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Hyper offense for G5.


Smash Hero
Apr 19, 2007
Tucson, AZ.
Machamp (M) @ Lum Berry
Trait: No Guard
EVs: 240 HP / 248 Atk / 16 SDef / 4 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Bullet Punch
- DynamicPunch
- Payback
- Ice Punch

Amazing lead. Hard-counters most suicide leads like (Darkrai, Deoxys-S, Aerodactyl, Azelf, Balloon Heatran.

Does well, and often-times outright beats:

Sturdy leads
Mischevous Heart leads
Speed Boost Blaziken

Machamp has problems with, or is beaten out by:

Deoxys-A (Coinflip whether or not Deoxys-A holds a Psychic move)
Drizzle Politoed (coinflip whether or not confusion works)
Drought Ninetails (coinflip whether or not confusion works)
Ninjask /w Air Slash
Yanmega /w Air Slash
Metagross /w Lum Berry
All 3 of the genies

One last thing to note:

Shanderaa, Gengar, and Burungeru cannot OHKO Machamp without a critical hit. Shanderaa and Gengar are ohkoed by Payback. Burungeru's boiling water is a 3~4 hit KO and is clean 2hkoed by payback.

Shanderaa (Shandera) (M) @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Shadow Tag
EVs: 252 SAtk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Shadow Ball
- Energy Ball
- Overheat
- Hidden Power [Ice]

Not much can be said about this. Revenge kills things, but dies to anything that outspeeds it, and it doesn't resist. (aka faster scarf users.)

Ditto @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Eccentric
EVs: 252 HP
Hardy Nature
- Transform

A pokemon I expect to go to ubers sometime in the future. Why should the opponent be PUNISHED for using stat-ups. :|

A check/counter to stat boosters, and dragons generally.

Breloom (M) @ Life Orb
Trait: Technician
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Mach Punch
- Spore
- Bullet Seed
- Swords Dance

Threw this in the team partly because I wanted to, and partly because Breloom filled several niches I needed. The only check on my team to waters outside of Ditto, and hard-counters Doryuuzu, and basically all fragile sweepers. Mach punch rips apart unprepared, or dismantles teams. Bullet Seed murders anything slower, and doesn't resist it, and often times outdamages Mach Punch if both stabs are resisted. 3+ hits often times does about as much damage as an unresisted Mach Punch.

Garchomp (M) @ Yache Berry
Trait: Sand Veil
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spd
Hardy Nature
- Swords Dance
- Fire Fang
- Earthquake
- Outrage

The weak link of the team. This should be Latios sometime soon. :(

Scizor (M) @ Choice Band
Trait: Technician
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 Spd
Hardy Nature
- Pursuit
- Bullet Punch
- U-turn
- Superpower

Dragons everywhere. What does Scizor so best? **** dragons. C:

Notable threats to the team:

Gyarados if Ditto is dead
Mischevous Heart users once Lum Berry has been used.
Flying types in geneal
Poison types in general
CM Kerudio if Ditto is dead


Smash Master
Jan 30, 2006
Savannah, Georgia
People should be punished for stat-upping stupidly. If the Dream World ladder was properly implemented, it would still have Wifi Clause enabled, so you'd see they have a ditto and be more careful. Even now, you just have to be careful with what you stat-up with. DD Mence can prove to be deadly to yourself, while SD Balloon Doryuuzu is realtively safe, considering they have to EQ but can't without popping your ballon first, and you can have an immunity to ground as opposed to Dragon.

Really, anyone who complains about Ditto is playing wrong. Take your Garchomp, for example. A superior set would be;

Garchomp @ Haban Berry
Sand Veil(Rough Skin if possible): Jolly
128 HP, 128 Attack, 252 Speed
Dragon Claw
Swords Dance
Fire Fang

Not as much of a stall breaker, but since people are finally realizing Dragons don't have to be killed by ice moves, Yache won't be as handy as you think it would. Haban is better because, with the bulk, you can generally assure yourself that Ditto won't auto-KO your team if you get off an SD and it copys the boosts. It also really helps for Scarfed Draco Meteors and Outrages.

Deleted member

Not as much of a stall breaker, but since people are finally realizing Dragons don't have to be killed by ice moves, Yache won't be as handy as you think it would.
Garchomp actually has wonder guard, and you can't hit it with dragon moves cause all the other dragons are slower. /smogon 2008/

I suggest you run CB chomp and actively tell your opponents every game it's yache chomp. if people are still as bad as they were 2 years ago, most of your opponents should quit on the spot and thus yield you a victory.


A great conversation filler at bars and parties
Nov 18, 2007
Temple University, Philadelphia
That Breloom auto-loses to Shandera, as does bullet-locked Scizor. Ditto kinda loses to any booster than can heal itself. Can't beat agility/polish boosters like Lucario and Terakion. I guess you can beat Doryuuzu if you come in on a Rock Slide, but you don't really have anything to bait it. I guess Breloom baits x-scissor, but then they'd just swap out in fear of Mach Punch. Garchomp wooould be better off as Latios, definitely agree here. A combination of Ludicolo followed by Kingdra will demolish your team. Subtran also looks like it would tear holes in your team, but Latios could fix that.

Garchomp actually has wonder guard, and you can't hit it with dragon moves cause all the other dragons are slower. /smogon 2008/

I suggest you run CB chomp and actively tell your opponents every game it's yache chomp. if people are still as bad as they were 2 years ago, most of your opponents should quit on the spot and thus yield you a victory.
Garchomp used Outrage! Cloyster took 62-73%! Cloyster used Shell Break! Cloyster used Icicle Spear! Massive butthurt!
People should be punished for stat-upping stupidly. If the Dream World ladder was properly implemented, it would still have Wifi Clause enabled, so you'd see they have a ditto and be more careful. Even now, you just have to be careful with what you stat-up with. DD Mence can prove to be deadly to yourself, while SD Balloon Doryuuzu is realtively safe, considering they have to EQ but can't without popping your ballon first, and you can have an immunity to ground as opposed to Dragon.

Really, anyone who complains about Ditto is playing wrong. Take your Garchomp, for example. A superior set would be;

Garchomp @ Haban Berry
Sand Veil(Rough Skin if possible): Jolly
128 HP, 128 Attack, 252 Speed
Dragon Claw
Swords Dance
Fire Fang

Not as much of a stall breaker, but since people are finally realizing Dragons don't have to be killed by ice moves, Yache won't be as handy as you think it would. Haban is better because, with the bulk, you can generally assure yourself that Ditto won't auto-KO your team if you get off an SD and it copys the boosts. It also really helps for Scarfed Draco Meteors and Outrages.
Does that 128 HP really help against opposing chomp rages? with +2? or Latios DM? If it does, I'm beefing up my chomp RIGHT FREAKING NOW.


Smash Hero
Apr 19, 2007
Tucson, AZ.
breloom resists EQ and ohkos with mach punch.

breloom doesn't auto-die to shanderaa, but it does lose to it a majority of the time. breloom can spore before shanderaa makes a move if it isn't scarfed, and if i predict a shanderaa switch-in, I can spore on the switch and 2hko it with bullet seed.

shanderaa does auto-kill scizor, but not without taking more than 50% of its life in the process. BP does around 28%+ per hit and scizor is guaranteed 2 BPs (switching in and taking a BP. taking a BP before a fire move kills it.)
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