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How to camp with Diddy Kong???


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
Ugh........................ deez, you're not supposed to aim to "camp" it just happens naturally


Smash Lord
Jan 5, 2009
Montreal, QC
What I consider camping as diddy is spamming peanut and bananas. When they trip, hit them away with a throw, smash or DA to Fair and then run away and spam again. Diddy has such a good offensive game but having a good defensive banana game along with peanuts really makes it hard to approach a camping diddy.


Smash Ace
Jul 1, 2008
London, Ontario
The only time you really "camp" with Diddy is when you have an oponent on the ledge.

You can either have bananas right near the edge, and camp with peanuts or spam bananas so they fall and hit people trying to get up.

Spamming with the Peanut Gun isn't very good anyways, you should concentrate on momentum with Diddy.

white peachy

Smash Ace
Nov 28, 2004
Connecticut, USA
The only time you really "camp" with Diddy is when you have an oponent on the ledge.

You can either have bananas right near the edge, and camp with peanuts or spam bananas so they fall and hit people trying to get up.

Spamming with the Peanut Gun isn't very good anyways, you should concentrate on momentum with Diddy.
Incorrect. There are many times playing patiently/defesively/camp(ily lol)/whatever you want to call it can be the best choice against certain characters. And peanuts help out A LOT in certain matchups.


Smash Ace
Jul 1, 2008
London, Ontario
Incorrect. There are many times playing patiently/defesively/camp(ily lol)/whatever you want to call it can be the best choice against certain characters. And peanuts help out A LOT in certain matchups.

You are really embellishing the truth and you misinterpreted what I said. I never said defensive playing was bad, I said that camping with Diddy isn't very effective.

Diddy almost never camps, and he definately doesn't have "many" scenarios where camping is the best option. Of course Diddy has to play defensive sometimes but that doesn't mean spamming peanuts.


Smash Master
Jun 6, 2006
Its hard to camp with a character that doesn't have a stable projectile that can be counted on certain point to be aimed and perfectly spaced to "camp"...

diddy's Down b on the bananas is medium speed and it gives time for an opponent to get close, now if you throw A banana, the opponent can catch it and throw it away, therefore giving away your option 1 for pressure or what you call "camp"...

now the second thing that messes this "camping" sutation, is the duration of the bananas on the field, you cant expect to be throwing these around everywere without expecting 1 to dissapear or 1 to be caught and be used against you...

now his peanuts, can be easily evaded, they have no priority and give almost not allot of space to do something...if someone is smart they will run at you directly and grab you...not very reliable, more for like edgeguarding...but not for camping... maybe not impossible but not reliable...

a good example of camping can be falco's lazers, they cannot be caught or countered from a distance...maybe perfect shielding but still...that's the only way :O...or rolling...>_>...

now on the other way of "camping", witch would be with a move or a certain action being repeated...there is none, all can be countered it is up to you to guess what the opponent will do, and jump in the situation in witch you can take advantage...a good example of this can be marth with his fair "camp" ...meh....still...

camping sucks...


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
Diddy is amazing at camping. I'm not going to tell you specifically how deez, I want you to figure it out on your own instead of asking everyone else for everything.

white peachy

Smash Ace
Nov 28, 2004
Connecticut, USA
You are really embellishing the truth and you misinterpreted what I said. I never said defensive playing was bad, I said that camping with Diddy isn't very effective.

Diddy almost never camps, and he definately doesn't have "many" scenarios where camping is the best option. Of course Diddy has to play defensive sometimes but that doesn't mean spamming peanuts.

Huh? You said Diddy was not good at camping, that's not true. If you don't care what I think on the subject just look at ADHD's post two above this. Diddy's really, really, good at camping and it helps him in A LOT of matchups. That's all I said. I never said anything about "spamming peanuts" either. They are useful though, and you should use them (more than just pressuring a person returning from the ledge) when and where they are necessary. And I gave other "nicer" sounding versions of camping (defensive/patient play) because most people cringe when they hear it being used to describe their character, even though it's a huge part of brawl...


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2008
just think how other characters camp. mk can camp with just dair and tornado alone. rob can just lazer or w.e until opponent gets close and lol dsmash. or even pit goes straight to ledge and spams arrows and upair plus kirby who will just get ur power sometimes and just air camp ur peanuts and marth who can camp just by fair'n lolz. let us think how diddy, a VERY versatile character, can camp...hmmm xD

btw a diddy in camp mode will make u pist o_<


Smash Lord
Aug 13, 2008
Sleepin on the clouds.
Diddy is amazing at camping. I'm not going to tell you specifically how deez, I want you to figure it out on your own instead of asking everyone else for everything.
ADHD! Make sure you remind me to unplug your controller while your in Grand Finals with M2k or someone else at Apex ok? :laugh: Stop trying to make this so difficult for me boss.:(

I appreciate you trying to help me and now that I think of it, I do remember a decent strategy to do against certain match-ups by just playing friendlies with MD/VA's Finest. *cough P~S cough*:laugh:
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