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Holy **** that was scary. o_o


Smash Champion
Nov 19, 2007
Link to original post: [drupal=947]Holy **** that was scary. o_o[/drupal]

Ok, so yeah... It's 2:30 a.m., and I'm just sitting here in my dorm room browsing Smashboards. I hear my room door open, so I turn around to see this guy standing there. He walks in, and I just go like "............ Hello? o_O" He looks familiar, and I remember seeing him around before; I thought he was one of my housemate's friends or something. Anyway, he responds with a "What the ****?"

He then proceeded to walk over to my bed and sit down, and I ask him "....What are you doing?" He lays down completely on my bed and he says something like "I WILL EAT YOUR HEART".... So I just quietly sit at my computer for a minute, trying to think of how I'm going to deal with this guy. He sat back up, and bends oveer the edge of my bed like he's about to throw up or something. As I'm thinking to myself ("Oh god, please don't puke in here -_-;;") instead, he gets up and stumbles out of the room, banging into my desk and dresser, then closes the door behind him.

After I thought he left, he comes back into my room a few minutes later and sits down on my bed again and asks me "Who are you?" I tell him that my name his Sam, and he gets this "Huh???" kind of expression on his face. Then he get's back up and leaves the room again.

A few minutes later, I hear a knocking on my door. It turns out it was the guy who lives in the room across from me. He asks me "Do you know this guy?" and I respond with a pause and the answer "No." The drunk guy comes back into my room and lays down on my bed again, but I feel a little safer now because my housemate is with me. We ask the guy laying on the bed a few questions, like "Where do you live?" He told us the address, and it happened to be this building, and we concluded that it was the room on the bottom floor.

My housemate helped him down the stairs to his room, and after they both left, I locked my door. A little while later, I hear the front door open and close, and I see the guy leaving. However, he returned like 10 minutes later. He's come upstairs again, and he's tried to open my door like 3-4 times, but since it's locked, he'd just give up and go away.

I was feeling really nervous about the whole situation, and didn't know how to deal with it. I'm also a little irked, because I had wanted to take a shower, but because the house shares a bathroom, I don't really want to go take one and come back to find the guy in my bed again. Plus I can still hear him wandering around the house and going outside and coming back inside.

Yeeeeeaaaaaah....... From now on, I'm gonna start locking my door a lot more.......


Mother Wolf
May 20, 2008
Land's End (NorCal)
... That sounds like something you'd see in a comedy, honestly. Must've been creepy as **** though, last night someone was scraping on my door and it freaked me out but they were just shoveling snow (really though, who does that at 2 AM?). You handled it well though, along with your housemate. Staying cool usually works better than freaking out.


Smash Champion
Nov 19, 2007
... That sounds like something you'd see in a comedy, honestly. Must've been creepy as **** though, last night someone was scraping on my door and it freaked me out but they were just shoveling snow (really though, who does that at 2 AM?). You handled it well though, along with your housemate. Staying cool usually works better than freaking out.
Yeah... Like I said, I knew that I had seen him around here before, so I wasn't entirely worried. If it was some stranger that had come into my room and done that........... I wouldn't have been so calm about it. xD

Plus, the fact that he was so drunk made me feel better too. If we had gotten into a fight or something, I could have literally poked him and he'd just fall over.

What REALLY worries me is that someone else could've just walked right into my room, either to steal my stuff, or even worse, to try to hurt me. o-o
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