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Smash Cadet
Jun 5, 2008
Well, I've discovered a bit about this.

It was originally discovered with Mario's cape.
Look: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3h9qu_KjRM

This message was posted in GameFAQs by L0L_FAQ.
well, the falcon wavedash is explainable. alright, see here:

the falcon punch has a very strange hit box. the end of the punch is a "phantom" hitbox, referring to a hitbox that is not disjointed, but individual in it's own right, like throwing an arm at your opponent. not attached to you, but harms if hit. when this is turned around, not only is falcon turned around, but also the phantom hitbox. now, what happens is that:

mario = M
Phantom hitbox = d
Captain Falcon = (

if the positioning was originally


then after being reflected, the positioning is


meaning that the hitbox does not carry over to the other side of falcon, but rather flips and hits falcon himself. however, at this point, the game is plenty confused and thus gives him the damage and trajectory of mario's cape (zero but perfectly horizontal), since thats the attack that smacked the good captain HOWEVER, the effects of the attack remain the same, because the phantom hitbox ALSO hits him, but is not SUPPOSED to, the game puts the knockback there, since the cape itself has NO knockback and SOMETHING has to be there, because that hitbox definitely DIDNT have zero knockback. this is why falcon has his falcon wavedash. now, who can explain THIS phenomenon?
Also, the GameFAQs 45.000.000th topic was about this.
This glitch (with Mario's cape) has several names (Punch-dashing, Falcon-wavedash, Wavepunch...)

So I think it's probably the same physics exploit under another circumstances. Notice how Falcon kill himself in the Sheik vid (that could be possible if the FP was aerial, but Falcon was in the ground), but in the Mario's cape vid he slides the entire length of FD while doing the punch. It would be interesting know how this glitch works (we could discover how the Vanishing wind and the FP hitboxes are), and C. Falcon 2vs2 metagame could be improved a bit (c'mon, he's the worst character in the game, every little discovery helps him).

Also, I heard this glitch works also with Jigglypuff's Sing.

EDIT: The Sheik vid doesn't work... Can anyone upload it again? [Replay file]
EDIT2: It works now...


Smash Journeyman
Aug 31, 2008
Duluth, GA
While it makes sense with mario situation, but i know with zelda it only pushes you back, doesn't flip you over like mario's cape, so why is it doing the flip here?
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