Someone's ego got really hurt...
This is your false perception of me. The idea of arrogance is also
your idea and your idea only when in reality I pointed out the flaws and the illogical ideas in your presented statement to disprove my post - which, up to now, you haven't and cannot, because my idea is grounded in truth. If this offends you, that is your issue and not mine. If you find that arrogant then you have issues to attend to, and are perhaps, projecting yourself onto others. In this case - me.
Sociology and Psychology are among my disciplines that I've studied extensively for over ten years and put to practice in various jobs and operations across the world and the internet. I am speaking from experience and practice,
are you?
Right, now that we are onto the transgender subject, which is now drifting off of the OP (seriously? transgender? You consider homosexuality and transgender to be along the lines of evil now? Poor example, this is pulling on straws but I'll bite for my amusement.)
Some homosexuality is influenced externally. Others are genetically inclined. Neither of these make the act of homosexuality evil, and onto the point of transgender (which I find a poor example). If one is inclined to feel more toward the opposite sex of their birth then this is still influenced factors. Confusion of genders can stem from many forms of influence, including genetic factors. This does not make it
evil, so your point is irrelevant.
Also there is indeed exceptions, but as previously pointed out in my former post - your points are irrelevant, because all of them still hinged on influence. How would you have the idea to kill and r.ape if it was never taught in society?
) Even if you are autistic or have a low IQ. If it was never taught or never seen, then it is ignorant to assume it can suddenly happen.
And a word of advice - everything is explainable, even if you do not understand it yet, does not mean everyone else doesn't. There are things unknown to me that others have greater knowledge about and the same applies to you. Be modest and be open-minded, you have a very long way to go.
PS: My opinion concerning why some are autistic is due to a new spirit form or low evolution. Same applies to *********** which I think that we were all at that point once in former lifetimes, which is also why overopopulation is detrimental to the planet. Genetic factors can play an influence in modes of behavior but it does not make a person evil. It's the choices that come after. I've met people who have these defects and are wiser, kinder and more loving than supposedly normal people.
Have a wonderful day.