CT Chia
Smash Obsessed
To all forum members, especially mods who can make this idea happen:
It's obvious that smashers aren't completely satisfied with Brawl's Play With Anyone mode. However, there is a way we can get around this, and it's the same way that players of Pokemon Diamond and Pearl get around it. Pokemon doesn't even have a play anyone mode, so we rely on friend codes. What we do is gather at a popular forum, and make a new topic saying who wants to battle? Then the first person to reply gets the battle. Each person would have already posted their friend code (it makes it really easy to keep it in your sig), so they add each other, and meet online. You can also agree on rules before hand by posting them in your sig or first message, like only neutral stages, no items. Here is an example of a thread I just made on Marriland's forums: http://www.marriland.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?p=2224913#2224913
Now here's the problem with this and how it conflicts with SmashBoards. It normally causes a lot of spam. On the Marriland forums (popular Pokemon forums), I have over 130 posts, and have not posted anything except requesting battles, so I suggest we do this. We create a new section on SmashBoards called Super Smash Bros. Brawl Wifi Battles, and the post count is turned off in that thread, similar to the meet and greet section. This way we don't have to worry about spamming.
In the example I posted above it took 7 minutes for someone to respond to my battle request, which is still pretty good, but normally I've gotten them within 3 minutes. This will provide a better experience for people who are serious about Brawling, so they abide by certain rules (with items and stages), and will generally know that they have a solid internet connection.
Only battles should be posted in the forum, and we could even make a seperate section for Wifi Stadium matches (sandbag nd muti-man).
It's obvious that smashers aren't completely satisfied with Brawl's Play With Anyone mode. However, there is a way we can get around this, and it's the same way that players of Pokemon Diamond and Pearl get around it. Pokemon doesn't even have a play anyone mode, so we rely on friend codes. What we do is gather at a popular forum, and make a new topic saying who wants to battle? Then the first person to reply gets the battle. Each person would have already posted their friend code (it makes it really easy to keep it in your sig), so they add each other, and meet online. You can also agree on rules before hand by posting them in your sig or first message, like only neutral stages, no items. Here is an example of a thread I just made on Marriland's forums: http://www.marriland.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?p=2224913#2224913
Now here's the problem with this and how it conflicts with SmashBoards. It normally causes a lot of spam. On the Marriland forums (popular Pokemon forums), I have over 130 posts, and have not posted anything except requesting battles, so I suggest we do this. We create a new section on SmashBoards called Super Smash Bros. Brawl Wifi Battles, and the post count is turned off in that thread, similar to the meet and greet section. This way we don't have to worry about spamming.
In the example I posted above it took 7 minutes for someone to respond to my battle request, which is still pretty good, but normally I've gotten them within 3 minutes. This will provide a better experience for people who are serious about Brawling, so they abide by certain rules (with items and stages), and will generally know that they have a solid internet connection.
Only battles should be posted in the forum, and we could even make a seperate section for Wifi Stadium matches (sandbag nd muti-man).