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How to Texture Hack Smash 64 and why you should do it.


Banned via Warnings
Sep 14, 2014
Miami FL
Warning Received
Why should YOU texture hack?
You: o well textr hckin is dumb bcus its not a real game chng it distracts u yur dum
http://i.imgur.com/2eU38im.jpg (warning: cussing)
Because it needed to be that big.

Its easy.
Texture hacking is about the EASIEST THING you could come across. Its simply changing a texture and putting it in a file. Just open Photoshop or ****ing MS Paint and you could do whatever the hell you want.

It's alot more than you think.
If you think you can just do basic dumb **** with it you are dead wrong. By editing transparency, you could do ALOT with textures. You can pretty much make STAGES with textures.
Here Isle Delfino in Smash 64.

So don't say you cant do anything with it.

Its fun.
Nothing much to say here really, its just something really fun to do.

Interested yet? That's great!
Now download Project 64, 1.7 preferably.
Download a plugin called Jabo's Direct 3D8
Create a folder called,
Boot up Smash Bros
If you want to rip textures from a specific part of the game go to
Options > Graphics > Advanced
and select dump textures.
Now the textures should appear in your textures-save file.
Change the texture you want,
Put it in textures-load
Boot up the game
And your done!

If some textures that you made are trasnparent please check alpha bending in the Graphic Settings.

Didn't like the thread?
**** off! :D

Keep your eyes peeled for a how to mod thread and why you should do it.
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   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
Whoa, look at that ****ing censor dodge though.

I feel like there needs to be some sort of compendium of "Smash 64" hacking. Stuff like that selectable FD code and changing/rebalancing the game being easily discussed/available?


Smash Ace
Nov 4, 2013
this is dumb. give me a mod that changes platform position so you can create your own stage. none of this call of duty modwarnwarefar 93082093812 which is just a rehashed cod of the last one. This doesn't broaden gameplay and only increases chances for things to be ****ed up in an already broken source madness of software code.


I find you quite appealing
Aug 16, 2014
Fayetteville, TN
I feel like there needs to be some sort of compendium of "Smash 64" hacking. Stuff like that selectable FD code and changing/rebalancing the game being easily discussed/available?
Please don't put everything into one ugly thread. I wouldn't be opposed to another section in our forums but don't clutter the already cluttered. Hit @ Madao Madao up and ask him if a new section would be good and what should be in it. Thank you.


Banned via Warnings
Sep 14, 2014
Miami FL
this is dumb. give me a mod that changes platform position so you can create your own stage. none of this call of duty modwarnwarefar 93082093812 which is just a rehashed cod of the last one. This doesn't broaden gameplay and only increases chances for things to be ****ed up in an already broken source madness of software code.
You're annoying.
When did I say this broaden gameplay? This is strictly for content.
This isn't even criticism, its plain ****ing bashing me for no reason. What's wrong with texture hacks?
Alot of people like new stages and fresh new textures.
You don't? Oh well, I can't stop you.
But don't get mad for absolutely no reason.
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Smash Lord
Jul 10, 2010
The Gates of Darkness
this is dumb. give me a mod that changes platform position so you can create your own stage. none of this call of duty modwarnwarefar 93082093812 which is just a rehashed cod of the last one. This doesn't broaden gameplay and only increases chances for things to be ****ed up in an already broken source madness of software code.
I thought I smelt salt

why don't you try hacking the N64 then and do what you like to it, since you're so high and mighty. >:3

you could at least be thankful we HAVE a small user-base working on cracking the N64.
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Jun 27, 2013
I have mixed opinions about having a new section. Pro's is that these important threads aren't buried deep. Con's is that there isn't enough material or activity.

Maybe if more people were interested in helping, I'd actually be more active here.


Smash Ace
Mar 16, 2014
Or, keep this as the forum environment it is intended to be and continute to store data etc on SuperSmashBros64.com


Jun 27, 2013
Or, keep this as the forum environment it is intended to be and continute to store data etc on SuperSmashBros64.com
I'd rather not contribute to a site where I don't get credit for my work :roll:


Smash Master
Mar 13, 2008
disproving indeterminism
You would get credit, your name would certainly be listed in the credits like everyone else has.


