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Hungrybox's olimar vids.


Smash Ace
Nov 30, 2007
Brookings, SD
Try to keep pikmin numbers up - I noticed you allowed yourself to have 1-2 at multiple points

First Match

:44 on the first match - either go for upair to edge grab or go over the edge, you got stuck in the mid.
3:46 - Olimar IS a WTF???!!!w Character ;)
Great Final stock - why not play like that in the earlier two - against a kirby who abuses the dair, you must must must, get the shield grab, dash grab, fmash, or dsmash punish...every time.
The only other real improvement I would like to see is use of the upb on stage, tilt game, and your approaches from directly above kirby need a lot of work.

Second Match

:49 - once again - up air to up b would have gotten you back on the ledge.
1:09 - keep track of pikmin order - did an fmash with a white pikmin - would have killed with any other...
1:37 - same thing - go for above the edge or use upair or fair to recover
1:48 - 2:00 - no pikmin...ooh gross...however, a technique I learned in true's advanced forum - doing a single pluck animation is very very very very short...do it, then shield, dash, pluck shield...then attack to get some space.
rest of match - hiro just ***** you without pikmin - when you don't have pikmin, you can still tilt!! this is something no opponent is prepared for, calm down and reset your gameplay.

Third Match

:36 - do not approach with pikmin throws unless with purple - or else you are gonna get hit back and wasted your opportunity.
:50 - that's a recovery you did everything right on...maybe go lower and try to whistle to fake em out?? thats hindsight though, bad place to be either way.
1:27 - good try with the fair - but got really unlucky...it really only takes one successful recovery to make them back off
1:33 - why only 4 pikmin off respawn...kirby wasn't near - take your full 6??
1:45 - great sweetspot on dsmash!!
2:22 - bad recovery FTL...

Alright, here we go, simply from listening to the people in the room, it was pretty obvious that Olly is somewhat new to that crew, at least the people watching...always work on your recovery, what seems awful at the beginning can be vastly vastly improved. I think the biggest improvement needs to be your grab game...very few dash grabs, very few shield grabs, and no grab chains all game. I would also like to see portions of your air game worked on - from above opponent especially, and try to save your upsmash for kills - watch pikmin order, purple are quick kills with clean upsmash - I think that will fix your problems with finishing off Hiro (who is a good kirby granted).

Overall, I see some great potential here, I love the used of the uair, but why not follow that with the up b?? gets your opponent to really watch their air control and can be used to move around stage. Good use of latch, but you can move backward AND forward with throws, so don't use it just as an approach, especially against a good kirby, make him fight you on your ground to avoid that pesky dair. I tried to be as specific as possible here b/c that what I like with critiques...I hope I was helpful!!

P.S. - everyone knows that all dialogue in the back of videos should be non-brawl related ;) that way, no one knows what the heck you are talking about and it distracts from the video :D lols j/k



Smash Apprentice
May 5, 2008
I agree with Shrink, especially about the part about uair the up B, because most of the deaths were because of an edge hog where you could of uair and got saved.

Good matches, the speaking in the back add more...something, It's more human...:dizzy: well i know what i mean
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