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How to EASILY win with link.

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May 8, 2008
How to EASILY win with Link

I’ve been here a lot, and I’ve been hearing that “link isn’t a very good character” Or “Toon Link is much better” I’ve been playing SSBB as Link for a long time and he does not suck. With him I can beat intense mode on classic, and on team battle I can beat 3 level 9’s when they’re all ganging up on me. It sounds like junk, but it’s true. First thing I want to clear up is that toon link in not better than link. You don’t have to believe me, but it’s the truth, and I can give solid facts.
1: One of the big reasons is the spin attack. Honestly. Links is WAY better. Both Link and TLink are in the lower tier of attack power. Links spin attack, when it connects, has the power of maybe a fully-charged side smash attack from mario(Who is really in the middle of attack power.) But with at least twice the range, it hits on both sides, and it doesn’t have to be charged. (If you charge it it’ll be even stronger) It may leave him vunerable, but even if the attack connects at the very end, Link will still have time to recover. If it misses, Link can usually survive whatever the opponent can counter with during that short time. Toon Link however, has shorter range, and it doesn’t send the opponent up, up, up. It’s weak, and it doesn’t inflict much more damage than Links. The only thing he has to help the situation is that his recovery time is shortened. But if the opponent is low in damage, they’re likely to be able to pull of an aerial counter attack even if it hits!
2: All of Links projectiles except the bomb have longer range than T Links, and all of Links Projectiles are more damaging.
3: Links Smash attacks have longer range
4: Links clawshot has longer range.
5: Links final smash has about twice toon links range
6: People say TLink has better recovery, but that’s not true. Has anybody ever thought about the fact that T Link is smaller than regular link? Link wouldn’t need to get as close to grab the ledge, so his recovery move seems less effective. I guess T Links would have the advantage if for some reason there wasn’t a ledge to grab onto, but otherwise those are the same.
That’s it for the Link/ Tlink thing. But one thing I wanna highlight is that people say link has a terrible close range game. Not true. Just jump a lot and don’t shield to much and act smart and Link works excellently. I can do all the things I mentioned above with Link and I don’t run away the whole battle. Sometimes I abuse projectiles at a distance (who wouldn’t) But for the most part I run into the fray and and pound my opponents. Link has excellent smash attacks. His down and upward smash attacks can suck an opponent in and send them up, so you can continue to attack. His side smash attack is an excellent double hit. If the opponent shields the first hit and keeps the shield up expecting the 2nd, you can surprise him/her with a grab, etc. You have to be very smart and imaginative to play with link. If an opponent is dropping down, come under them and use your upward smash attack. It can beat out most aerial attacks and will send them back up. his jump down b is also excellent. A nice combo… at close range use the gale boomerang or a bomb to stun the opponent. Then grab him and do your down throw. Id the opponent is at very low damage, use a downward smash attack. If not, skip this step. Then use your upward smash attack to send them into the air. Then use the “air guarding tactics I mentioned earlier, and occasionally add a bomb or jump up b to the mix to inflict massive amounts of damage. It’s not very effective in a free for all, but on a one-on –one, it is excellent.

That’s it. If you have questions, comments or disagreements, please reply.


ᗣᗣᗣᗣ ᗧ·····•·····
Sep 4, 2006
link is slower than Tlink (attack speed and run speed)
link does not have a wall of pain like Tlink
Tlink has a lot more options for every situation
Tlink's Up-b is a better than links both as an attack and recovery. while it does not kill it does quite a bit of damage and can't be completely blocked by shields
Tlink has less lag on almost every move
Tlink can't get shield grabbed from a dair unless he completely misses plus its a double hit
Tlink has an easier time killing thanlink


Smash Ace
Sep 3, 2006
With him I can beat intense mode on classic, and on team battle I can beat 3 level 9’s when they’re all ganging up on me. It sounds like junk, but it’s true.
This statement gives you 0 credibility here. Sorry buddy, but junk is junk.

First thing I want to clear up is that toon link in not better than link. You don’t have to believe me, but it’s the truth, and I can give solid facts.
1: One of the big reasons is the spin attack. Honestly. Links is WAY better. Both Link and TLink are in the lower tier of attack power. Links spin attack, when it connects, has the power of maybe a fully-charged side smash attack from mario(Who is really in the middle of attack power.) But with at least twice the range, it hits on both sides, and it doesn’t have to be charged. (If you charge it it’ll be even stronger) It may leave him vunerable, but even if the attack connects at the very end, Link will still have time to recover. If it misses, Link can usually survive whatever the opponent can counter with during that short time. Toon Link however, has shorter range, and it doesn’t send the opponent up, up, up. It’s weak, and it doesn’t inflict much more damage than Links. The only thing he has to help the situation is that his recovery time is shortened. But if the opponent is low in damage, they’re likely to be able to pull of an aerial counter attack even if it hits!
TL users do not use his spin for anything other than recovery. That's common knowledge. It's a bad move for him, so you don't use it. TL doesn't need it either...

2: All of Links projectiles except the bomb have longer range than T Links, and all of Links Projectiles are more damaging.
Link has a faster spam game. And I like Link's bombs more. But TL's game is still not something to shrug at...

3: Links Smash attacks have longer range
TL's properties are better and his usmash is 10X better than Link's without the range.

4: Links clawshot has longer range.
Point? It's already been established that Link has more range. Makes more sense him being bigger and all. His clawshot is also spammable. Doesn't make him better than TL.

5: Links final smash has about twice toon links range
lol @ final smash comment talking at professionals...

6: People say TLink has better recovery, but that’s not true. Has anybody ever thought about the fact that T Link is smaller than regular link? Link wouldn’t need to get as close to grab the ledge, so his recovery move seems less effective. I guess T Links would have the advantage if for some reason there wasn’t a ledge to grab onto, but otherwise those are the same.
What are you on? TL is about 2000 different kinds of floaty and Link is fat as hell. There is a BIG difference.

You need to look at Link at more of a professional level, and realize that what TL has that Link doesn't. Plus those differences are what is putting those two in their places at this point. TL has what's needed in the right spots. Link doesn't. End of story, until someone find something that will make link faster or have a decent offense.

Now can we stop with these threads already?!?!
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