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How do you know if a Character isn't right for you?


Smash Apprentice
Mar 16, 2008
Link to original post: [drupal=1107]How do you know if a Character isn't right for you?[/drupal]

Its been on my mind so much that each character I try out I just don't like them but I like there series I use MetaKnight and I love the Kirby series out of all so I decided to main him from day 1 but since that day I have improved but not improved that much as any other character I have used I mostly lose with MetaKnight (Yes thats Possible) than any other character and I spend most of the time on him I can't using any of the other characters becuase they are so campy it ticks me off I like to get in and get aggressive but my chracter at least needs to have some range so I can have a easier time getting away with being aggressive. My play style fits MK but each time a play I mostly lose with and its starting to frustrate me how my King Dedede does alot more better than my MK even though I haven't touched D3 in like 3 months and I made a 14 win streak with Wolf but I can't even make a 5 win streak with MK and I haven't used Wolf since August 08 and my Wolf doesn't spam at all its really ticking me off at how I practice with a character I have a deep fan base for but I can't even improve that well with him/her I study matchups so I can do better and I still lose when I use my other characters it doesn't become so hard maybe its because the other characters I use have projectiles I mostly lose to hardcore campers that can just sit there and camp still there hearts content I can't even camp with Falco until I start getting bored I try to go aggressive with him and then end up losing the match just because of that hopefully the people who are reading this can me and others who may have this problem because I have been having the most aggravating time trying to find a new main I now know MetaKnight isn't for me but some other character is everytime I look at soem pros video I decide to just pass up on using them because it isn't that awesome as seeing a pro MetaKnight user.

Sorry about this long wall of text but thanks in advance for anyone reading it.

Take care live strong and god bless : )


Henshin a go-go Baby!
Sep 26, 2008
Miamisburg, OH
[...] awesome as seeing a pro MetaKnight user.
Great Gothams Batman! A period!

Anyway, on topic, I suggest just using whoever you feel most comfortable with. I too found MK to be my favorite character in the game, but as I played him more and more, I found my Kirby to be both better and more enjoyable, which made me switch MK to a fun character I play every now and then.

Basically, your options are to switch to a character you're better at/enjoy more, or try to analyze what you are doing wrong and attempt to fix it.

Also keep in mind that more people know the MK matchup than the wolf matchup, which may help you earn your wins.
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