Smash Hero
So, I fought against a friend of mine who calls himself Platinum Shadow, or PlatS in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I lost many, many times against him and only won twice today. I won with Samus against Snake and Ganondorf, but everyone else, I fell. I also lost against my friend when he played as Samus, and I doubt he mains Samus. So, that was extremely saddening for me. I can fight well against players if there are two or three. If it's one-on-one, I can't. So, here I am, humbly asking for tips on how I can play smart with Samus.
I understand that some of you might say u-tilt, z-air (I couldn't perform this well, due to a slight lag), Homing Missile cancel, &c. These were useless. I guess I timed them incorrectly, since others can do better. My problem is that I think I am not spacing enough, even though I want to. The reason is because my opponent comes at me, which really limits my attacks. Sure, I use the d-tilt, but if that's blocked, then I have the possibility of being grabbed. (Note: I know that using d-tilt against characters without long-range grabbing protects Samus from being grabbed, if she is one character away.)
Please help your fellow Samus player.
My signature shows how low I feel about myself.
I understand that some of you might say u-tilt, z-air (I couldn't perform this well, due to a slight lag), Homing Missile cancel, &c. These were useless. I guess I timed them incorrectly, since others can do better. My problem is that I think I am not spacing enough, even though I want to. The reason is because my opponent comes at me, which really limits my attacks. Sure, I use the d-tilt, but if that's blocked, then I have the possibility of being grabbed. (Note: I know that using d-tilt against characters without long-range grabbing protects Samus from being grabbed, if she is one character away.)
Please help your fellow Samus player.