On that note, if anyone has contributed material used by any of the supersmashbros64 sites please let me know and I can make sure you are properly listed.

And as asked for by karajan and others, I consolidated the gameshark codes to http://gameshark.supersmashbros64.com/ with the threads tab at the bottom linking the threads I pulled information from. If you would like credit for this and have your name explicitly listed let me know, but I was told by studstill that you didn't want your name credited at all.

If anyone would like a hacking tutorial or anything added let me know and I can upload it if the material is provided.
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Smash Ace
Mar 16, 2014
I'd rather not contribute to a site where I don't get credit for my work :roll:
Pssssh posturing, you know I offered you the keys to the castle, homie.
As Shears will confirm, I`m not a fan of the credits section, and you`ll notice my name doesn`t grace it.


Banned via Warnings
Sep 14, 2014
Miami FL
If anyone would like a hacking tutorial or anything added let me know and I can upload it if the material is provided.
Yes please, we need more people in the hacking community for smash 64, I'm not particularly interested in what's in there now,
hitbox editing
character size/speed
It's more or less boring for me so it would be great if you would upload it.
(Also provide the two resource files for Luigi and Fox since those are the only ones we found)
Personally, I'd like to view and edit the models/textures instead.
But this is rather difficult, we can't really find the models e.e.

Wait do you even know what I'm talking about? Or are you talking about gameshark codes?
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Smash Ace
Mar 16, 2014
Yes please, we need more people in the hacking community for smash 64, I'm not particularly interested in what's in there now,
hitbox editing
character size/speed
It's more or less boring for me so it would be great if you would upload it.
(Also provide the two resource files for Luigi and Fox since those are the only ones we found)
Personally, I'd like to view and edit the models/textures instead.
But this is rather difficult, we can't really find the models e.e.

Wait do you even know what I'm talking about? Or are you talking about gameshark codes?
Kahnu just talk to me in the convo we are CURRENTLY HAVING (LOL) on Skype, haha.


Jun 27, 2013
You would get credit, your name would certainly be listed in the credits like everyone else has.


On that note, if anyone has contributed material used by any of the supersmashbros64 sites please let me know and I can make sure you are properly listed.

And as asked for by karajan and others, I consolidated the gameshark codes to http://gameshark.supersmashbros64.com/ with the threads tab at the bottom linking the threads I pulled information from. If you would like credit for this and have your name explicitly listed let me know, but I was told by studstill that you didn't want your name credited at all.

If anyone would like a hacking tutorial or anything added let me know and I can upload it if the material is provided.
Sorry lol, I wasn't totally serious, because I know that you're willing to credit everyone. I just wanted to poke some fun at studstill since he's opposed to having a credits list. I did not know that studstill actually told you that I did not want my name credited. I would like for you to credit me and a few other folks for making gameshark codes and other things. I understand it's difficult to track down who did what though.

Anyway, I appreciate your work on the site man. Great job, and it's nice to know I can access certain information without having to look at stuff that's not on Page 1 in this site. I hated having to bump useful threads back then ;/ . I'll try to be a little more active here. It would be cool to finish some of the things I wanted to do. Also, if @ tehz tehz could help, by giving me details about the stock timer problem on console, I'd be glad to give it another shot at writing a more stable gameshark code for timed stock match on console.

There are lots of things that most people here still have not taken advantage of, such as a near complete hitbox data chart of each character. So I'm thinking a wiki would be nice, but that's only if enough people are actually interested. Because things like that are too time consuming to do, if it's only for yourself lol.

There are some other threads too. Like mixa's stage thread. I even posted a picture of DreamLand's general coordinates.
Pssssh posturing, you know I offered you the keys to the castle, homie.
As Shears will confirm, I`m not a fan of the credits section, and you`ll notice my name doesn`t grace it.
Idk why you dislike credits section. I truly do hate when people try to plagiarize, like how Smasherx74 tried to pretend he invented that code. Sadly I even believed it, considering I couldn't find the code on google LOL. To each their own though. As for why I'm not interested in having my own page on your site, it's because I don't feel that I have enough content for that to be necessary man ;/ .


