ways of pulling off link's dair in battle? Of course everyone knows just how strong that move is. Link's dair with fastfall, can ko another link at 87%. Just need to know does anyone have any tips, tricks, or techniques on pulling this move off? The regular speed dair is nice but Link's fast fall version ownes. I want this move to be as useful as a Fox player's up-smash if you know what i mean. The ones I know are

(All performed at high percentages)
1.)bomb then dair
2.)Using dair as a substitute for spiking
3.)Waiting for an oppenent's rolling animation when coming from the edge of a cliff

Thats all I got really. No skilled oppenent will just willing give you that kind of ko. Any suggestions on connecting a link Fast Fall Dair?

All advice is appreciated.

Oops 2-3 aren't fast fall


Smash Ace
Apr 19, 2008
Watch the video from my signature at 2:40 and 3:45.
Its not fast falling but its Auto L-canceled and a pretty good mindgame.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 6, 2008
There is not Auto-cancel its just auto canceled. And Im pretty sure that dair doesnt even have that.

Defensively, you can use it whenever someone is chasing you from below.
Offensively, mindgames mostly.

The landing lag for dair is constant throughout so unless you land and bounce it off or start it from waaay up in the air (which is blatantly obvious if offensive), plus the fact that dair does more damage in the initial frames, you might as well start it close to the opponent for surprise, regardless of height from the ground. Another tip is that holding down will go through the opponent if dair connects, from all the random scenarios I can come up with on the top of my head, not recommended. Always bounce.


Smash Cadet
Apr 9, 2008
I usually always use the "bounce' technique but that fast fall packs a punch.What i do to reduce the lag is to throw the boomerang and then do the dair. By the time I land the boomerang comes back w/no lag from the move. I just want to know how I can get the move off, if at all, possible. But thanks for the suggestion though.


Smash Ace
May 25, 2007
NJ of all places.
Fast falling the dair does NOT increase power nor knockback. It just let's you pass through your opponent, simple as that. Fast falling DOES however let you hit your foe with the first few frames of the dair much easier seeing as how (,as AmigoOne said) the first few frames cause the most damage (basically when the tip of the sword sparks).

One little trick I use often is short hopping the dair. It's risky, but if you mindgame right, your opponent almost always runs under and right into it.

The dair is a great tool for edgeguarding, but not for fast falling.

I'm sorry, but I never seen to fast fall the dair at anytime now that I think about it, but as a

-Fun Facts-

1) Link's most powerful move in the game is a fully charged Dsmash. It can Star KO marth at 70 percent (at close range) and at 50 percent if done right using the Gale boomerang, which happens to be next to impossible in battle.

2) Did you know Link's fully charged second Fsmash is capable causing 28 percent damage alone? Unlike Link's first Fsmash, hitting closer with it causes more damage. Get too close however and it'll only do 23 like normal. So, if by any godly chance you manage to hit both smashes at their highest levels you will cause a total of 49 percent damage. That's alot for only two hits isn't it?

3) (In relation to number 2) Link's fully charged second fsmash is capable of KOing marth at 70 percent from the center of FD.

I know this is useless info, but it's fun to know, no?


Smash Rookie
Mar 9, 2008
A good strat for his Dair is setting it up through spacing and control with projectiles. Get used to your opponents rolling patters. When you are somewhat familiar with them space yourself so that when he rolls towards you after a bomb, arrow, etc. instantly jump and down air DI'ing away from your target. It works really when especially when you switch up your style from defensive melee to offensive projectiles and offensive melee to defensive projectiles. Link is a whiled and crazy character that is very underrated imo =).

I've pulled off some 0% to 80% combo's in a few seconds plus his sex kick is still extremely.... sexy =D
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