Match-Up Ratio
40 - 60 in Mr. Game and Watch's favor.
Gerudo Effectiveness - Amazing
Possible Gerudo follow ups:
1.) Gerudo > Jab
2.) Gerudo > DTilt
3.) Gerudo > FTilt
The Stage(s)
Chose BF or Delfino Cruise.
Approach/Defense Options - Moderate
Things to watch out for: Now, the reason why Ganondorf doesn't win the match up is because ultimately, if he knows how to space turtles, you can't get close to him. They beat all of your approaches. His D-tilt is also good at stopping approaches, but if he starts spamming D-tilt, just D-tilt him, because it will beat his D-tilt. G&W's D-air edge guard by all practical means is impossible to avoid offstage.
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This is easily one of Ganondorf's best match ups against the top tier cast. Why? It's because you have RIDICULOUS combos on him. If he messes up his spacing even slightly, you have an opportunity to combo him to hell. D-air setups can take him from 0-60 in a matter of seconds if you read him right. Flame Choke COMBOS are guaranteed 20% on him at ALL percents, not to mention if you save your D-tilt or F-tilt, it can KILL HIM!
What you should know: F-tilt with precise timing trades hits with the B-air.
F-air slightly out ranges the B-air and D-tilt, one of the big reasons why G&W has to have better than usual spacing to win this match up.
D-tilt out ranges ALL of G&W's attacks.
F-smash is **** against his B-air with the right spacing.
It is also possible to shield all of the hits and Up-B him out of shield.
If you can stay close to G&W, jab out speeds his back air and has pretty good range, snuffing it before it comes out.
What usually works better is punishing the LANDING LAG of the B-air with a Flame Choke.
Aerial Options - Moderate
U-air I think has more range than any of G&W's attacks, but the hit box is situational, and doesn't work against his D-air 90% of the time which out prioritizes it, other then that Up-air to auto pioritize the other 4 aerials G&W has.
F-air is a awesome approach in this match-up, learned that from fighting A2Zomg. If you predict his b-air, and avoid the first bit of it, F-airing right then is slow enough to avoid the last couple of hits and then hit him.
Building up Damage - Moderate-Amazing
Our best choice of dealing damage would be Gerudo > DTilt, 21% if you're able to land it, and 12% for each other DTilt you do, and you could still follow up with other attacks from there (Gerudo,Wizkick).
Gerudo > FTilt does 22% but should be saved as a kill move against G&W.
Dealing with projectiles - Amazing
G&W's projectiles shouldn't bother you, as they are very easy to see and avoid.
UpTilt, could shut down your stomp unless you've timed it percussively.
Upsmash could also stop your stomps and KO you along with it.
Edge Guarding
Spike - Amazing
Well maybe it's not as amazing, but G&W's recovery is a lot easier to spike then it seems, but you'll have to time yourself close to perfectly.
Tip Man -Amazing
Once again, time yourself. Tip man as soon as he's about to grab the ledge, or close to it, then Tip man away.