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
[Separate conversation, I know]

I'm not sure about a new section for it here. But perhaps the Video section could be reshaped into "User Content"?
Otherwise or still, a centric thread with most things covered and it can be stickied?
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Smash Ace
Mar 16, 2014
Ya Madao, we good, lol. I knew you were joshing me but I don`t think Shears did, even though lol he KNOWS about my opposition, lol, first real disagreement we had...the credits page.
Just for accuracy, I think he`s misquoting, like, I more likely said you didn`t want 'Madao.Sup..........'and that got misinterpretted. Again, just ftr, no worries.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 27, 2010
Also, if @ tehz tehz could help, by giving me details about the stock timer problem on console, I'd be glad to give it another shot at writing a more stable gameshark code for timed stock match on console.
I was going to gather some more data first, but it's really annoying rebooting the gameshark over and over. So, I only have like 5 trials lol

So, I'm using the code as found in your big code compliation thread, and only by itself (although, I'm worried about this since every couple of crashes the gameshark just turns the code off and turns another random code on; this also makes me think it just might be my equipment). The GS code generator is off.

I first noticed the game would crash within a match with the code on. I've never made it to a second game, either when playing with CPUs or with other people (granted, normally we only waste our time on this once or twice before just saying screw it). I wanted to make sure that I wasn't just imagining things, so I started recording things like Time to Crash, Character, Port, etc.

Time to Crash from Boot

1:42.61    ??    P1: Link    P3: Pikachu [Lvl 9]    GP: 0
23.20    7:58    P1: Link    P3: Fox [Lvl 9]        GP: 0
30.85    7:56    P1: Link    P3: Fox [Lvl 9]        GP: 0
5:36.03    CSS    P1: Link    P2: Kirby [Lvl 9]    GP: 1
                               Pika  [Lvl 9]
4:01.43 CSS    P1: DK    P4: Capt [lvl 9]    GP:1
                               Pika [lvl 9]
All things were done with 8 min/5 stock on Dreamland with items off. Stocks and item were manually set on VS mode screen. The first column is real-time until crash. Second column is when in game it crashed (or where in the menu if out of game). Third is my player; fourth is the other player; fifth is the number of games completed.

I've been looking into getting another GS (Pro 3.3 instead of the 3.2 I have) with another N64 to see if the problem repeats, but I haven't had the time/money to do that yet.
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Jun 27, 2013
I take it you used both codes right?
800A4D0B 0003
8013A789 0080

The first one is what makes it timed + stock. What the game does is check if the value if the last bit is set to 1, and if it is, then it's a timed match. If the 2nd last bit is set to 1, then it's a stock match. I'm guessing they just never had the time to add the option for timed + stock on the menu, despite the fact that they implemented the possibility for it.

The 2nd code is probably unsafe anyway. I apologize for this, as back then I was less experienced with assembly and debugging. Really it was just a quick fix, to the stock display problem. One easy solution would be to add a conditional code, to prevent problems from self modifying code.

Anyway, I want to know how things work with just the 1st code on, in console. I know that the stock display will be bugged.


Smash Master
Mar 13, 2008
disproving indeterminism
Yes please, we need more people in the hacking community for smash 64, I'm not particularly interested in what's in there now,
hitbox editing
character size/speed
It's more or less boring for me so it would be great if you would upload it.
(Also provide the two resource files for Luigi and Fox since those are the only ones we found)
Personally, I'd like to view and edit the models/textures instead.
But this is rather difficult, we can't really find the models e.e.

Wait do you even know what I'm talking about? Or are you talking about gameshark codes?
I may not have been as clear as I should have been. I don't actually have any guides, I was suggesting that if you or anyone had guides, tutorials, etc. I would like to have them so I can upload them into a place that everyone can access and is easily available. For years people have been coming in and out of the community with modding ideas and such and it seems like we're in the dark ages where nothing is consolidated. Someone comes in, does something, passes the information to one other individual and then disappears. That individual loses the data or disappears as well and now its effectively lost forever or hidden deep in the archives of the smashboards forums. This can be remedied by having a repository for all documents, data, information, tools, etc. that are relevant to smash bros. That is the purpose of http://supersmashbros64.com.

