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How do you Yoshi users avoid getting foot stooled?


Smash Master
Jun 13, 2008
Toot Toot thrills in Green Hills (England, UK)
I searched but I didn't find another thread like this so here goes.

I've been getting into using the Foot Stool as a means of gimping recovery more and more recently and I've been trying it out against random CPU's. One of them was Yoshi. As I got Yoshi off the stage, I tried hitting him wih Turnips and the like but of course it's not very easy to knock him out of his 2nd jump

I then decided to try Foot Stooling him during his 2nd jump. The Foot Stool happened...and Yoshi just fell to his doom.

CPU's are awful at getting back onto the stage but I realised that Foot Stooling could be a huge problem for Yoshi so I was wondering how do you deal with it?


Smash Ace
Nov 3, 2007
Ames, IA
While Yoshi is extremely susceptible to footstools, they don't really pose too big of a threat because Yoshi almost always has a way of dealing with them. There's a lot of ways to avoid them...

1. Don't recover from below unless you absolutely have to. Probably about half the time, Yoshi doesn't have to put himself in a position where he's below the opponent.
2. Use aerials just after the second jump begins. You can't get footstooled during an attack, so Yoshi will be fine.
3. Use uair when recovering. This is probably the most useful, since it repels edgeguarders and has quite a bit of range.
4. Airdodge just after your second jump. Yoshi gets a ton of vertical distance from his DJAD that will propel him past the would-be footstooler and up to the stage. This is good when your uair doesn't beat out the opponent's possible dair.

That's about it. While footstools do happen in extraneous circumstances, they can't really combat all of Yoshi's defensive options while recovering.


Smash Cadet
Dec 22, 2006
Well, it happened to me a few times, but since Yoshi lost his DJC, he can simply do a rising airdodge or a rising up-air (DJ and then do an airdodge or up-air immediately afterwards).

I guess it's just a matter of getting used to, in order to see it coming.

Deleted member

I actually recovery from below alot, dunno why, just a habit, but i dont have trouble, i just airdodge or uair and no more footstool.


Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2005
Dallas, TX (Land of the Killers)
I actually recovery from below alot, dunno why, just a habit, but i dont have trouble, i just airdodge or uair and no more footstool.
Same here, whenever I get hit, I usually just egg my way back and then use my jump if needed. Sure there is a possibility of footstooling, especially against several jump characters like ddd and mk, and it does **** yoshi hardcore if you get it on him, but for the most part, like Kiwikomix said, its extremely difficult to pull off.
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