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How about rating my luigi?

X WaNtEd X

Smash Lord
Mar 24, 2009
Lowell, MA
I'm not a luigi expert but I main him and can help you out a little. Your wave dashing is good, but a little predictable. Mix it up some more. Your recovery could use some work. Remember the order: b tilt, jump, tornado (if needed) b-up. Occasionally you used this order, but there were times where you jumped before you use b-tilt. Not much else to say except you left yourself open for the fox too often. Try playing a little more defensively and see where it goes. You played pretty considering you were up against a fox. Good luck in the future!


Gotem City Vigilante
Sep 25, 2007
The back country, GA
Wanted there is no set order for recovering with Luigi. It depends on the situation.

Nasty do you 2nd Luigi? He's been my secondary for a while even though I play a lot more Dorf. :grin:

Try some sh double aerials when you're in close (like dair > nair, then utilt > dair/fair). In my experience uair is also a good choice for the 2nd aerial if you're landing in front and you think they'll shield it - better at pushing you out of their shieldgrab range.


Smash Champion
Jan 13, 2003
Pasadena, Maryland
good stuff man

you did pretty well, just keep playing more foxes and you're bound to get beastly at it

two things i think you should prolly work on that weren't really situational:

1. make sure you DI fox's upsmash out/away from him, it looked like you were either holding up or just forgot to DI in time.

2. try not to down-b after you jump, it should usually be the other way around.. and mix up those recoveries a bit, it doesn't always have to be side b to up b


Smash Apprentice
Feb 10, 2008
Apopka, FL
Nasty do you 2nd Luigi? He's been my secondary for a while even though I play a lot more Dorf. :grin:
Lol ya man i love Luigi hes such a beast just like Ganon...what i like to say is "Theres a Ganon inside every Luigi" LOL! :laugh: and i kinda play all the characters, im prett good with G&W :)

But ya thanks guys for the tips i will try improving and own foxes like nothing one day :chuckle:

Smash G 0 D

Leave Luck to Heaven
Oct 5, 2005
Charlottesville, VA
Not bad, I like what I saw.

One thing, I think you can extend your combos. Use some more Nairs, Utilts, and Jab resets. Especially those jab resets for those 0%-**** combos.

Fox combo'd you a lot, so learn some combo breakers (Nair ftw). I saw some nice usage of Dair, keep that up!

I can see that Fox knows some of Luigi's tricks, so you may want to throw some more Uairs in there. They help with recovering onto the edge because you can outrange Fox before he touches you


Smash Apprentice
Feb 10, 2008
Apopka, FL
Sweet, thanks for the tips Smash God :)

Before i rarely got on the boards and now im on it alot because ive learned a couple of things and specially people helping me out..its freaking awesome! Lol

Smash G 0 D

Leave Luck to Heaven
Oct 5, 2005
Charlottesville, VA
No problems!

That's what the Luigi boards are for xD

We've actually got quite a few people willing to be active, we just need stuff to talk about :p


Smash Champion
Mar 25, 2008
BC, Canaaaanada
First thing I noticed...
don't use DownB to approach at 0%
He just crouch cancelled it and punished you every time.

Do you play other players often? It seems that you know each others habbits quite well. Things like the way you'd both recover and edgeguard each other had that stand out. (example: the first stock you took in the first match, you dair, guessing he'll side B early, and he did. Whereas he could've side B'd to the ledge after you SH'd and been safe, which a different Fox could've done safely recovering. You didn't cover all of the options, just the ones he likes to make)

If you can, don't succumb to his habbits. Stay grounded when you edgeguard and cover everything you can. Eventually he'll have to switch it up as he improves as a player too.

And a famous lesson of patience...
"You don't have to go to him if you don't want to"

WD backward into dsmashes and stuff isn't bad either. He might run into it and it's safe for you. If he tries to punish it, punish him for it. Mix it up.

And mix it up in attacking too. Every Fox (even him) will SH your approach over expected dsmash and ftilts, so throw out a few utilt/usmashes. There were several ideal times to do them and you just kept downsmashing.

Nice weegee otherwise. He knows the match up well enough to punish the things Luigi sucks at (shine>upB lolol)


Smash Apprentice
Feb 10, 2008
Apopka, FL
Sweet. Im loving all these tips, im learning so much lol. Thanks everyone.

This is the first time I am seeing this thread. Ill give my input after I get a chance to watch the matches.
Pakman i heard you are really good, i def want to hear what you got to say :)


Apr 5, 2005
Phoenix Foundation
Ok I usually split my tips into what you did well and what could use some improvement.

what you did well
  1. Grabbing out of shield and general stun timing - you got some pretty nice grabs on the fox when most people would have got shined. This is a tough skill to have (I still kind of suck at it), so use it well.
  2. Wave Dash FTilt - You used it at the right times. I saw you edge guard with it and use it offensively.

what you could improve on
  1. Wavedashing/Wavelanding - As I tell everyone, work on your wavedashing and wavelanding. Use more platform dashes and work on your ledgehop waveland. Wavekanding is how Luigi continues combos.
  2. Recovery Your jump should be the last thing you do before you UP-B. Save it. And also don't forget about the air dodge. It is a very useful recovery technique.
  3. Shine Defense Learn to DI the shines so if you slide off you grab the ledge. (DI Down and in)
  4. Tornado - Don't use this move at 0 percent on a spacie.
  5. Don't fall into patterns Luigi has an uptilt upsmash nair uair and utilt that are actually really good. You should work them into your game so your attacks become less predictable.

All in all your Luigi is good. You have the techskill you need. Just work on the mindgames part and you will be set.
<IMG src="http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/mariokart/images/thumb/f/f7/Luigi3.jpg/300px-Luigi3.jpg" onclick="alert('ITS WEEGIE TIME')" />


Smash Apprentice
Feb 10, 2008
Apopka, FL
Alright i'll work on those :) Thanks alot Pakman.

Do you ever come to Orlando Pakman? I would like to have a couple of matches with you :)


Apr 5, 2005
Phoenix Foundation
Nah Florida is pretty far. Farthest south I went for smash was NC.

However, if there is anything big there before pound I might fly down.

X WaNtEd X

Smash Lord
Mar 24, 2009
Lowell, MA
Wanted there is no set order for recovering with Luigi. It depends on the situation.
Well, in a lot of situations in his vids he could've avoided being edge guarded if he had used the order I just gave. But you are right, in some situations the order I gave is not the best.
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