The gameshark codes is an example of one thing I'm willing to do to help. I didn't discover or create any of the gameshark codes, but I consolidated them into a website, http://gameshark.supersmashbros64.com so the data is available to anyone anywhere without digging through forums or searching through threads. So I can create hacking/modding/kahnu/etc.supersmashbros64.com or whatever else that helps get it all together and get people more involved.

Do I know what you're talking about? Mostly. I don't have any modding experience and don't have too much interest in modding. I prefer programming and application development. I could certainly look at and write code, scripts, debug, etc. but I don't have interest in looking for patterns in memory addresses and the value changes in registers while stepping through a debugger meticulously. Assembly, I'll look at. Instructions assembled into their hex values, ehh not so much.

Success is doing the work you want to do not the work you need to do.

With all that said, supersmashbros64.com is at your disposal as a repository/dropbox for any and all data you have or may need regarding smash. If anyone has data that they use that may in the infinite future be helpful to anyone anywhere at any time, then I suggest letting me upload it and crediting you so this information isn't lost like everything else. Its like a library. It might just be you and madao modding now, but if the information is all consolidated and available to everyone, others in the future might come along and do something. I feel the disorganization of everything is a deterrent to most people even bothering with this game.

Also, I still want to work with rebuilding netplay and kaillera. Does anyone anywhere have the source code?
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Jun 27, 2013
Do I know what you're talking about? Mostly. I don't have any modding experience and don't have too much interest in modding. I prefer programming and application development. I could certainly look at and write code, scripts, debug, etc. but I don't have interest in looking for patterns in memory addresses and the value changes in registers while stepping through a debugger meticulously. Assembly, I'll look at. Instructions assembled into their hex values, ehh not so much.
I kinda feel the same way now. Developing my own stuff is usually more fun than reverse engineering other people's work. Although for me, it's fun doing on occasion. I just think it should be done in moderation, due to how time consuming it is, to get what you want.
I feel the disorganization of everything is a deterrent to most people even bothering with this game.

Also, I still want to work with rebuilding netplay and kaillera. Does anyone anywhere have the source code?
I agree with you about the disorganization being a deterent. Ironically, even my own lack of orgnization has deterred me from finishing up certain things ;/ . Also it goes hand in hand with my belief that there's a serious lack of motivation here. I still see people who are totally unaware of valuable information, solely because they don't bother to read the threads posted in the smash index.

As for your comment about rebuilding netplay and kaillera, afaik the code itself is pretty good, except for problems with server. I know p2p works great, provided you aren't using an unofficial emulator made in 2001. So the bigger issue is simply the emulator itself. Although p2p is still limited to 2players afaik. From what I know, the problem with the server code is that the latest one is closed source. I believe this is the latest source available though http://sourceforge.net/projects/emulinker/ . So what someone will have to do is either decompile the closed source one, modify it and compile it, or edit the java byte code. I haven't bothered much yet, since I've been preoccupied and am still rusty at reverse engineering jars. I cannot find the thread where we recently had a discussion about kaillera. Maybe someone should make a kaillera thread.

In fact, I'm kinda weirded out since I cannot find the thread ;/ .

@firo you mind showing the fix to the timeout problem with servers? Sorry I cannot remember what the solution was. I have some time to spare this week, for attempting to fix it.

This worries me as well. @ Madao Madao catch that post, lol.
Lol. Try doing some work man! If you want me to do something, I need an incentive. If even STUDSTILL is willing to put effort into this, then that's some good motivation.

Edit:Lol the thread was simply moved ;/ . I don't mind though as I do feel this section is flooded.
Here's a link to the thread. http://smashboards.com/threads/i-pledge-100-to-whoever-can-fix-the-p64k-disconnect-bugs.372082/
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Smash Apprentice
Mar 27, 2010
I take it you used both codes right?

Anyway, I want to know how things work with just the 1st code on, in console. I know that the stock display will be bugged.
I've been kinda busy the past couple of days, but I tried out just the first line of the code and it seemed to work fine. I played about 5 matches in a row for ~20 minutes with no problems (besides the stock icons being off in a match, obv.). So, yeah, I'd imagine that putting an activator in front of the second line would work, although I'm still worried about Karajan's crashes with the flash-cart. But, that's a whole new can of worms.
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