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How do you guys deal with the fast characters with dedede.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 1, 2007
Near lancaster PA
Well I play against this guy who basically has the skill level i do in brawl, but I can't beat him with dedede, I only usually can beat him with my side main diddy. Well he uses pit and because of pits ungodly moves that cancel everything i try to hit him with, I can get him into a few chaingrabs but after awhile he'll just goto the edge of a map and arrow spam, which forces me to charge him, and dair him. however since dededes dair has massive lag when you land it on the ground, i get owned usually. Any tips on fighting pit, and other speed characters?

Lovage 805

Smash Champion
Nov 14, 2007
I left my wallet in
You want to generally play defensively, but dont become predictable. Shield grab a lot, waddle dee toss a lot, Ftilt a LOT. Be very, very aggressive with your edgeguarding. Go way out there with back airs, and if you hit him during his up+b, he's dead. If he shields, do a short hop downair. Hit the downair while you're rising. Ange your DI so you land outside or behind his shield, and it becomes pretty unpunishable.


Smash Cadet
Mar 11, 2008
I've not faced Pit, so I haven't really had to deal with the arrows.. But vs Sheik/Marth/ZSS/Squirtle, I have a generally easy time just sitting still and hurling dee's till they charge. As fast characters are also light characters, you really only need to hit them once or twice before your fsmash or Rhammer scores a kill, and only two or three before F/Bair can. As they fly far, edge walling is the way to go.


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2005
If you can, chaingrab them. In any case, sit back, throw **** at them, and be very patient. Wait for them to do something dumb, then grab them and either chaingrab or get them off the edge. Edgeguard when you get them off the stage.


Smash Apprentice
May 26, 2006
New York
I am always patient i wait for the right moment then BAm grab them.Once you get them off the edge. But it's completely differnt when you play someone who spams a lot *pointing at olimar dam WH0re*


Smash Champion
Nov 30, 2007
London, Ontario, Canada
Against most fast characters I play defensively like Lovage said. You need to learn their patterns and punish them for being too offensive. Pit is a different story entirely though. My best friend mains Pit and incidentally I just got done writing a huge post on how to fight him (from my experience anyway). The problem with pit is you cannot play defensively against him. He will outspam you any day of the week. I won't go into too much detail here just because I already wrote a ton in my other thread and I don't want to go off on a rant.


Smash Ace
Apr 7, 2006
Pittsburgh, PA
Spacing IMO is the key to winning tough matches. nothing will get to your opponent more than you always being just outside of their range. Like a lot of people have said already, a defensive wdee style is the way to go. if they dont hit, they still make some approaches more difficult for the opponent. shield grab a lot and set up for your own combos(cg... or whatever). Also, against most opponents you should be able to land atleast 2 utilts, and uair juggles are pretty good too. but above all else, i think spacing is key.


Smash Master
Sep 21, 2007
Baton Rouge, LA
What about fast characters like Diddy, who throws banana peels and attack at the same time? The banana peels really messes up my gameplay and him being able to attack and pick it up at the same time to throw again doesn't do me justice either. Any tips?


Smash Rookie
Mar 12, 2008
I won't say it.

Crap w/e.

Throw some Dees on that *****.

If he peels you from long range, shield/dodge and if he's still far throw a Dee and advance via short hopping the peel into another Dee/dodge. If he's close enough, block it, dodge over it (and probably his attack too) and go from there.

The rest of what he does is just standard fare, even his B-up is easy to edge guard.

As for Pit, I've found Dair to be very effective in advancing. Lag isn't so bad, especially with a lot of forward momentum in a short hop. Once Pit starts flying, it goes down hill for him as his movements get fairly predictable from there.

Or you can get into Dee range and dodge arrows will trying for a Waddle Doo to give an opening.

Vs space animals, the important thing to remember is Waddle Dees suck up blaster hits. Throw one as a wall, then send another off a short hop at them or advance the wall one Dee at a time until you are A) in range or B) they do something leading to you grabbing them or Ftilt/neutral A stopping their charge into a grab.

Marth vs DDD is actually a very deep matchup. There's definitely a lot of room for mistakes. If you do it right Dair beats their Up tilt/smashes, and learning to air dodge their attacks is crucial as air dodge into quick fall or Bair is one of the key moves I've seen so far.

Waddle Doos are very good here, as is D-smash. If they ever B-up incorrectly., they should die to Bair edge guarding every time.

Also, respect their smashes.


