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Housing needed! LA, MS, MO, TN, GA


doot doot doot
Feb 15, 2005
Usually not playing Brawl. Location: Enterprise
Hey guys,

My spring break is from 3/1-3/7 this year, and since it's my senior year (and gas prices are down) my roommates and I have decided to go on a road trip. Our list of destinations at this point is:

New Orleans, LA
Biloxi, MS
St. Louis, MO
Nashville, TN
Atlanta, GA

If you're not near one of those cities you've read as much as you need, thank you for your time. Rather than spending all our money on hotels every night, I figured it'd be better spent in Biloxi, so I thought I'd check around here to see if I could find some housing for this week.

Specifically we're looking for housing on the nights of

2/28 and 3/1 in (or around) New Orleans
3/2 in (or around) Biloxi
3/3 and 3/4 in (or around) St. Louis
3/5 and 3/6 in (or around) Nashville
3/7 in (or around) Atlanta

There are 4 guys including me all 21 yrs of age. We're all pretty polite so you don't have to worry about that. (Excepting possibly New Orleans I hear there's a lot of 2 drink minimums around the city.) We're not mean spirited though. "Happy Drunks"

Any help you can give would be greatly greatly appreciated.

Also I'm the only one of us 4 who plays smash.

I know it's early but I figured I'd give y'all as big a heads up as I could. If you think there's any possibility you could house us please let us/me know!


Smash Lord
Feb 5, 2005
New Orleans
Thomas, I'll have to double check with my roommate and make sure I'm not going to have significant school stuff happening around those dates, but you can probably crash with me when you're in NO. Only thing is that the couch is small and the floors are tile, so it won't neccesarily be the most comfortable of stays.

Alternatively, I can ask around and see if one of the other smash peoples around here can hook you up. Only problem with that is that a disturbing majority of them are under 18 and/or living with their parents, so I don't know how far that'll actually get you. I can try, though.

Either way though, you're required to come by and chill while you're in NO. No arguements.


doot doot doot
Feb 15, 2005
Usually not playing Brawl. Location: Enterprise
Where's your place at? Will wants to know if it's anywhere near the French quarter. He's hoping anyways.

You should come out with us one of the nights, (show us the good places) I think we're spending Saturday night in NO, so you should be able to, right?

I don't have a problem with small couches or tile floors.


Smash Lord
Feb 5, 2005
New Orleans
I'm semi-close to the quarter, about a 10 min drive or so.

I'd be totally down to hang with you guys, though tbh even though I've been living here I was so busy last semester that I didn't really get too much time to find all the good places outside of the jazz clubs on frenchman street. Definitely willing to hang if I'm free, though.
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