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How do you approach Kirby?

Mentok the Mind Taker

Smash Cadet
May 12, 2008
Bethesda MD
When playing online 1v1 the only character I consistently have trouble with are semi-campy Kirbys. Kirby's forward smash is really quick, and my normal defensive strategy of shielding and tilts does not work well. a normal sequence will go like his:
-Kirby dash attack
-I shield/roll around
-I grab
-Grab misses b/c of sidestep dodge
-Kirby Fsmash to the face

Also, with final cutter, I only seem to be able to airdodge one of the hits, unlike Aether

I don't have a solid main, but I switch between:
PKMN Trainer

Thanks for your help!


Smash Champion
Apr 9, 2008
San Francisco
Alright try this out...
PK trainer:

Spam razor leaf. If he tries to short hop over em, short hop razor leaf. If he tries to float over em, either sweetspot up+b or wait for him to get directly above you and bullet seed. If he gets too close but isn't directly above you, bair and get past him. After that retreating razor leafs. Rack up damage and then count on your fsmash to get the K.O. when you get the chance

Eventually, you're going to die with ivy. So now you're at zard. When he approaches, he'll either do a dash attack or a fair/bair. Counter this with a retreating SH fair(jump backwards and cstick toward him). Use flamethrower to rack up damage whenever you can(SH flamethrower works really well). Once he gets caught in it, let him try and DI upward or toward you, and depending on how you feel, you can ATTEMPT the fsmash directly out of it(somewhat risky though), or you can just back up with a dodge roll. Also, SH rock throw if kirby starts spamming up+b too much. Even if you get hit by him coming up, the broken rocks will stop him from following through with the attack. AND DON'T FORGET TO USE TILTS(that's like what zard is about =b). Don't go for the grab until you can k.o. him with the dthrow(which will be kinda soon since he's lightweight).

Squirtle. Just use your speed. It's honestly your best bet. Obviously fairs and bairs but don't get too close or his aerials will own you. If he's getting overly lucky, feel free to break his chain of attacks with side+b. Hydroplanning is alright against kirby, but since he has so many jumps, don't expect to get him with it if he's already in the air. Try and use squirt's uair if you can, but beware of his rock form. If he does rock form, punish him with a grab or fair/bair AS SOON as he gets out. If you don't do it the moment he gets out, you'll get hit with a hard bair to the face.

Just on kirby in general: Kirby's love to approach with bairs. Don't try and punish them for using them since the after-lag is almost non-existent. If you can, powershield and do a retreating aerial with a disjointed hitbox(like zard and ivy), do it. And be wary of kirbicides since only zard has a decent chance of recovering from them(Basically, none of your characters should need to be trying to gimp kirby's recovery by standing on the edge.

Hope that helps(and you might want to post this in the poke/other character forums instead of the kirby forums XD)

Mentok the Mind Taker

Smash Cadet
May 12, 2008
Bethesda MD
I actually posted this in the Tactical forums but it got moved here. Thanks for your help. I have a bad habit of always using zard's dthrow(because it looks so cool) so it only kills the Kirbys I face upwards of 170%. I guess the moral here is that against a camper/spammer one must out-turtle them to win.


Smash Journeyman
May 14, 2008
Use a character with counter and when Kirby uses front dash, counter him then use a front attack
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