Smash Cadet
Feb 10, 2008
I am always patient i wait for the right moment then BAm grab them.Once you get them off the edge. But it's completely differnt when you play someone who spams a lot *pointing at olimar dam WH0re*
Olimar is not good at handling pressure. Just be aggressive, ftilt to counter pikmin throws, and watch out for the range on his smashes, it's surprising. I've found the best way to get used to pressuring olimar is to play with him and get a feel for him. He's actually a lot more vulnerable than you'd think just playing against him.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 21, 2007
Olimar is not good at handling pressure. Just be aggressive, ftilt to counter pikmin throws, and watch out for the range on his smashes, it's surprising. I've found the best way to get used to pressuring olimar is to play with him and get a feel for him. He's actually a lot more vulnerable than you'd think just playing against him.

depends how good the olimar is.
oli has really really good non pikmin moves, uptilt, ftilt, and dtilt, the last 2tilts actually move him forward so it messes up spacing...
HOWEVER ddd doesnt care about this, his worrys are getting tagged with too many pikmin
if you get above him dair and bair are a must...but you already know this!
hold your head high, the only speedy character i dont like playing is sonic


Smash Journeyman
Jul 23, 2007
all about shield grabbing for me. Just roll behind em to dodge, then grab right away, throw, and follow up with a combo.

Do that a lot, and I think you'll be ok.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 24, 2007
Sit back and relax until they decide to charge... OR use a Waddle Dee Toss/spam F-tilt if they start spamming a projectile (arrows, blasters, beam, etc.).Why shouldn't you try this if F-tilt cancels Pit's arrows and the Waddles cancel everything else?


Smash Ace
Jul 30, 2007
Lombard, IL
i have the same problem.
i mean, with pit.
i knew i'd hate pit before the game came out.
even worse is that my cousin i always play with decided to main him.

anyway i can't really say more than what has already been said.
i have yet to beat his pit with dedede, i mean, without FS, but still.


Admiral Pit

Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2008
Pit is actually one of the "dedede counters" characters. His arrows are faster than Waddle dee toss in terms of being spammable, countering the Waddle Dees. Getting him to face you in close combat is your best bet.

Against Pikachu, use Waddle Dees to block Pika's Thunder Jolts (Neutral-B). If he isnt aware, I'd use 2 waddle Dees (one might be waddle doo) then charge up the Jet Hammer. While the Waddle Dees Hold off Pika, close in to him and Unleash the Jet Hammer.

Diddy Kong is another one of the "Dedede Counters" Characters, with the annoying banana peels which will limit your movement options. Not even my Special Jet Hammer strat dont work. I dont think you can Chaingrab this guy

Vs. Metaknight, Be patient and wait for him to come to you, since he lacks projectiles. But I dont know anything else.

Sonic, well I cant tell you how to beat him since he gots too much speed and his annoying spring. His moves are bizarre and cant tell which one he gonna use. I Suppose waiting for him to come to you is your only option. Dont think you can chaingrab him either.

When I'm using Dedede, Im good against Slow characters, 50/50 vs Pikachu, and 50/50 vs Ike. I use Bowser, Pit, Zelda, Wario, and Metaknight to counter the others.


Smash Cadet
Feb 10, 2008
Fsmash is really slow and any fast character with any amount of skill is going to see it coming a mile away. Rockethammer is only slightly faster and has a lot less range, so it's not much more helpful against faster characters.


Smash Ace
Dec 2, 2005
Alexandria, VA
My brother mains pit so I get this match-up pretty often.

While your waddles are good his arrows are better, so if you get locked into a spam war you are going to lose, but you should still at least use them alittle. Chaingrab whenever possible, abuse ftilt for poking and spacing, both dair, and bair are very effective against him. Basically you just want to get your spacing down, and stay a good distance till you get a chance to grab him. Once thats done do all you can to get him off the stage and edgeguarding him isn't all that difficult.


Smash Rookie
May 30, 2007
Mesa, Arizona
I don't run very much when playing fast character. i usually wait till they come to me. I try to use >B a lot. After They have a decent amount of damage, I try to launch them up and combo them with my uair and dair.


Smash Lord
Nov 28, 2006
u wanna play on then defense more than the offense. spam a lot of waddles and a lot of shield grabs.when near the edge, shield grab to b throw and try to gimp them off. u play my friends who use wolf, pikachu, fox, diddy, etc. and i actually find it pretty easy to play faster characters. its the characters with a lot of projectiles i have trouble with =/


Smash Lord
Feb 1, 2005
On ya shield 20-fo-7
Fsmash is really slow and any fast character with any amount of skill is going to see it coming a mile away. Rockethammer is only slightly faster and has a lot less range, so it's not much more helpful against faster characters.
wtv. f-smash is an amazing move if youre smart enough you can hit people a mile away by predicting where they are going like any pro. for example "gimyfish combo" on youtube. you can also check out my recent vids on youtube while ur at it i think i kno what i mtlaking about.

if you are playing against a fast character like lucario or zero stui samus, just time your f-smash a little earlier and they will run into it sometimes.


