This game is entirely about reading the match carefully once you get into a higher skill range. When posing an argument/lesson I would avoid opinion input on a topic, especially trying to present a lesson in facts as best known to the presenter. Hence long walls of texts can be briefer and to the point, leaving ample opportunity for opinions and counter-arguments in the comment/reply area.
Personal opinions can be alright, but make sure somewhere along the line it can be clearly known as bias. Any person paying attention to, for example, "roll because they are scared" comment might only note that in their later experiences disregarding the brief follow-up that there is tactical advantage in rolling/positioning. The automatic assumption for the student player might be "he's scared, time to go on the offensive", when that might play into an opponent's expectations.
You can't block after a roll or do a second roll in immediate succession (although it can be done nearly instantly), but you can dodge in place rather quickly after a roll so keep that in mind.