but also we should keep the **** talk inside of smash, thats some low blows sandtrap...
theres nothing too low of a blow. its sandtrap...hes more of a coward than jimbo.
now a retort to sand trap. please read this and know, the very next thing u post about what i say will be tossed to the side and not responded too. its how i have to deal with little babies like you and mouf and tyle.
Oh man, me dating DoH, nice one. Your jokes are as bad as your face.
i admit, that joke was better than mine........................back in the 3rd grade.
Don't blame me for the reference, you were the one crying on the internet about how you can't play anymore because your hideous gf got mad, as if it's the first gf you ever had, and yet you still manage to play, rofl.
you should be the one crying. you get to see your disgusting sloth at every tournament.
Just because I wasn't trying doesn't mean you weren't.
i have a roster of 5 moves.....tgm combo(thats 2),grab,f-smash and WD. i used 2 on you. you can say what you want to justify your loss....but 2 moves is below "not trying"......its **** near sleeping.
You were so happy that you won, pumping your fists in the air and such, I was LoL'ing.
After the match i held my fists up..............like i always do. even when ive losts to SideEffect 48 times and won 6, ill still raise my fist up....get over it. and you LoL?!?!?!?! i know im a funny guy.
You made it a match, and I hadn't played on a counter stage all night.
Dont remember mute city? it is a counter pick to use on marth. i thought the sloth would have taught you that. learn your counter picks......no wonder you lost. speaking of counter picks......i didnt ever have to counter pick to win. WAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH.plus, i make ever friendly,mm,tourney match...ect a match that counts in my book. i dont join the rest of you idiots in saying, "only MMs and tourney matches count".
My last actual performance in a MM resulted in you giving me money, so don't try talking all big and bad now.
you did win the MM, and i was trying my hardest. i aint got no excuse.....i f-ing lost. But i can still talk big and bad. After-all, im TGM!
And please, all you do is talk on the internet. I wasn't a ***** at the STD, ask anyone there, we were all just having a good time.
Lets be frank, over and over again you said stuff under your breath about me. george and his pals could see this. i even asked you "hey, wanna do teams".......instead of a "no" you literaly sat there and refused to answer me. in fact we didnt talk all night. and when you retort(cause i know you will. you always gotta have the last word) please dont say "i didnt hear you".......cause you did. maybe when we had our match we said a few words but thats it. i dislike some smashers but i aint that rude.
Oh, and btw, anytime you'd like to fight, btw, just let me know, cause I'm literally waiting for an excuse to kick your ***. Not in Smash, but in real life.
OMG! Mr.SUB-WAY WANTS TO FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DO I GET A 6inch SUB(with turkey if you could) PUNCH!?!?!?!??!?!?!??!?! DEAR LORD PLEASE DONT MAKE MAKE FIGHT A KID WHO CAN BRING OUT A 12inch SUB(i want ham on this one) KICK!!!!!!!!!!!!
have you been sexualy abused(DoH's **** sessions doesnt count)? i read an article that said that sexualy abused boys turn violent on SWF......if you wanna talk, im here. Doc phil(aka tgm) always helps people.......even his enemies.
I'm not trying to get to Dallas, ******.
mouf said you wanted too, poop face.
I just wanted to make the Houston team stronger by replacing you with myself at OHSNAP.
replace me with a DoH lover? Replace me with some one who loses to 2 moves? i dont think houston would go THAT low. However, you work at sub-way.........they might replace me for some subs........
Just be thankful you're the one driving, or else you wouldn't be on the team at all.
i am thankful. i wouldnt want tosit there and wait at every rest station and wait for you and DoH do the nasty. also, your dallas, you have no say so in houston. you are only here to work at subway since dallas wont hire you. go back to dallas where you are accepted.
Just please don't embarass Houston too badly while you're over there.
YES SIR!!!!!! i wont lose to some one who only does 2 moves.
ok like i said at the beginning of this post, i will not answer to what you respond with. this can go on forever and i wont be a part of it. i know you will wnat the last word(just like mouf and tyle) so please post. but no matter what you say, i wont retort to your retort.
Honestly, i dont know where we went wrong. our 1st time playing was the MM, you won and i didnt trash talk or be mean or anything but yet ever since that day u didnt likie me....why? then we met up at georges house and you were pretty rude to me(directly or indirectly)......its because you dont like me.....thats fine but why? in your responce to this post, would u include why you first started disliking me?