Smash Rookie
Jul 6, 2006
For fast characters you should use your up-tilt, quick to come out and a great kill move. Also you probably shouldn't use it the entire match and save it for kill moves (around 80% a lot of the time) so it doesn't get stale. Also metaknights usually do a lot of aerials and the glide and the up-tilt is a great punishment if they get too close with it.


Smash Journeyman
May 12, 2008
Bedford, England
u wanna play on then defense more than the offense. spam a lot of waddles and a lot of shield grabs.when near the edge, shield grab to b throw and try to gimp them off. u play my friends who use wolf, pikachu, fox, diddy, etc. and i actually find it pretty easy to play faster characters. its the characters with a lot of projectiles i have trouble with =/
I agree, and im going to stab the next person who says "Just chaingrab them" as a solution to the opening post right in the eye!

I use a style of shield aggression vs. fast characters. What I mean by that is instead of me playing a defensive game and staying on the back foot, I approach my opponents head on, often rolling towards them, however still maintaining a defensive attitude (running turtling, shield grabbing etc). This forces them to make a quick decision. This guy is used to a defensive slow character and he didn't expect a massive D3 to be doing the approaching. Using mindgames like this means quite frankly, that guy is going to make more mistakes, and you're gonna punish him for it.

Speed shouldn't be as much of a problem as the projectile side of things. Superior projectile characters are your worst enemy, and you'll find it easier to beat them by remembering one important thing. Waddles = Meat Shield.

As for sonic, D3 players may struggle because of his quick approach. But that's all sonic has - a quick approach. Throwing a f-tilt to cancel his spin attack or even using Neutral-B to absorb that spin attack will stop sonic dead in his tracks and put the game back on your terms.


Smash Journeyman
May 2, 2008
long island, NY
I'll try saying something different, pit is definitely not a ddd counter..
he is so easy to WOP due to his horizontal recovery & short jumps.
arrows only suck when youre on the other side of FD, ddd wins in close combat.
remember swallowcides, remember chaingrabs, remember WOP,
& like everyone wont shut up about- shieldgrab alot, when the opportunity is present.

OG poster: doublejump the dAirs(tapjump twice +dAir) it helps alot to cancel lag,
and it is BEAUTIFUL out of shield, since people will usually spot dodge in fear of being chaingrabbed.

p.s. dont talk **** about fsmash! that move is beautiful for edgegame


Smash Journeyman
Feb 25, 2008
Bradenton, Florida
Just play a defensive game and annoy him with Waddle Dee spam until he gets close to you and avoid his side-b and begin to chaingrab him. Once you chaingrab him off the edge, kick him back further with a series of bairs.


Smash Hero
Mar 4, 2008
cg, MN
If you have no idea how to power shield and spot dodge well before going into these match ups your ****ed. And chain grabbing isnt the solution to everything...


check me out
Jun 18, 2008
hipster bay area
Lol the short chars give me a world of trouble. Ftilt is pretty useless in most of the matches regarding the quicker chars because of how laggy it is. Waddle toss and shieldgrabs is going to be the majority of your game when on the stage. Characters like Fox and Falco don't give me nearly as much trouble as Diddy or Kirby. Short characters mess with me so hard.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2008
Well I'm no pro or expert so take my advice with a grain of salt, but against fast characters what I do a lot is try to goad them into doing something that's kind of rush like. Whether it's an aerial rush, or a dashing rush, or even trying to sidestep. When they do that it puts you in the advantage if you can keep your cool. If you approach you gotta do it slow but steady and don't be predictable.

I know it's kind of humdrum advice but I can't really put it into much of a guide like form. Powershielding is pretty important to know but I say the most important thing to know is to simply know when to put up your shield...and lower it without necessarilly doing something right after. I know in the heat of the moment you may have a tendency to try a shield grab, or a hit but sometimes it's good to know when to just shield and then simply wait for the next opportunity. It depends on how the speed character player is using him/her. I can tell you generally that bair, dtilt, and dair/jump at the same time (roll your thumb from jump to A while holding down so you do the move and jump at the same time. Makes you land with no lag at all. You probably knew this.) and of course your grab are the most generally useful moves against little speed demons, at least for me. Also don't forget that swallow move.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 24, 2007
I usually just try to be a big penguin with a HUGE hammer...and I gotta tell you...its working fantastically
lol, thanks for the sig. But... I was playing my brother the other day, and he hopped on the bandwagon of Metaknight. He keeps on spamming his Dsmash and that wretched whorenado, but I learned how to somewhat keep him away on the ground. Ftilt outranges most of his attacks on the ground (not sure about Fsmash) and if that doesn't work, swallow him. Why? Because his disjointed hitbox, besides that silly Fsmash of Metaknight's, can't reach you unless he gets in range of your swallow. Then spit him out for some free damage.
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